Steve Carroll, LCSW

Steve Carroll, LCSW is a psychotherapist in private  practice since 1988 working with individuals, couples and  families as well as supervision/consultation for  colleagues. Prior to private practice he co-developed a  treatment unit for families experiencing child sexual  abuse, supervised a group home for adolescent girls and  supervised an outpatient therapy program for a family  service agency. He is a certified Imago therapist/ supervisor and other background training includes  psychodynamic psychotherapy, object relations, family  systems, Internal Family Systems and Focusing-Oriented  Psychotherapy. 

Steve completed AEDP’s Immersion Course with Diana  Fosha in 2008 and three years of Core Training with Eileen Russell. He has assisted in numerous Immersion Courses, ESI and II and Wired For Healing Workshop with Diana. 

He is certified in AEDP under Diana’s supervision and  certified as a supervisor under the supervision of Diana  and Natasha Prenn. Steve also worked with David Mars  and Karen Pando-Mars to be certified in AEDP for  Couples and assisted at several Couples Hybrid Courses.  Steve has been a Lead Assistant since 2020 and is  grateful to be part of this transformative work.