Therapists included in this directory are listed according to their level of training in AEDP (i.e. roughly number of AEDP training hours); AEDP Level does not correlate to the therapist’s overall experience as a clinician. To learn more about AEDP Levels, click here.
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Kari Gleiser, PhD, completed her doctoral work at Boston University and her internship through Dartmouth Medical School with a focus on trauma and PTSD. In her practice, she specializes in applying AEDP to the treatment of complex trauma, dissociative disorders and personality disorders. Dr. Gleiser is the co-founder and co-director of the Center for Integrative Health in Hanover, New Hampshire, a trauma center dedicated to multi-modal healing of mind, body and spirit. She has served a term on the board of directors of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation (NESTTD), where she chaired a committee on education and outreach. In collaboration with Jerry Lamagna, Dr. Gleiser has developed an “intra-relational” model of therapy, which imports AEDP’s relational and experiential interventions to patients’ internal systems of dissociated self-states. Dr. Gleiser has written several clinical papers and book chapters and has presented on applying AEDP to treat dissociative disorders at various international conferences.