Transformance Journal: Last Name: Marsolais

Miriam Marsolais, PhD

Miriam Marsolais, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Jungian Analyst in Berkeley, California.  She served as AEDP Faculty from 2014 until  2018, when she transitioned to her current role as AEDP Faculty Emerita & Supervisor. In addition to her private clinical practice, Dr. Marsolais provides supervision to therapists wishing to train in AEDP and the certified AEDP therapists on the Supervisor Certification track. In supervision Miriam emphasizes moment-to-moment awareness of patients’ and supervisees’ internal states, both during therapy sessions and while watching clinical video.  In this way supervisees learn to recognize how their own internal states affect their clinical responses.  They develop skills needed to employ the most effective AEDP interventions moment-to-moment in each stage of AEDP therapy

As a young adult Dr. Marsolais performed as a violinist, was a nun and taught high school science and mathematics. Following a near-fatal burn injury, her life took a major turn and her passions were redirected towards the study of history,psychology and Eastern (Read More…)