Liza Greville, LCSW

Liza is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor in private practice in Kane, Pennsylvania. She offers individual therapy to adults in Pennsylvania, New York and Montana, as well as individual and group consultation.
Liza was introduced to AEDP in 2016, immediately struck by the ‘art of therapy’ that bridges the brilliant complexity of AEDP theory and the simplicity yet potency of the interventions. She remains ever-curious, especially interested in clinical creativity, pragmatism and presence.
Similarly, Liza seeks to join consultees in an affirming and active learning process that integrates left-brain rigor and right-brain perceptivity. She works with consultees to build skills that deepen experiential processes, to understand AEDP’s 9+1 affective change mechanisms, and to expand naturalness of use of Self. She welcomes therapists new to the model, as well as those with more experience and seeking certification.
Liza has grown into AEDP though light shined by Jenn Edlin’s and Jenna Osiason’s long-term supervision and mentorship. She served on AEDP’s Research Committee and enjoys assisting in courses. She earned her graduate degree from the University of Chicago. Liza treasures the rural life she shares with her family, including the animals who are dear companions.