Become a Member
Enhance your clinical practice, expand your professional network and save on trainings.

The Value of an AEDP Membership
Being an AEDP member connects you to a global community dedicated to advancing therapeutic excellence. Membership provides exclusive access to resources like the referral Network, AEDP journals and Transformance talks, along with discounts on training, workshops, and events to enhance your clinical skills. The AEDP Listserv fosters rich clinical discussions and professional networking.
Member Benefits
Referral Network
The AEDP Referral Network connects members of the AEDP community with individuals seeking therapy from AEDP-trained professionals allowing potential clients to find therapists who practice AEDP and align with its principles. Being part of this network signifies a dedication to AEDP’s transformative model and provides a trusted resource for those in search of specialized care.
Clinical Listserv
The AEDP Clinical Listserv serves as an engaging platform for AEDP therapists to share clinical insights, ask questions, and connect with a vibrant community of professionals. It fosters rich discussions, offers valuable peer support, and encourages knowledge sharing related to AEDP practice. By participating, members gain a deeper understanding of the model while building relationships with like-minded clinicians.
Therapist Directory
The AEDP Directory serves as a comprehensive global resource connecting individuals and fellow therapists with AEDP practitioners across the United States, Canada, and worldwide. Full Members can personalize their listings with detailed experience and expertise, making their profiles discoverable to potential clients seeking AEDP therapy in their region.
Transformance Talks
Transformance Talks (a member favorite!) delivers live, interactive webinars featuring AEDP Institute members discussing articles from Transformance Journal. Faculty and authors present their work exploring AEDP theory, research, and clinical techniques. These one-hour sessions include Q&A periods. While reading featured articles beforehand enhances participation, it’s optional.
Save on Trainings
AEDP Full Members have exclusive access to cost savings across the organization’s educational offerings, including Essential Skills and Advanced Skills courses, specialized seminars and On Demand trainings. Members can easily access these discounts by signing into their accounts during registration. membership benefits enhance affordability of professional development.
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Membership Types
One Year Full Professional
Full Membership $130
One Year Full Retired Professional
Retired Membership $65