Transformance Journal: Last Name: Pessoa-Mendes

Gabriela Pessoa-Mendes, BA

Gabriela is an AEDP certified clinical Psychologist and Supervisor. She has been dedicated to studying AEDP in Brazil since 2008, but it was through in-person courses in NY – Immersion (2013), ES1 (2016/ 2017) and Advanced Skills (2017/ 2018) – that she became even more delighted with the practice of the model. “Listening to Diana, it became clear to me that I was delighted beyond a model of therapy; it resonated with who I am in life.” Gabi brings an embodied AEDP presence to her work – a sense of safety, openness, curiosity, and genuine care to her clients and supervisees. Her expertise in working with trauma in psychotherapy, or doing supervision, shines through her focus on the bottom-up experience – privileging relational and somatic/emotional work.

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