Becoming an AEDP™ Certified Supervisor

“AEDP supervisors are taught an expert “recipe” for well-rounded, left-brain and right-brain learning. The same tenets of creating a delicious meal apply to AEDP supervision and training: explicit care, measurement, and balance are key. What is created together is a transformative, visceral, and professionally effective experience that — in one moment — therapeutically strengthens the core self of the therapist, nurturing emergent professional potential, receptive affective capacity, presence and psychological flexibility — and in the next — is infused with AEDP theory and essential skills, connected to the viewing of the videotaped client and session being shared between us.”

Michael Mondoro, LCSW 

What you need to know and do to join our esteemed group of Certified Supervisors

Embarking on the path to become an AEDP Certified Supervisor is a transformative journey that elevates your clinical practice and professional standing. This rigorous process not only enhances your therapeutic skills but also positions you to mentor and guide other therapists in their AEDP practice. As you advance through the stages of certification, you’ll experience profound personal and professional growth, deepening your understanding and mastery of AEDP principles. This journey is an opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of both your clients and fellow therapists, contributing to the ever-growing AEDP community.

Summary (download the full guidelines below for all necessary details)

Click to Download Certified Supervisor Guidelines and Application to Become a Supervisor In Training

To apply to become an AEDP Certified Supervisor:

  1. Become an AEDP Certified Therapist and demonstrate the ability to uphold the integrity of the AEDP model.
  2. Complete the application and requirements for becoming a Supervisor in Training, including experiential assisting and finding 2 Supervisors of Supervision.

To graduate from Supervisor in Training to Certified Supervisor:

  1. Complete a minimum of 20 hours of supervision of supervision and other requirements including Experiential Assisting and preparing your culminating project.
  2. Submit your Supervisor Certification Culminating Project.

Questions? please contact

Thanks to the Steering Committee and the Certification Committee for their work on the new guidelines.

Click to Download Certified Supervisor Guidelines