Jeanne Newhouse, NCPsyA

Jeanne is a certified AEDP Therapist, Supervisor and a Senior Faculty member of the AEDP Institute. Jeanne has been a part of the Essential Skills courses in NYC since their inception in 2010, first as an assistant and then as a teacher. Jeanne has helmed Essential Skills courses in North Carolina, New York City and on-line, and has guest-taught in many different trainings.

Jeanne’s initial training as a psychoanalyst was quite a contrast to her first love and work — theatre and dance, both of which embody the unbridled expression of human emotion. The work of psychoanalytic psychotherapy though deeply satisfying felt constraining. Jeanne was introduced to the work of Diana Fosha in 2005 and she never looked back having found a proper clinical home, no longer constrained. Jeanne has always been a wordsmith and a lover of metaphor. There are many Jeanne-isms that her clients and supervisees know well and she encourages people to use them liberally. “We learn to listen with our eyes and look with our ears!” being one of them.
The language of emotional granularity is rich and powerful and along with the felt sense of emotions, can round out the edges of a person’s experience. Jeanne loves the work of James Pennebaker, The secret Life of Pronouns!

Jeanne’s current interests run the gamut from creativity and imagination’s role in therapy to the musicality of therapy, vocal training for therapists and intentional language as powerful therapeutic tools. Alongside Jeanne’s therapeutic work she is a social justice activist and believes that as therapists we can help to change the world one human at a time. Working to ensure that the work of therapy carries out into the person’s community as the winds of change carry them forward.

Helping people to harness their change to be citizens of the world. The winds of change can send people soaring…. That is TRANSFORMANCE!