AEDP Psychotherapy

There is no better way to capture the ethos of AEDP than to say this: we try to help our patients and ourselves become stronger at the broken places. By working with trauma, loss, and painful consequences, we discover places that have always been strong, places that were never broken.

Diana Fosha
PhD, Developer of AEDP Psychotherapy and Director of AEDP Institute

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Undoing Aloneness
Our ‘true self’ emerges by fully experiencing and processing our emotions in the presence of a ‘true other’.

— Diana Fosha, PHD

The AEDP Community

AEDP Around the World

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Become a Member

Reap the benefits of closer connection with our referral network, clinical discussion listserv, discounts and more!

Committees & Working Groups

Steering Committee, Psychedelics Group, the Vision Collective, Diversity (DBE&I) Committee and more.

Experiential Assisting (EALC)

Join the EALC – Experiential Assistant Learning Community – and take your AEDP skills and service to the next level.

Exploring the Landscape

Research Publications

Breakthrough research has demonstrated the effectiveness of AEDP™ psychotherapy which is now officially designated as Evidence Supported.

Transformance Journal

Transformance is devoted to publishing what is cutting-edge in AEDP theory, research and clinical practice.

Clinical Discussion Listserv

Support and promote discussion, communication and learning about the theory and practice of the AEDP model of psychotherapy among Members of the AEDP Institute
