Lien, Christine
My name is Christine Lien. I am an experienced psychologist, working at Klinikk for Krisepsykologi, Bergen, Norway ( As a therapist I use different techniques adapted to the client´s needs. My specialities are emotion focused therapy (EFT), AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) and complex trauma. It is important for me to be respectful and genuin […]
Bergen, Norway
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Lopez, Alberto
Asking for help or seeking therapy might be new to you, but it is something many individuals do when they are overwhelmed by life stressors such as relationships and work. As a Latino psychotherapist, I am aware of how our upbringing and culture can make seeing a therapist difficult. I want to make this process […]
Van Nuys, California United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Lorditch, Maria
specializing and certified in EFT couples therapy, as well as individuals with depression, anxiety, and histories of trauma; completion of EMDR basic training
Summit, New Jersey United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Lucas, Michele, LCSW, BCD, SEP
“Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.” Dr. Karl Menninger, The Menninger Clinic The decision to become a psychotherapist came to me in mid-life, born out of my own need for support and guidance. Reflecting back, I realize how accurately Helen Gurley Brown’s truism, my insecurities […]
Norwalk, Connecticut United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Luem, Sarah
I am a licensed clinical psychologist with specialized training working with both individuals and couples. I am experienced working with individuals and couples who have trauma histories and am currently a Level 1 AEDP therapist.
Forest Hills, New York United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Lula, Clarisse V
I work with individuals and couples in both San Francsco and Marin. My work is informed by Experiential Therapies, attachment-based practices, as well as psychodynamic and relational psychoanalytic approaches. Currently I’m in the process of certification. I’ve been a therapist for over 18 years and in the business world for over 20 years. I welcome […]
San Francisco, California United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
MacDuffie, Heather
I maintain a speciaized, integrative private practicen utilizing the Safe and Sound Protocol to regulate defenses in conjunction with AEDP. This has transformed by practice, speeding therapy and revealing complex additional physiological factors that erode self-regulation capacity and result in vagal compromise. Founder, SSP Training to Practice Alliance. Inaguaral member, Unyte Clincial Advisory Board (alumnus)
BANGOR, Maine United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Malkin, Craig
Dr. Craig Malkin, author of the internationally acclaimed Rethinking Narcissism, is a clinical psychologist, and Lecturer for Harvard Medical School with 25 years of experience helping individuals, couples, and families. His articles, advice, and insights on relationships and narcissism have appeared in newspapers and magazines such as Time, The New York Times, The Sunday Times, […]
Cambridge, Massachusetts United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3
Malkus, Caryn
My work with individuals and couples is open-hearted and warm. I employ both AEDP and EFT in my process to help clients move towards healing, connection, and greater fulfillment in their lives.
Bethesda, Maryland United States
Level: AEDP Level 2 or 3