Dr. Karen Kranz, R. Psych.

Dr. Karen Kranz, R. Psych., is first generation Canadian has been a psychologist in private practice in Vancouver, Canada since 2000. Her areas of interest in AEDP are making the work with clients and therapists increasingly more relational and experiential. She is continually challenged and intrigued by core and pathogenic emotions.  

After the Immersion course, she began supervision with Dr. Fosha. “At that time, all that interested me was becoming a better clinician, AEDP certification as a therapist and supervisor and becoming faculty were never my ambitions. However, as I deepened into both my knowledge and experience of AEDP and in the AEDP community, I realized that it was through the process of certification as a therapist, as a supervisor, and now with teaching and writing that I was becoming a better therapist.” (more…)

SueAnne Piliero, PhD

SueAnne Piliero, Ph.D. is Faculty Emerita and Supervisor. She is also a founding member of the AEDP Institute having worked with Diana Fosha at the very beginning of AEDP and for 20 years thereafter, traveling nationally and internationally to teach AEDP to clinicians and mental health professionals around the world. Dr. Piliero was a lead trainer in the AEDP Institute’s Essential Skills Courses, and a highly sought after consultant.

Dr. Piliero is known for her warm, engaging teaching style and her ability to communicate complex topics with humor and clarity.

Dr. Piliero has developed a relationally bold clinical method called Fierce Love. Her clinical work, which embodies Fierce Love, powerfully demonstrates how even the most traumatized patients can be transformed. (more…)

Jenna Osiason, PhD

Jenna Osiason, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and AEDP Supervisor who was a founding member of AEDP Institute and served as Senior Faculty from 2004 until  2021 when she transitioned to her current role as AEDP Faculty Emerita. She began short-term psychotherapy training at the Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Institute of Denville, New Jersey, training in Accelerated Emphatic Therapy. She has been working with Dr. Fosha since 1992 analyzing videotaped psychotherapy sessions, focusing on the use of empathy to restructure defenses. This work has lead to the rich development of AEDP techniques to facilitate treatment and enhance access to core affect, strengthen the experience of self-regulation, and deepen self/other bonds. Dr. Osiason has given workshops on AEDP to mental health sites throughout New York City. (more…)

Dale Trimble, MA

Dale Trimble, MA served as AEDP Faculty/Sr. Faculty from 2015 until  2022, when he transitioned to his current role as AEDP Faculty Emerita & Supervisor. He received his M.A. in Humanistic Psychology from Antioch University in 1977. In 1981 Dale co-founded the first court ordered treatment program for men who assault their partners in the province of British Columbia. He was the lead author of the Canadian syllabus for CP 602 – The Psychology of Trauma and Interpersonal Violence for City University of Seattle, Vancouver, BC campus, where Dale has taught and supervised graduate students. Known as a Canadian expert on working with men, Dale has travelled throughout Canada providing training for therapists on compassionate ways of helping men change.

In 2003-04 Dale was the recipient of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, President’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Profession. (more…)

Miriam Marsolais, PhD

Miriam Marsolais, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Jungian Analyst in Berkeley, California.  She served as AEDP Faculty from 2014 until  2018, when she transitioned to her current role as AEDP Faculty Emerita & Supervisor. In addition to her private clinical practice, Dr. Marsolais provides supervision to therapists wishing to train in AEDP and the certified AEDP therapists on the Supervisor Certification track. In supervision Miriam emphasizes moment-to-moment awareness of patients’ and supervisees’ internal states, both during therapy sessions and while watching clinical video.  In this way supervisees learn to recognize how their own internal states affect their clinical responses.  They develop skills needed to employ the most effective AEDP interventions moment-to-moment in each stage of AEDP therapy

As a young adult Dr. Marsolais performed as a violinist, was a nun and taught high school science and mathematics. Following a near-fatal burn injury, her life took a major turn and her passions were redirected towards the study of history,psychology and Eastern (more…)