Neufeld, Andrew

Neufeld, Andrew

There’s also an old adage in psychology education, and that is that we go into the field to figure out our own “stuff.” I can’t speak for everyone in the field, but I can speak for me and say firmly that this is absolutely true of my journey. I remember my first experience with depression at age 6. I remember struggling to find my way through my teen years and into adulthood, feeling out of place and lost, and alone. I’m fortunate in that I no longer struggle with those darkest of days, but it doesn’t mean I won’t in future or that I don’t still struggle with things like an anxiety disorder, because I might, and I do.

The journey through mental health is an up and down journey and it starts and stops, turns and dips, and sometimes, even runs around in circles. Mental health and other struggles in life are something that anyone can struggle with, regardless of our background, or income, or degrees, or otherwise. Whether you have $30 to your name, or $300 million, life is still life. We all have joys, we all have struggles. We all have triumphs and successes, and we have our fears and failures.

I’ve spent over 20 years educating myself on what makes us human, what makes us unique, and what helps us move forward. I’ve worked with kids, youth, adults, couples, families, and businesses; I’ve lived in Canada and the United States, the UK, Eastern Europe, and spent a lot of time in other places around the world. What I’ve learned is that no matter where we are, what we struggle with, and who we are, it is relationships that transform lives.

I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Approved Clinical Supervisor with the BCACC (RCC-ACS), Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and Approved Supervisor (Qualifying) with the CAMFT (RMFT-SQ). He has trained in Gottman Method (Level 1 and 2), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), EMDR, AEDP, and many other approaches. My hope is we'll find a fit that works for you, and for me and we'll get to form one of these transformational relationships AEDP speaks about that changes our lives, together.

Phone: 604-283-7827x701
City: Delta
State: British Columbia
Country: Canada