About the Editors of Transformance: The AEDP® Journal
transformance: The AEDP Journal has been guided by a series of dedicated editors who have significantly contributed to the development and dissemination of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP).
The editorial leadership of Transformance has been essential in fostering the growth of AEDP worldwide, nurturing the creativity and knowledge base of the AEDP community, and ensuring the journal remains a vital resource for practitioners and researchers alike
Editor: Carrie Ruggieri

Carrie has been an active member of the AEDP Institute since completing the Immersion course in 2007. She completed core training with Kari Gleiser, Eileen Russel and Natasha Prenn, ESII with Sue Anne Piliero, and group supervision with Ben Lipton. Carrie is an experiential assistant for the Essential Skills courses. In addition to her AEDP clinical training activities, Carrie was associate editor of Transformance from 2019 to 2023. She has been the Transformance Journal Listserve discussant since 2013. Carrie has written on the applications of AEDP for the Transformance Journal in her articles, Laura Hillenbrand: Author as True Other: Inspiring Quantum Resilience, Vol 3, Issue I, AEDP-Informed Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Vol 8., and AEDP Author as True Other: A Successful Application of AEDP Ethos in a Self-Help Book: A Review of Ron Frederick’s Loving Like You Mean It, Vol. 9. Carrie earned her Masters Degree in Psychology at the New School for Social Research and is a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress. In her child and adult psychotherapy practice in Providence, RI she applies her years of developmental research experience through the Margaret S. Mahler Observational Research Lab at The New School for Social Research and through the Infant Behavior Clinic at Women & Infants Hospital, Brown University. In addition to AEDP psychotherapy, Carrie offers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and conducts trauma evaluations for asylum applicants through the Brown Human Right Asylum Clinic and state agencies
Consulting Editor: Gil Tunnell

Gil was editor of Transformance from 2015 to 2023 and completed AEDP core training with Diana Fosha in 2007. His focus is applying AEDP to couples therapy. In the late 1980s, he trained in Structural Family Therapy under Salvador Minuchin, M.D., and has written on the differences between Structural Therapy and AEDP. (Tunnell, G. (2015). Facilitating transformance for couples: A comparison between Structural Family Therapy and AEDP. Transformance Journal, 6 (1)), and with families (Tunnell, G. (2006), “Postscript 10 years after: ‘The Oedipal Son’ revisited” in S. Minuchin et al, Mastering Family Therapy: Journeys of Growth and Transformation (Wiley). Dr. Tunnell is co-author with David Greenan of Couple Therapy with Gay Men (Guilford, 2002), and has published widely on working with gay male couples (Tunnell, G. (2012). Gay male couple therapy: An attachment model. In J. J. Bigner & J. L. Wetchler (Eds.), Handbook of LGBT-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy. Routledge). He also has a chapter in a book which received the 2011 Distinguished Book Award from Division 44 of the American Psychological Association (Tunnell, G., (2011). An attachment perspective on the first interview: Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. In C. Silverstein (Ed.), The Initial Psychotherapy Interview: A Gay Man Seeks Treatment, New York: Elsevier Insight Books. Gil trained in family therapy with Maurizio Andolfi in Rome and formerly directed family therapy training at Beth Israel Medical Center. He is currently an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College and has a private practice in New York City.