Waites, Arriah
We all run into our “wall”, our “demons”, our “enemies”, or our “crises”. In these, our darkest moments, my goal is to bring some light, to help you remember who you are and to help you move through your struggle, together.
What you are facing, you do not need to face alone, we are all connected. I believe that what is brought to therapy sessions as problems, though often tremendously painful, can also be incredible opportunities.
You are not your challenges, you are not your pain, you are not your trauma, you are not your diagnosis. You are a perfect human being on an imperfect journey.
Your story deserves to be heard, your pain deserves to be seen, and your heart deserves to be held.
I am a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor offering online sessions to Canadians.
Phone: 8254387726
Email: counselling@arriah.ca
City: Calgary
State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Level: AEDP Level 1