Monica Bradley, LMFT

Monica is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor practicing in Berkeley, California. She offers individual AEDP supervision online to licensed psychotherapists in the form of Therapist-Focused Experiential Consultation.
Therapist-Focused Experiential Consultation brings the power of AEDP to psychotherapist training, utilizing present moment experience in the consultation to accelerate and deepen learning. Monica guides her consultees to lean into what’s already powerful in their work and build from there, following transformance to stay with the emergent edge of their learning. Monica and her consultees unpack clinical moments, slow down to explore choice points, and make use of the affective and somatic experience of client, therapist, and consultant to integrate both top-down and bottom-up experience of the AEDP model.
Monica has been licensed as a psychotherapist since 2003 and in AEDP training since 2011. In addition to AEDP, her background includes psychodynamic psychotherapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Hakomi Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Bill Bowen’s Psycho-Physical therapy, EMDR, Polyvagal Theory, and Internal Family Systems. She works with licensed therapists who are new to AEDP as well as advanced practitioners wishing to pursue certification. She welcomes therapists wishing to integrate AEDP with other approaches.