Reitknecht, Desiree

Reitknecht, Desiree

Desirée Reitknecht MFT is therapist in New Jersey and California. Her telehealth mental health services treat adults and couples seeking help with anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. Her psychotherapy approach uses AEDP, Relational Theory, somatic embodiment techniques, mindfulness, sensory awareness and grounding techniques as effective strategies to manage stress and improve communication in relationships.

Princeton, New Jersey United States


Ren, Han

Ren, Han

Attachment-oriented and relationship-focused, I’m a psychologist specializing in Asian-Americans, anxiety, and perfectionism. Please visit my website to learn more about me and how I may be of service.

Austin, Texas United States


Rennicke, Courtney

Rennicke, Courtney

I am a AEDP Level III therapist and a Certified Trainer in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (Dan Hughes Model of attachment focused family therapy). I am passionate about putting attachment theory to work!

New York City, New York United States


Reyero, Tina

Reyero, Tina

“To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes.”-Pema Chodron I am a licensed clinical mental health counselor. I believe in AEDP while supporting client’s healing through loving-kindness and care. In addition I have experience with expressive arts therapies.

Colorado Springs, Colorado United States


Reyna Kahan Psychotherapy

Reyna Kahan Psychotherapy


New York City, New York United States


Reynolds, Grace

Reynolds, Grace

I am a Nationally Certified Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate in the state of Colorado (LPCC.0016965). I hold an MA in Counseling from the University of Colorado Denver, as well as an MA in Food Studies from New York University. I specialize in attachment-based therapies, including Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and Accelerated […]

Boulder, Colorado United States


Reynolds, Theo

Reynolds, Theo

12 years of experience. Trained in Somatic Experiencing, CBT, Couples Therapy.

Oakland, California United States


Rich, Susan, PhD, C.Psych.

Rich, Susan, PhD, C.Psych.

Ottawa, Ontario Canada


Richard Doleman, LMFT

Richard Doleman, LMFT

Santa Rosa, California United States


Richard Harrison, PhD

Richard Harrison, PhD

, British Columbia Canada


Richards, Amanda

Richards, Amanda

Trauma informed AEDP Registered Therapeutic Counsellor ACCT Specializing in developmental attachment, transpersonal psychotherapy, family systems, Inherent family trauma, Spacial Dynamics and Somatic Experiencing

North Vancouver, British Columbia Canada


Richards, Anna

Richards, Anna

I work as a registered clinical counsellor, mediator and conflict management consultant in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. I am also the vice president of The Neutral Zone Coaching & Consulting Services in Vancouver, BC and serve on the faculty of the Justice Institute of BC in the program for conflict resolution.

Vancouver, British Columbia Canada


Richards, Michelle Cotter

Richards, Michelle Cotter

Michelle helps lawyers and other stressed out and exhausted individuals and couples stop working against themselves and each other and start healing, growing, and thriving. As a former large law firm and in-house lawyer, Michelle knows how the overwhelming stress of demanding professions can take a toll on people and their relationships. She helps her […]

Washington, District of Columbia United States


Rick Bradshaw

Rick Bradshaw

Vancouver, British Columbia Canada


Rickenberg, Monica

Rickenberg, Monica

Monica is licensed in New York and Texas.

Hastings-on-Hudson, New York United States
