Kharrazi, Neda

Kharrazi, Neda

Los Altos, California United States


Kim, Soonja

Kim, Soonja

I have been a psychotherapist for over 40 years. In addition to providing AEDP based therapy, I have developed my own form of therapy, Transformational Re-Mothering Amae Therapy ( please refer to my website: ), which provides a second chance to be mothered for undermothered adults. I believe strongly in custom tailoring my therapeutic […]

Berkeley, California United States


King, Janine

King, Janine

Janine King MS, LPC, NCC offers individual, couples, and group therapy.

Colorado Springs, Colorado United States


Kiyoko Ono, MA

Kiyoko Ono, MA

Chuo City, Japan


Klein, Jayla

Klein, Jayla

individual therapy for adults of all ages, in person and online

Santa Cruz, California United States


Kodiyalam, Gaya

Kodiyalam, Gaya


New York City, New York United States


Koelsch, Kathleen

Koelsch, Kathleen

I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and fellow human being residing in the world. I live with the trust in the power of self-reflection and understanding, connection with others, and intentionality to engage in a life full of purpose and meaning, even in the midst of tension and uncertainty. My belief is that […]

Longmont, United States


Kopperson, Caitlin

Kopperson, Caitlin

Making the choice to work with a counsellor involves a great deal of courage and a will to step beyond your usual ways of managing your life to embrace new ways of being. It’s not an easy process, and I am privileged to accompany my clients on their journeys of discovery and healing. As a […]

Nanaimo, British Columbia Canada


Kornobis, Brian

Kornobis, Brian

Relational and somatic therapist providing online therapy in California.

Oakland, California United States




Psychodynamic Psychotherapist working in private practise in Toronto. I also conduct sessions remotely on various internet platforms.

Toronto, Ontario Canada


Kreider, Tara

Kreider, Tara

Guided by a profound belief that each person has a natural impulse toward self-healing/self-correction when adequately supported, I seek a genuine connection with you as I guide you back gently to your own body and its wisdom. I take a holistic, trauma informed approach that promotes resilience, relief from troubling symptoms, effective coping skills, and […]

Charlottesville, Virginia United States


Kristi Foster, PhD

Kristi Foster, PhD

Santa Monica, California United States


Kyle McMahan, Karen, MFT

Kyle McMahan, Karen, MFT

Offering Couples Counseling and Individual Psychotherapy in the heart of San Francisco’s Duboce Triangle/Castro District.

San Francisco, California United States
