Learning Objectives: ASM Rescuing the SELF
- Assess the client’s lack development of self which has led to a void of emotional experience
- Develop the client’s felt sense of their own boundaries
- Apply AEDP skills in the areas of State 2 (the processing of emotional experience)
- Determine the difference between defenses and lack of emotional experience
- Demonstrate the use of moment to moment tracking
- Evaluate repressed or unprocessed emotions
- Practice skills with working with parts as well as with Portrayals
- Assess the client´s receptive capacity for their own will and desire
- Support transformance-based phenomena, glimmers of aliveness in the darkest places of emotional isolation/exclusion
- Practice opportunities to encourage the client´s autonomy
- Distinguish tremulousness from maladaptive experience
- Develop the client’s felt sense of their own boundaries