Hutcheson, Galen
Galen is a Registered Clinical Counsellor, Art Therapist, leadership development specialist, certified coach, teacher, workshop facilitator and yoga teacher living in Vancouver, British Columbia.
In addition to her own practice, Galen is an Associate Faculty Member for the MEd in School Counselling at City University and works with clients, Early Childhood Educators and teachers to bring relational, resiliency informed, compassion focused, and inclusive learning, teaching and art practices and principles into organizations, classrooms and communities.
Galen is an integrationist who works at the intersection of psychotherapy, contemplative practice and neuroscience via an eclectic practice. The way we work together is collaborative and customized, informed by developmental attachment & family systems theory, compassion focused and mindfulness practices, systems theory, and accelerated experiential dynamic processing (AEDP).
Phone: 604-317-5185
City: Vancouver
State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3