Is there a recommended sequence for AEDP® Certification courses?

Answer: Yes! There are three essential components for certification: Immersion, Essential Skills, and Supervision with an AEDP-certified supervisor or faculty member.

  1. AEDP Immersion – This is the foundational course and the first required step toward certification. After completing the Immersion course, therapists attain AEDP Level 1 status.
  2. Essential Skills – This is the second required step. Upon completing Essential Skills, therapists achieve AEDP Level 2 status.
  3. Post-Essential Skills – After completing Essential Skills, therapists can either:
    • Take the 5-module Advanced Skills course along with one supervision option, or
    • Opt for two supervision options.

Supervision options include:

  • 15 hours of individual supervision, including 5 hours of presenting and receiving feedback on a video of your work.
  • 30 hours of group supervision, including 5 hours of presenting and receiving feedback on a video of your work.

It is recommended to begin supervision after Immersion and to do so concurrently with Essential Skills to enhance learning.

Find A Supervisor: Email findasupervisor@aedpinstitute.org with details about your preferences. Your request will be shared with all certified supervisors, faculty members, and supervisors in training. Those available and suited to your needs will contact you directly.

Answer: Click Login and either click on the lost password link at the bottom of the page or click Here.

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AEDP Clinical Discussion Listserv- The purpose of the AEDP Clinical Discussion Listserv is to support and promote discussion, communication and learning about the theory and practice of the AEDP model of psychotherapy among Members of the AEDP Institute. To Join, Become a member!

Transformance Talks- Click here to see all available Transformance Talks

The AEDP Referral Network makes it easy for members to notify their fellows in the AEDP worldwide membership of clients looking for an AEDP therapist.

Discount on registration for both the AEDP Essential Skills and Advanced Skills courses, as well as discounts on almost all AEDP trainings, workshops, On Demand Trainings and products.

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Please see the course page for CE information

For any questions email Marilia : admin@aedpinstitute.org

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Answer: If you want to update your directory listing, first login to your member account, Go to the therapist directory and find your listing. Click edit

Answer: Yes. Go here to access the AEDP Glossary.

There are two different Certification levels for AEDP. One is to become a Certified therapist the other is to become a Certified Supervisor. Click here for more information