Transformance Journal: Last Name: Hanakawa

Yuko Hanakawa, PhD

Yuko Hanakawa, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York City. She was “raised” by AEDP from the very beginning of her career. While a doctoral student at Adelphi University, she met Dr. Diana Fosha who was a faculty member. Dr. Hanakawa has been captivated by the unfolding process of healing and growth that AEDP powerfully facilitates ever since.

Dr. Hanakawa has been particularly interested in the body-mind connection, memory reconsolidation, and the role of positive emotions in the process of transformation. Her paper, “Receiving Loving Gratitude: How a Therapist’s Mindful Embrace of a Patient’s Gratitude Facilitates Transformance,” was published in the AEDP Transformance Journal, in 2011.  In addition to being trained by Dr. Fosha, she was in small group supervision with Dr. Jenna Osiason, (Read More…)