APA Video Publications

Through lectures and video of often vivid and intimate clinical work, we can learn and discover from one another how to hear and motivate patients and lead them toward healing, growth and the experience of transformance. Here you can view AEDP Faculty in real clinical sessions in videos produced in collaboration with the American Psychological Association (APA).

All videos are available for purchase as DVDs or can be accessed to stream by clicking the purchase links below.

APA Psychotherapy Training Videos are intended solely for educational purposes for mental health professionals. Viewers are expected to treat confidential material found herein according to strict professional guidelines. Unauthorized viewing is prohibited.

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Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy for Complex Trauma
With Kari A. Gleiser, PhD (Nov 2020)

Complex trauma is ongoing abuse, neglect and abandonment by primary caregivers in childhood. The trauma often continues into adulthood, as survivors relate to themselves and others through the lens of attachment and emotional templates laid down by abusive and neglectful interactions with early caregivers.

Dissociation is not uncommon in survivors of complex, developmental trauma. It is also not uncommon for individuals who have suffered from trauma to experience a fragmented sense of self in order to survive the terror and unbearable aloneness of the trauma. Therefore, effective trauma therapy must address the client’s experience, holistically, in order to help the client towards effective transformation and recovery.

In this video program, Dr. Mary Jean Kane interviews Dr. Kari A. Gleiser about her therapeutic approach that combines intra-relational interventions with AEDP’s attachment-experiential interventions. During the therapy session*, Dr. Gleiser demonstrates her approach to therapy by fostering secure attachment with intra-relational interventions to help a middle-aged female client who is suffering from the memory of her father’s suicide.

This session features a client portrayed by an actor on the basis of a composite of different cases

The First Session in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy
With Karen Kranz, PhD, R Psych (Sept 2020)

In this video program, Dr. Karen Kranz demonstrates her approach to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, or AEDP, during the first session with a client. Engaging with the client emotionally, AEDP is a method that aims to provide a safe and secure attachment relationship with a trusted therapist and is co-created through dyadic affect regulation and undoing the client’s feelings of isolation.

Dr. Kranz’ approach to AEDP also emphasizes healing-oriented outcomes as opposed to pathology. Within this safe relationship, clients are helped to engage an innate transformational experience and express emotions that may have once been previously considered to be too overwhelming to experience alone.

In the therapy demonstration, Dr. Kranz works with the client to embrace a transformative healing change, from a core neurobiological standpoint.Buy it Now

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy for Relationship Issues
With Ronald J. Frederick, PhD (June 2020)

Many presenting issues, from psychopathology to anxiety to relationship issues, can result from an individual having been alone in the face of overwhelming and painful emotions. The core of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) is helping clients experience previously feared-to-be-unbearable emotions in the context of an emotionally engaged, therapeutic relationship, and subsequently processing these emotions to completion.

This process releases adaptive tendencies and provides the central agent of change in AEDP as clients regain access to resources and resilience that have been unavailable because of their emotional defenses.

In this video program, Dr. Ron Frederick demonstrates how to use AEDP with a client who is experiencing relationships issues. In the session, Dr. Frederick works with a lesbian, Latinx woman who is unhappy in her current relationship. Watch as he emphasizes emotional regulation and processing, taking special care to help the client work with feelings she has long defended against experiencing.

Working With Trauma in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy
With SueAnne Piliero, PhD (April 2020)

A traumatic experience, as perceived through the lens of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP), is the result of being left alone with an overwhelming emotional experience. To help clients who are dealing with the effects of such trauma, AEDP emphasizes the co-construction of a therapeutic relationship that includes establishing a secure attachment bond between the therapist and client and exploration of the affective traumatic experience.

This nonpathologizing, attachment and emotion transformation-focused psychotherapy places the somatic — the bodily sense — of the emotional experience at the center of how change is fostered. Therapy involves allowing the client to safely experience and process the emotion from past trauma within a deeply caring relationship.

In this video, Dr. SueAnne Piliero demonstrates this approach with an older African-American woman who has suffered major complex traumatic experiences throughout her life.

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Over Time
With Diana Fosha, PhD (Sept 2019)

Aloneness in the face of overwhelming emotion is at the center of emotional suffering. Undoing aloneness is thus key to being able to process the emotions of trauma and reap the benefits of the adaptive resources that come with those emotions.

AEDP (accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy) is a healing-oriented, mind–body psychotherapy that seeks to put positive neuroplasticity into action, undo the client’s aloneness, and cocreate a safe relationship as early in the therapeutic relationship as possible. Thus accompanied, and with the dyadic affect regulation of what formerly was too much to deal with, the client can process those overwhelming emotions.

Characteristic AEDP interventions include being on the lookout for glimmers of healing, undoing the client’s isolation, and using metatherapeutic processing to work through the experience of transformation to systematically support the client’s flourishing, resilience, and well-being.

Over the course of six therapy sessions, Dr. Diana Fosha demonstrates AEDP’s intimate, moment-to-moment work with a client suffering from intense unresolved traumatic emotions. In their work together, Dr. Fosha helps the client not only experientially process negative emotions, she also uses metatherapeutic processing to systematically work with the client’s positive emotions to make the most their potential.

AEDP has been described as a model of therapy that transforms emotional suffering into flourishing: We witness that in this 6-session therapy.

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) Supervision

With Diana Fosha, PhD (June 2016)

In Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) Supervision, Dr. Diana Fosha demonstrates how the supervisory model for this healing-oriented transformational approach incorporates many of the key principles used in the therapy itself.

Aspects of AEDP supervision include creating safety for the therapist and supervisee, undoing the therapist and supervisee’s aloneness, fostering a therapeutic alliance that helps both therapist and supervisee become skilled in detecting transformation, and using an affirmative orientation.

In this program, Dr. Fosha and her supervisee engage in a supervisory session, and host Dr. Hanna Levenson interviews them about their work together, discussing the supervision model with illustrative clips from the demonstration session.

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy

With Diana Fosha, PhD (2007)

Available for Streaming Only

In Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), Dr. Diana Fosha demonstrates her healing-centered treatment approach, which aims to capitalize on the client’s natural, adaptive, wired-in capacities for healing and transformation. AEDP integrates experiential and relational elements within an affect-centered psychodynamic framework, with the somatic experience of affect in relationship and the moment-to-moment regulation of this experience as the focus of clinical aims to bring about change.

In this session, Dr. Fosha works with a young woman who comes to treatment for help with an unsatisfying marriage. The client is worried that her 3-year-old daughter is being harmed by watching the conflict between the parents. Working to rapidly overcome the client’s defenses and fear of emotional closeness, Dr. Fosha helps the client experience and process her deep grief, hurt, and sadness over her own early experiences of being parented. The client experiences a healing transformation and thus accesses confidence in herself and in her own resources.