Becoming an
AEDP® Certified Supervisor
What you need to know and do to join our esteemed group of Certified Supervisors
Embarking on the path to become an AEDP Certified Supervisor is a transformative journey that elevates your clinical practice and professional standing. This rigorous process not only enhances your therapeutic skills but also positions you to mentor and guide other therapists in their AEDP practice. As you advance through the stages of certification, you’ll experience profound personal and professional growth, deepening your understanding and mastery of AEDP principles. This journey is an opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of both your clients and fellow therapists, contributing to the ever-growing AEDP community.
“AEDP supervisors are taught an expert “recipe” for well-rounded, left-brain and right-brain learning. The same tenets of creating a delicious meal apply to AEDP supervision and training: explicit care, measurement, and balance are key. What is created together is a transformative, visceral, and professionally effective experience that — in one moment — therapeutically strengthens the core self of the therapist, nurturing emergent professional potential, receptive affective capacity, presence and psychological flexibility — and in the next — is infused with AEDP theory and essential skills, connected to the viewing of the videotaped client and session being shared between us”
-Michael Mondoro-
To apply to become an AEDP Certified Supervisor:
First, you must already be an AEDP Certified Therapist and demonstrate the ability to uphold the integrity of the AEDP model.
Complete the application and requirements for becoming a supervisor in training, including experiential assisting and finding 2 Supervisors of Supervision. See all guidelines below:
*Supervisors in Training as of August 1, 2024 are not held to any new requirements and they have the option to choose between a ‘paper’ (pre-August-2024 requirement) and a video of supervision of supervision with microanalysis (new requirement) for their culminating project.
AEDP Supervisor in Training Application:
- Fill out application here and submit to Carolyn at
- have been an Experiential Assistant in a minimum of:
- 1 Immersion and 3 ES1 modules, with good reviews from both course participants and Lead Assistants;
note that by the time you become a Certified Supervisor you will need to have assisted at least 3 more times, again with positive reviews. For non-English speaking candidates and those living in distant time zones: an equivalent amount of course assisting in Institute-recognized trainings (in-person or online) or supervision groups/core trainings OR contact the certification committee to discuss alternatives.
- 1 Immersion and 3 ES1 modules, with good reviews from both course participants and Lead Assistants;
- Read the book, “Supervision Essentials of AEDP” by Natasha Prenn and Diana Fosha.
- Submit an application that includes a self-reflection
- Identify two supervisors of supervision
- at least one of whom is a faculty member- who agree to be your supervisors of supervision for the Supervisor Certification process. Ideally you will work with at least one supervisor who you have not worked with before. If you choose not to do this, please explain why in your application.
Each of your supervisors will need to:
- commit to providing a minimum of 10 hours of supervision of your videotaped supervision sessions (there is no maximum number of hours, whatever is needed for readiness for supervisor certification is the “maximum”)
- complete a joint application form together with the other supervisor and you -the candidate- and submit it to AEDP Administration
- commit to evaluating your progress and giving honest feedback vs. a rubric of requirements
- One of the two supervisors will commit to helping you prepare and to review before submission your Supervisor Certification Culminating Project
Submit the application to become a Supervisor in Training to AEDP Institute: send to Carolyn Fitzgerald: Carolyn will review the application, the EA reviews from your assisting, letter/s from your Lead EA/s and the documentation from your licensing board and insurer if applicable.
If accepted, you will be named a Supervisor in Training. This will be announced on the Listerv and your name will be added to the Supervisor in Training directory(ies) and find a supervisor contact list.
To graduate from Supervisor in Training to Certified Supervisor:
Complete a minimum of 20 hours of supervision of supervision and other requirements including Experiential Assisting and preparing your culminating project.
Submit your Supervisor Certification Culminating Project Guidelines below:
Supervisor Certification Process Requirements
To graduate from Supervisor in Training to Certified Supervisor:
- Complete a minimum of 20 hours of supervision of supervision: at least 10 hours with each of your two supervisors of supervision, at least one of whom is a faculty member. (Note: there is no maximum number of hours. Whatever is needed for readiness for certification is the “maximum.”)
- Upon completion, obtain a written recommendation from each Supervisor stating your readiness to be certified.
- Complete Experiential Assisting in a minimum of 1 Immersion, 5 ES1 modules and 1 Advanced Skills module* (of these, at least the Immersion and 3 ES1’s were required to enter the supervisor in training track.)
- Identify video tape of you supervising that demonstrates, per the rubric, your readiness to be a Certified Supervisor.
- Complete a Culminating Project: a video recording of up to 30 minutes from 1 or 2 videotaped supervision sessions with no more than 2 total edits with an accompanying microanalysis. The microanalysis can be submitted in written format (a time stamped transcript with analysis) or you may submit a 60 – 75 minute zoom video recording of an oral presentation where you present your microanalysis of the screenshared video recorded session(s) to one of your supervisors. For zoom/ oral presentations, be sure to carefully track and verbally “check off” each element of the certification rubric during your discussion.
- Submit your Supervisor Certification Package along with a $300 application fee to Carolyn Fitzgerald (Institute admin) who will forward the package to two reviewers (other faculty/ supervisors). The package will include
- a copy of your application to enter the Supervisor Track +
- a list of the courses/modules where you have been an EA +
- your Culminating Project (video taped session + written transcript with microanalysis OR zoom presentation of your video taped session with oral presentation of the microanalysis) +
- two written recommendations, one from each of your supervisors of supervision
The Institute will assign one or two Faculty members (if available) or one Faculty member and one Supervisor of Supervision not involved in your supervision training or in your prior supervision to review your Culminating Project. If after reviewing it vs. the certification rubric they both determine that you are ready for certification, they will notify Carolyn who will notify your supervisors of supervision. You will: receive a letter of congratulations from them, your Certification will be announced to the community and you will be added to the AEDP Certified Supervisors webpage and Google group.
Some notable changes from the old process to the new one – trying to have a balance between rigor and openness; any obstacles to becoming a supervisor should be meaningful to improving the person’s supervision skills and ensuring the integrity of the role.
Questions? please contact