Fudge, Brittni
The long and short of it is that I work with people who want to change. They’re sick of their old ways and of the repeating patterns of hurt that show up in their relationship with themselves and others. Whether these patterns are spurred by trauma, relational trauma and losses, depression, anxiety, or codependency issues, we work together to heal the root of the problem.
Using AEDP, EMDR, Pia Mellody's Post-Induction Therapy (PIT), & Brene Brown’s work on shame and vulnerability, our work together can help you resolve the ROOT of the problem so that counseling becomes a CURE, RATHER THAN A BANDAID, thus preventing future pain & chaos. To avoid a game of phone tag you can schedule your call at https://kindred-counseling.clientsecure.me
Phone: 303-868-4207
Email: hello@kindred-counseling.com
City: Denver
State: Colorado
Country: United States
Level: AEDP Level 1