Written and Edited by Founder & Director Diana Fosha, PhD
Undoing Aloneness & the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0
Edited by Diana Fosha, PhD (2021)

“In Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0, Diana Fosha and her colleagues document the evolving nature of AEDP as a therapeutic model. In the 20 years since Fosha introduced AEDP, it has attracted thousands of therapists and improved the lives of thousands of clients. In this edited volume the reader is able to grasp the power of AEDP as a treatment model, to appreciate the intellectual scope of the theoretical and empirical bases, and to explore its broad clinical implications.” – Stephen W. Porges, PhD, Distinguished University Scientist, Founding Director, Traumatic Stress Research Consortium, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University Bloomington; Professor of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This book updates clinical guidance and theory for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), an approach that gives patients corrective emotional and relational experiences that mobilize changes in the brain.
Practitioners of AEDP understand psychopathology as a byproduct of internal working models, born out of insecure attachment experiences, that now thwart adaptive functioning in adulthood. The goal of AEDP is to be therapeutically present with patients and their pain and to guide them to have a new experience—a good experience—thus rewiring memory and capacity to reflect. Updates to the AEDP approach (moving it into its second iteration, or “2.0”) leverage emerging findings from the field of affective neuroscience to enhance individuals’ healing and transformation.
The authors demonstrate the power of relational work by sharing excerpts and analysis of clinical session transcripts. In each chapter, they engage different aspects of the AEDP model to show how emotional suffering can be transformed into adaptive connection, even for individuals with histories of neglect, abuse, and complex trauma.
The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development & Clinical Practice (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
Edited By Diana Fosha, Daniel J. Siegel & Marion Solomon (2009)
“A masterful panoramic view of emotion. This is an important and superbly done book, especially strong in balancing the clinical with the scientific.”
― Daniel N. Stern, MD, Honorary Professor of Psychology, University of Geneva, author, The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life
In this addition to the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology, leading neuroscientists, developmental psychologists, therapy researchers, and clinicians illuminate how to regulate emotion in a healthy way. A variety of emotions are examined, drawing on research and clinical observations. The role of emotion in bodily regulation, dyadic connection, marital communication, play, well-being, health, creativity, and social engagement is explored. This book offers fresh, exciting, original, and groundbreaking work from leading figures in the field.
Buy it NowTranslated Editions:
Spanish Edition: El Poder Curativo De Las Emociones: Neurociencia Afectiva, Desarrollo, y Practica Clinica Purchase Here
The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change
By Diana Fosha, PhD (2000)
“This is a rich fusion of intellectual rigor, clinical passion, and practical moment-by-moment interventions.”
— goodreads
The first model of accelerated psychodynamic therapy to make the theoretical why as important as the formula for how, Fosha’s original technique for catalyzing change mandates explicit empathy and radical engagement by the therapist to elicit and harness the patient’s own healing affects. Its wide-open window on contemporary relational and attachment theory ushers in a safe, emotionally intense, experience-based pathway for processing previously unbearable feelings. This is a rich fusion of intellectual rigor, clinical passion, and practical moment-by-moment interventions.
Buy it NowTranslated Editions:
Japanese Edition: 人を育む愛着と感情の力 AEDPによる感情変容の理論と実践
Translation Supervisors: Diana Fosha, Shigeru Iwakabe, Yuko Hanakawa, Tetsuo Fukushima, Yoko Sawamiya and Hiroyuki Myoki, Translators, Yoko Kadowaki and Yumi Morita Purchase Here
Spanish Edition: El Poder Transformador de Los Afectos: Modelo Para Un Cambio Acelerado Purchase Here
あなたのカウンセリングがみるみる変わる! 感情を癒す実践メソッド (Japanese) | Transforming Your Counseling Skills: A Practical Method to Heal Emotions
By Yuko Hanakawa (2020)
“Why is it difficult to nurture relationships and emotions?” “Is client-centeredness misunderstood?” “Are all attachment experiences about dependency?” “Who fears emotions – the client or the therapist?” ― If you are a therapist, you will find answers to these questions right here! This book explains affect-focused, attachment theory-based, and transformance-driven AEDP theory and techniques, particularly moment-to-moment tracking, in an easy-to-understand manner with actual clinical examples. This is a therapist’s guide to taking a step forward and helping you gently support your changing client!
Buy it NowLoving Like You Mean It: Use the Power of Emotional Mindfulness to Transform Your Relationships
By Ronald J. Frederick (2019)
A 2019 Nautilus Silver Book Award Winner
You can’t fix what you don’t see. But with awareness and the right tools, real change can and does happen.
No matter how hard we try, many of us struggle to make love work with our partners. The problem, as clinical psychologist Dr. Ron Frederick explains, is that our brains are running on outdated software. Without us knowing it, our early relationship programming causes us to fear being more emotionally present and authentic with our partners precisely what’s needed to build loving connections. But we don’t have to remain prisoners to our past.
Grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and attachment theory, Loving Like You Mean It shares a proven four-step approach to use emotional mindfulness to break free from old habits, befriend your emotional experience, and develop new ways of relating. The capacity for deep, loving connections is inside all of us, waiting to come out. By practicing the science behind loving like you mean it, your relationships can be fuller and richer than you ever imagined.
Buy it NowIt’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self
By Hilary Jacobs Hendel (2018)
A 2018 Nautilus Silver Book Award Winner, 2018 Best Book Award Winner!
In It’s Not Always Depression (foreword by Diana Fosha) Hilary Jacobs Hendel presents therapists and lay people with a tool she calls the Change Triangle: a guide to carry you from disconnection back to your true self. Readers learn to identify the defenses and inhibitory emotions: shame, anxiety, and guilt that prevent them from being in touch with their core emotions: joy, anger, sadness, fear, and excitement and move to an openhearted state. Through moving, persuasive stories of working the Change Triangle with her own patients, Hendel teaches us all how to apply these principles to our everyday lives. The book has been translated into multiple languages including Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and more!
Buy it NowTranslated Editions:
Japanese Edition: 「うつ」と決めつけないで ほんとうの自分とつながる「変容の三角形」ワーク
Translation Supervisor: Hiroyuki Ide, Translator: Shiho Yamauchi Purchase Here
Supervision Essentials for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy
(Clinical Supervision Essentials)
By Natasha C. N. Prenn and Diana Fosha (2016)
Utilizing insights from attachment theory and research in neuroplasticity, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) clinicians help clients unearth, explore and process core feelings in order to transform anxiety and defensiveness into long-lasting, positive change. In this book, AEDP founders and leaders Natasha C.N. Prenn and Diana Fosha offer a model of clinical supervision that is based on the AEDP approach. Using close observation of videotaped sessions, AEDP supervisors model a strong focus on here-and-now interactions, with a full awareness of affective resonance, empathy, and dyadic affect regulation phenomena. The goal is to offer trainees a visceral, transformative experience that complements their growing intellectual understanding of how change occurs in AEDP.
Buy it NowTranslated Editions:
Japanese Edition: AEDPスーパービジョン 実践ガイドブック カウンセラーの孤独を打ち消し勇気を引き出すアプローチ, Translation Supervisors: Shigeru Iwakabe, Yuko Hanakawa, Wakako Yamazaki, Purchase Here
Restoring Resilience: Discovering Your Clients’ Capacity for Healing
By Eileen Russell (2015)

People enter therapy not just because they’re stuck and struggling, but also because they’re ready and hopeful for change. That readiness is a manifestation of each person’s innate resilience, their capacity to work on their own behalf to heal. Without discounting pathology, Russell offers that building from what’s going right is the best way to help. Drawing on interpersonal neurobiology, affect regulation research, and a number of theoretical orientations, this book will help therapists discover the potential for resilience in clients and help them cultivate it for lasting change.
Buy it NowLiving Like You Mean It: Use the Wisdom and Power of Your Emotions to Get the Life You Really Want
By Ronald J. Frederick (2009)
In this book, Frederick brilliantly describes why people are so afraid of their emotions and how this fear creates a variety of problems in their lives. While the problems are different, the underlying issue is often the same. At the core of their distress is what Dr. Frederick refers to as “feelings phobia”. Whether it’s the experience of love, joy, anger, sadness, or surprise, our inborn ability to be a fully feeling person has been hijacked by fear—and it’s fear that is keeping us from a better life.
The strategies in this book offer more than a quick fix. They are based on cutting-edge research about how the brain works, develops, and changes. As such, they’ll not only help you feel more alive, vital, and present in your life, but will fundamentally change the way your brain works. In fact, recent empirical studies out of Linköping University in Stockholm, Sweden, found the Living Like You Mean It program to be an effective treatment for overcoming anxiety, depression, and social anxiety.
Buy it NowTranslated Editions:
Japanese Edition: 感情を癒やし、あなたらしく生きる4つのステップ
Translation Supervisor: Yuko Hanakawa, Translator: Natsumi Takeda, Purchase Here