Jackson, Jennifer

Jackson, Jennifer

Jennifer Jackson, LCSW is a licensed therapist with over 20 years of experience. Along with her private practice, she works in an agency setting and as faculty in academia. She is a level II AEDP therapist with a long history of experience in trauma informed and focused clinical work, teaching and supervising. Jennifer brings care, warmth and humor to those she offers therapy and supervision to and is committed to serving the Black diaspora. She specializes in relational trauma, generational trauma, sociocultural trauma and complex trauma. Jennifer's approach to therapeutic work is to create new experiences that embody healing, transformance, and vibrancy. The goal is for you to live freely and fully and to reconnect to your inherent power so you can experience lasting and durable change in ways that are right for you. https://jenniferjacksonlcsw.com/

Phone: 510-239-3662
Email: jjackson.lcsw@gmail.com
City: Oakland
State: California
Country: United States