Jessie Chan

Jessie is a certified AEDP Therapist and an AEDP supervisor-in-training. She is also a certified TIFI Focusing Trainer, Certified HKPCA Counsellor, and NCDA Certified Career Service Provider. Jessie expresses deep gratitude and feels honored to be a member of the AEDP community. She developed a strong passion in AEDP and devoted much of her time and efforts to learn and serve in the AEDP Chinese Community.  With 20 years of extensive counseling experience, she specializes in working with adolescents, university students, and parents, offering professional support in both university settings and private practice in Hong Kong.

Jessie holds a Master of Social Science(Counseling) from the University of Hong Kong. Since discovering AEDP and Focusing, she has dedicated herself to helping individuals reconnect with their authentic selves in a safe environment. Her work facilitates healing from trauma and fosters the rebuilding of inner relationships. This transformative process has inspired her to integrate Focusing and AEDP methodologies into her practice.

In recent years, Jessie has focused on equipping therapists, social workers, and counselors with these valuable techniques, with the aim of benefiting both themselves and those they serve.