AEDP® On Demand Training
Elevate your clinical practice through flexible online learning. Our recorded trainings let you master concepts at your pace – pause, revisit, and integrate deeply into your therapeutic work.
Programs Available:
Getting Started – Core Foundations
Deepening Skills – Advanced topics
Special Topics – Focused applications
Science & Spirit – Theoretical framework

On-demand AEDP training provides therapists with the flexibility to deepen their understanding and skills in this transformative therapeutic approach at their own pace. Designed for busy professionals, these self-paced courses offer convenient access to comprehensive content covering key AEDP concepts and interventions. Each course features clinical videos that showcase real-session demonstrations, allowing you to see experienced practitioners in action and learn to apply AEDP techniques effectively in your practice.
What to Expect
The hallmark of AEDP On-Demand Training is its flexibility combined with depth. It allows therapists to engage with AEDP’s transformative approach at their own pace, offering high-quality video lessons, case demonstrations, and expert-led instruction that mirrors in-person training. With on-demand access, participants can revisit material as needed, fostering deep integration of AEDP techniques and principles into their clinical practice. This training is ideal for those seeking an immersive experience in AEDP’s healing-oriented methods while balancing a busy schedule.
On Demand Trainings are to be viewed on your computer or smart device. They are intentionally not downloadable – we “stream” them – so, having a high speed Internet connection is important to having a good learning experience.
These recorded online seminar are for professionals and students in mental health and the healing arts and sciences including: Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysts, Social Workers, Counselors, MFTs, MD’s, Nurses, Creative Arts Therapists, and Masters & Doctoral students as well as soon-to-be licensed Interns & Trainees.
These trainings will either be for all levels or for Intermediate / Advanced Levels for those who have had Immersion and are in supervision or ES1.
Getting Started

Intro to AEDP by Diana Fosha
Intro to AEDP: How to Be a Transformational Therapist and Put Neuroplasticity into Everyday Action
Presented by the Developer of AEDP, Diana Fosha, PhD
For all levels. 6 hours. Not CE Eligible
An Introduction to the Fundamentals of AEDP
AEDP Psychotherapy 101: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of AEDP
Presented by: Jerry Lamagna, LCW
For all levels. 3 hours. Eligible for 2.50 CE.
Getting Started – or Restarted – with AEDP
Getting Started – or Restarted – with AEDP
Specific Strategies for Bringing the Theory and Heart of Experiential Therapy Into Your Clinical Practice
Presented by: Benjamin Lipton, LCSW
For all levels. Not CE Eligible
A Practical Understanding of Anger from an AEDP™ Perspective
A Practical Understanding of Anger from an AEDP™ Perspective Using Anger Constructively In and Out of Psychotherapy
Presented by: Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW
For all levels. 2.5 hours. Eligible for 2.5 CE.
Anxiety Regulation
Anxiety Regulation Creating A Safe and Secure Alliance to Increase Client Emotional Capacity
Presented by: Steve Shapiro, PhD
For all levels. Not CE Eligible
AEDP Portrayals
AEDP Portrayals: The Dyadic Experiential Processing of Trauma to a Corrective Emotional Experience
Presented by: Diana Fosha, PhD
Intermediate Level. 1.75 hours. Eligible for 1.75 CE.
Tailoring Treatment to Attachment Styles
Healing Relational Trauma I
Tailoring Treatment to Presenting Attachment Styles
Presented by: Karen Pando-Mars, MFT
For all levels. Not CE Eligible
Working with clients who struggle with affect regulation
Making Good Use of Suffering: Intra-Relational AEDP Work with Overwhelming Emotional Experience
Presented by: Jerry Lamagna, LCSW
For all levels. Not CE Eligible
Using AEDP to Overcome Shame and Heal Attachment Trauma with Gay and Straight Men
Feeling Like A Man: Using AEDP to Overcome Shame and Heal Attachment Trauma with Gay and Straight Men
Presented by: Benjamin Lipton, LCSW and Ben Medley, LCSW
For all levels. Not CE Eligible

Therapist Metaskills to Guide Treatment With Each Attachment Style
Healing Relational Trauma II: Therapist Metaskills to Guide Treatment With Each Attachment Style
Presented by: Karen Pando-Mars, MFT
For all levels. Not CE Eligible
Navigating Attachment Patterns in AEDP
Healing Relational Trauma III Sensitivity and Blind Spots Across Patterns of Attachment
Presented by: Karen Pando-Mars, MFT
For all levels. 11 hours. Eligible for 11 CE
Rewiring Internal Working Models of Attachment
Neuroplasticity in Action Rewiring Internal Working Models of Attachment
Presented by: Ronald Frederick, PhD
Intermediate level. 2.5 hours and eligible for 2.5 CE
Cultivating Therapeutic Presence
Cultivating Therapeutic Presence to Heal Relational Trauma in AEDP, EFT, and Transtheoretically
Presented by: Benjamin Lipton, LCSW & Shari Geller, PhD,
For all levels. 6.5 hours and eligible for 6.5 CE
AEDP, Complex Trauma and Parts work
An Introduction to the Intra-relational Triangle: AEDP, Complex Trauma and Parts work
Presented by: Kari Gleiser, PhD
Intermediate Level. 3 hours and eligible for 3 CE
Transform Trauma Through Fierce Love
Transform Trauma Through Fierce Love: Using the AEDP Therapist’s Bold, Embodied Presence
Presented by: Benjamin Lipton, LCSW
For all levels. Not CE Eligible
AEDP interventions to awaken emotional resilience
Presence and Bravery in Action: AEDP interventions to awaken emotional resilience after loss, endings, and death
Presented by: Kate Halliday, LCSW
All Levels. 9 hours and eligible for 9 CE

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: An Introduction for AEDP Practitioners
Psychedelics 101
Presented by: Emily Bilbao, LCSW
For all levels
For all levels. 2.5 hours and eligible for 2.5 CE
How AEDP therapists
can support clients in
ceremonial ayahuasca contexts
Ayahuasca as True Other: A primer on how AEDP therapists can support clients who participate in ceremonial ayahuasca contexts
Presented by: Meris Williams, PhD, RPsych and guest presenters
For all levels. 5.75 hours and eligible for 5.75 CE
Black Liberation as a Path to Collective Wellness & Healing
Black Liberation as a Path to Collective Wellness & Healing: Pursuing Personal and Collective Liberation Through BioMythoGraphy
Presented by: Dr. Della Mosley
For all levels. Not eligible for CE.
The Neuroscience of Trauma
The Neuroscience of Trauma and Its HealingThe Road Back to the Neurobiological Core Self
Presented by: Diana Fosha, PhD & Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD
For all levels. 6.5 hours and eligible for 6.5 CE

AEDP’s Spirit:
Where I-and-Thou
Meets I-and-Dao
I-and-Thou / Dao in the Here-and-Now: Heartfelt Listening, Dialogical Pre / Absencing and the Spirit of AEDP™
Presented by: Danny Yeung, MD
Intermediate Level. 6 hours and eligible for 6 CE
The unique and quintessential theory and practice of metatherapeutic processing
What Went Right? What Happens in the Brain During AEDP™ Metatherapeutic Processing
Presented by: Danny Yeung, MD, CCFP, CGPP, FCFP
Intermediate level. 7.5 hours and eligible for 7.5 CE
An Exchange between AEDP, Memory Reconsolidation & Contemplative Psychotherapy
The Science and Practice of Facilitating Deep Transformational Change Across Therapeutic Techniques
Presented by: Bruce Ecker, LMFT, Diana Fosha, PhD, and Joseph Loizzo, PhD
For all levels. Not eligible for CE