The Judicious Use of Touch in an AEDP Treatment

Transformance Talk 7

Presented by author and AEDP Certified Supervisor Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW with interviewer / AEDP Sr. Faculty member Benjamin Lipton, LCSW

Recorded December 2015

Responding to Developmental Need and Transformance Drive

Transformance Talk based on an article of the same title from AEDP’s Journal Transformance: Volume 6

The Talk:The use of touch in talk therapy has long been considered controversial and even taboo. However, touch when used thoughtfully and judiciously has the potential to facilitate healing. When confronted with the developmental and core need for touch, psychotherapists should have the ability to think through when it could be helpful and when it could be harmful. This paper and Transformance Talk considers the use of touch in a clinical case and the way it is negotiated by the patient-therapist dyad.

We will discuss viewpoints from the literature; some considerations regarding the use of touch that are born from the my education and training both as a psychoanalyst and an AEDP psychotherapist; and my specific rationale for incorporating touch into this particular treatment. A verbatim transcript from a mid-treatment session illustrates clinical work with touch. At the end of the paper – and during the Talk – I present some general guidelines for the judicious use of touch.

Transformance: The AEDP Journal is the official journal of the AEDP Institute. Transformance has been published yearly since it’s inaugral  September 2010 and has published yearly since. It represented a quantum leap into a new era for a groundbreaking model of therapy that was introduced only 10 years earlier by Diana Fosha’s influential book, The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change. The publication also provided a much needed platform for disseminating the ever evolving advances, applications, and inspirations for the rapidly growing and highly productive AEDP community.   A quick scan of the titles will reveal the vast array of topics and the tremendous fount of clinical material, in the form of session transcripts, demonstrating the application of AEDP to clinical issues such as, eating disorders, sexual abuse, work with couples, addiction, racial trauma; methodological refinements such as, adjustments to attachment style, cultivating therapeutic presence; and innovation benefitting the general field of psychotherapy such as, harnessing termination as component of the healing process and the creation of an empirically validated model of short-term AEDP.  Additionally, Transformance has featured articles on cutting edge applications of neuroscience research as well as commentary on books and movies. 

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Meet the Presenters

Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW
Benjamin Lipton, LCSW