Articles and Book Chapters

Book Chapters (chronological order)

Ronen-Setter, I. H. (2025). Arcs of transformation: Taxonomy of affective change using accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy. Practice Innovations. Advance online publication.

Medley, B. (2024).  Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP): A Model of Change and Transformation. in Senreich, E., Straussner, S.L.A., & Dann, J. (Eds.).  Experiential Therapies for Treating Trauma (1st ed.). Routledge.

Fosha, D.  & Gleiser, K. (in press as of Aug. 2019). The embodied language of integrative states: Unmaligning much maligned language in experiential therapy. In G. L.  Schiewer, J. Altarriba, & Chin Ng, B.  (Eds.). Handbook on language and emotion. De Gruyter Mouton

Fosha, D. (2017). Something More than “Something More than Interpretation:” AEDP Works the Experiential Edge of Transformational Experience to Transform the Internal Working Model. In S. Lord (Ed). Moments of Meeting in Psychoanalysis: Interaction and Change in the Therapeutic Encounter. Chapter 15. New York: Routledge. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D. (2017). How to be a Transformational Therapist: AEDP Harnesses Innate Healing Affects to Re-wire Experience and Accelerate Transformation. In J. Loizzo, M. Neale & E. Wolf, (Eds). Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Transformation. Chapter 14 (pp. 204-219). New York: Norton. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D. (2013). Turbocharging the Affects of Healing and Redressing the Evolutionary Tilt. In D. J. Siegel & Marion F. Solomon (Eds). Healing Moments in Psychotherapy. Chapter 8 (pp. 129-168). New York: Norton. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Tunnell, G. (2012). Gay Male Couple Therapy: An Attachment-Based Model. In J. J. Bigner & J. L. Wetchler (Eds.), Handbook of LGBT-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy. London: Routledge. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Ecker, B., Ticic, R., & Hulley, L. (2012). Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation. New York, London: Routledge  [Has a (sub)chapter on AEDP and mentions it throughout] (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Tunnell, G. (2011). An Attachment Perspective on the First Interview. In C. Silverstein (Ed.), The Initial Psychotherapy Interview: A Gay Man Seeks Treatment. New York: Elsevier Insight Books. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Tunnell, G. (2011). An Attachment Perspective on the First Interview. In C. Silverstein (Ed.), The Initial Psychotherapy Interview: A Gay Man Seeks Treatment. New York: Elsevier Insight Books. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha D. (2009). Emotion and Recognition at Work: Energy, Vitality, Pleasure, Truth, Desire & the Emergent Phenomenology of Transformational Experience. In D. Fosha, D. J. Siegel & M. F. Solomon (Eds.),  The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development, Clinical Practice (pp. 172-203). New York: Norton. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D. (2009) Healing Attachment Trauma with Attachment (and then some!) In M. Kerman (Ed.) Clinical Pearls of Wisdom: 21 Leading Therapists Offer their Key Insights New York: Norton. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D., Paivio, S. C., Gleiser, K. & Ford, J. (2009). Experiential and Emotion-Focused Therapy. In C. Courtois & J. D. Ford (Eds.), Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Clinician’s Guide. Chapter 14,  pp. 286-311. New York: Guilford Press. (Go to Researchgate page for the book)

Prenn, N. (2009). I Second That Emotion! On Self-Disclosure and Its Metaprocessing. In A. Bloomgarden and R. B. Mennuti (Eds.), Psychotherapist Revealed: Therapists Speak About Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy. New York: Routledge. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D. (2007). Transformance, Recognition of Self by Self, and Effective Action. In K. J. Schneider, (Ed.) Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy: Guideposts to the Core of Practice New York: Routledge. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D., & Yeung, D. (2006). AEDP exemplifies the seamless integration of emotional transformation and dyadic relatedness at work. In G. Stricker & J. Gold (Eds.), A Casebook of Psychotherapy Integration. Washington DC: APA Press. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D. (2003). Dyadic Regulation and Experiential Work with Emotion and Relatedness in Trauma and Disordered Attachment. In M. F. Solomon & D. J. Siegel (Eds.). Healing Trauma: Attachment, Mind, Body, and Brain. New York: Norton. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Fosha, D. (2002). The activation of affective change processes in AEDP. In J. J. Magnavita (Ed.). Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy. Vol. 1: Psychodynamic and Object Relations Psychotherapies New York: John Wiley & Sons. (Go to Amazon page for the book)

Journals (chronological order)

Silvan, J. (2020) Bottom-up gratitude: An AEDP approach. Psychotherapy Networker.

Harrison, R. L. (2020). Termination in 16-session accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP): Together in how we say goodbye. Psychotherapy, 57(4), 531–547

Hanakawa, Y., (2020). Treating emotional pain: Creating the safe and secure therapeutic relationship and deepening emotional experienceJapanese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20(3), 301-305.

Ronen‐Setter, I., Cohen E., (2020). Becoming “Teletherapeutic”: Harnessing Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) for Challenges of the Covid‐19 EraJournal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.

McBride H., Joseph A., Schmitt Peter., & Holtz, B. (2020). Clinical recommendations for psychotherapists working during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic through the lens of AEDPCounselling Psychology Quarterly.

Harrison, Richard. (2019) A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Commentary on Paul Blimling’s Case of “James” Integrating Music Listening into AEDPPragmatic Case-Studies in Psychotherapy, Volume 15, Number 2.

Yeung, D., Fosha, D., Ye Perman, J. & Xu, Y. (2019). After Freud meets Zhuangzi: Stance and the dance of the self-in-transformation with the Other-in-contemplative presencePsychological Communications.   [in Chinese]

Fosha, D., Thoma, N. & Yeung, D. (2019). Transforming emotional suffering into flourishing: Metatherapeutic processing of positive affect as a trans-theoretical vehicle for changeCounseling Psychology Quarterly.

Fosha, D. (2018). Introduction to commentaries on sociocultural identity, trauma treatment, and AEDP through the lens of bilingualism in the case of “Rosa.” Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, Volume 14, Module 2, Article 2, pp. 115-130. .


Fosha, D. (2018). Moment-to-moment guidance of clinical interventions by AEDP’s healing-oriented transformational phenomenology: Commentary on Vigoda Gonzalez’s (2018) case of “Rosa.” Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, Volume 14, Module 2, Article 1, pp. 87-114.


Markin, R. D.,  McCarthy, K. S., Fuhrman, A., Yeung, D., & Gleiser, K. A. (2018). The process of change in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP): A case study analysis. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 28 (2), 213-232.

Medley, B. (2021). Recovering the true self: Affirmative therapy, attachment, and AEDP in psychotherapy with gay menJournal of Psychotherapy Integration, 31(4), 383–402.

Riggs Skean, K. (2018). AEDP and cultural competence in developmental trauma treatmentPragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, Volume 14, Module 2, Article 3, pp. 131-137.

Rodriguez, R. (2018). The case of “Rosa”: Exploring socio-cultural identities in treatmentPragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, Volume 14, Module 2, Article 3, pp. 131-137.



Vigoda Gonzales, N. V. (2018). The case of “Rosa;” Reflections on the treatment of a survivor of relational trauma:  Pragmatic Case Studies in PsychotherapyVolume 14, Module 1, Article 4, pp. 77-86.

Urquiza Mendoza, Y. (2018). The case of “Rosa”: The importance of specificity in our quest to integrate cultural competence in practicePragmatic Case Studies in PsychotherapyVolume 14, Module 2, Article 4, pp. 138-146.


Vigoda Gonzales, N. V. (2018). The merits of integrating Accelerated Experiential Dynamic psychotherapy and cultural competence strategies in the treatment of relational trauma: The case of “Rosa.” Pragmatic Case Studies in PsychotherapyVolume 14, Module 1, Article 1, pp. 1-57.


Williams, M., & Files, N. (2018). Emotion-based psychotherapies in the treatment of eating disorders. In H. L. McBride & J. L. Kwee (Eds.), Embodiment and eating disorders: Theory, research, prevention and treatment (pp. 265-299). Routledge: New York, NY.

Ye-Perman, H. J (2018). The case of “Rosa”: AEDP in the realm of cultural diversity— One’s new language as a vehicle for exploring new aspects of identityPragmatic Case Studies in PsychotherapyVolume 14, Module 2, Article 5, pp. 147-157.


Iwakabe, S. (2017). Case studies in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP): Reflections on the Case of “Rosa.” Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, Volume 14, Module 1, Article 2, pp. 58-68.  s


Hanakawa, Y. (2017). AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychology,17, 480-481. (in Japanese)

Johansson, R., Hesslow, T., Ljótsson, B.,  Jannson, A.,  Jonnson, l.,  Färdig, S.,   Karlsson, J.,  Hesser, H.,   Frederick, R. J.,    Lilliengren, P., &   Andersson G. (2017). Internet-based affect-focused psychodynamic treatment for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial with 2 year follow upPsychotherapy54 (4), 351-360.

Faerstein, I. & Levenson, H. (2016). Validation of a fidelity scale for accelerated-experiential dynamic psychotherapyJournal of Psychotherapy Integration, 26 (2),  172-185.

Iwakabe, S., & Conceicao, N. (2016).  Metatherapeutic processing as a change-based therapeutic immediacy task:  Building an initial  process model using a task-analytic research strategy.  Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 26 (3), 230-247.

Lilliengren, P., Johansson, R., Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., & Andersson, G. (2016). Efficacy of Experiential Dynamic Therapy for Psychiatric Conditions: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsPsychotherapy53 (1), 90-104.

Simpson, M. L. (2016).  Feeling seen: A pathway to transformation.  International Journal of Transpersonal Studies35 (1), 78-91.

Hendel, H. J. (2015). It’s Not Always DepressionNew York Times, March 10, 2015.

Hendel, H. J. (2015). The Healing Power of Hugs. New York Times, September 1, 2015.

Yeung, D., & Fosha, D. (2015). Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. In The Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy. New York: Sage Publications.

Lehmann, E. (2014).  Integration for increased safety and carrying forward.  In B. Jaison and P. Nowick (Eds.) The Folio: A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy25 (1), 139-151.

Johansson, R., Bjorklund, M., Hornborg, C., Karlsson, S., Hesser, H., Ljótsson, B., Rousseau, A., Frederick, R. J., & Andersson G. (2013). Affect-focused psychodynamic treatment for depression and anxiety through the Internet: a randomized controlled trial. PeerJ 1:e102.

Johansson, R., Frederick, R. J., & Andersson G. (2013). Using the Internet to provide psychodynamic psychotherapy. Psychodynamic Psychiatry.  Dec; 41(4):513-40. doi: 10.1521/pdps.2013.41.4.513.

Fosha, D. (2013). A heaven in a wild flower: self, dissociation, and treatment in the context of the neurobiological core self. Psychoanalytic Inquiry33, 496-523. DOI: 10.108007351690.2013.815067

Fosha, D. (2013). Speculations on emergence: working the edge of transformational experience and neuroplasticityInternational Neuropsychotherapy Magazine, 2013, 1 (1), 120-121. Also in The Neuropsychotherapist, Issue I,

Johansson, R., Hesser, H., Ljótsson, B., Frederick, R. J., & Andersson G. (2012). Transdiagnostic, affect-focused, psychodynamic, guided self-help for depression and anxiety through the Internet: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.  BMJ Open. Dec 19;2(6). pii: e002167. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002167. Print 2012.

Lamagna, J. (2011). Of the Self, by the Self, and for the Self: An Intra-relational Perspective on Intra-psychic Attunement and Psychological Change. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 21 (3), 280–307.

Lipton, B., & Fosha, D. (2011). Attachment as a Transformative Process in AEDP: Operationalizing the Intersection of Attachment Theory and Affective NeuroscienceJournal of Psychotherapy Integration. 21 (3), 253-279.

Prenn, N. (2011). Mind the Gap: AEDP Interventions Translating Attachment Theory into Clinical PracticeJournal of Psychotherapy Integration. 21 (3), 308–329.

Fosha D. (2009). Emotion and recognition at work: energy, vitality, pleasure, truth, desire & the emergent phenomenology of transformational experienceIn D. Fosha, D. J. Siegel & M. F. Solomon (Eds.),  The healing power of emotion: Affective neuroscience, development, clinical practice (pp. 172-203). New York: Norton. Also reprinted in The Neuropsychotherapist. Jul/Sep 2013 (2), 28-51.

Fosha, D. (2009). Positive affects and the transformation of suffering into flourishing. W. C. Bushell, E. L. Olivo, & N. D. Theise (Eds.) Longevity, regeneration, and optimal health: Integrating Eastern and Western perspectives (pp. 252-261). New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Shapiro, S. (2009). It’s Not About YouPsychotherapy Networker Magazine, Jan/Feb 2009, 23-24.

Gleiser, K., Ford, J. D., & Fosha, D. (2008). Exposure and experiential therapies for complex posttraumatic stress disorderPsychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 45 (3), 340-360.

Russell, E., & Fosha, D. (2008). Transformational affects and core state in AEDP: The emergence and consolidation of joy, hope, gratitude and confidence in the (solid goodness of the) self. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 18 (2), 167-190.

Fosha, D. (2007). AEDP: Transformance In ActionConnections & Reflections.

Fosha, D. (2007). “Good Spiraling:” The Phenomenology of Healing and the Engendering of Secure Attachment in AEDPConnections & Reflections. Summer 2007.

Lamagna, J., & Gleiser, K. (2007). Building a secure internal attachment: An intra-relational approach to ego strengthening and emotional processing with chronically traumatized clientsJournal of Trauma and Dissociation. 8 (1), 25-52.

Fosha, D. (2006). Quantum transformation in trauma and treatment: Traversing the crisis of healing changeJournal of Clinical Psychology/In Session. 62 (5), 569-583.

Tunnell, G. (2006). An affirmation approach to treating gay male couplesGroup. 30 (2), 133-151.

Fosha, D. (2005). Emotion, true self, true other, core state: toward a clinical theory of affective change processPsychoanalytic Review. 92 (4), 513-552.

Fosha, D. (2004). Nothing that feels bad is ever the last step:” The role of positive emotions in experiential work with difficult emotional experiences. Special issue on Emotion, L. Greenberg (Ed.). Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 11, 30-43.

Fosha, D. (2004). Brief integrative psychotherapy comes of age: reflectionsJournal of Psychotherapy Integration. 14, 66-92.

Fosha, D. (2001). The dyadic regulation of affectJournal of Clinical Psychology/In Session. 57 (2), 227-242.

Fosha, D. (2001). Trauma reveals the roots of resilience. Special September 11th Issue. Constructivism in the Human Sciences. 6 (1 & 2), 7-15.

Fosha, D. (2001). Change: Emotion, body and relatedness. In A. Guerini, F. Osimo, & M. Bacciagaluppi (Eds.). Core Factors in Experiential Short-Term Dynamic PsychotherapyQuaderni di Psichiatria Pratica. 17/18, 105-116.

Fosha, D. (2000). Meta-therapeutic processes and the affects of transformation: Affirmation and the healing affectsJournal of Psychotherapy Integration. 10, 71-97.

Fosha, D., & Slowiaczek, M. L. (1997). Techniques for accelerating dynamic psychotherapyAmerican Journal of Psychotherapy. 51, 229–251.