Lia Jones, LMFT

Lia Jones, LMFT is a certified Therapist and Supervisor in both AEDP and EFT in Denver, Colorado. She has worked with children and families experiencing homelessness in non-profit mental health services and has been in private practice since 1998.. Lia has served as both an assistant and Lead Assistant at multiple Immersion and Essential Skills trainings and helms multi-faculty core training groups in Denver. She teaches core training modules, introductions to and specific topics on AEDP to professional and student communities.
Lia is the founder of AEDP Rocky Mountains, a community group that sponsors AEDP workshops and community lunch and learns for practitioners learning the AEDP model. In addition to her practice, community work, and teaching, she offers group and individual supervision live and online. Lia has been delighting in AEDP since the 2003 Immersion followed by three years of core training, two of which were with Diana Fosha in New York and one year with Ben Lipton and Ron Frederick. Discovering AEDP brought what was a felt sense of “right” into a cohesive, validating practice. She’s honored to work with clients in this way and to support the growing, learning AEDP community.