AEDP® Advanced Skills September 2025

Presented by Ben Medley, LCSW

Choose from two live online options:

Full Course: Fri – Mon | September 5 – 8, 2025  
Seminar Only: Fri + Sun | September 5 + 7, 2025

Deepening Emotional Processing with AEDP

Portrayals have been described by Diana Fosha as “the pinnacle of experiential dynamic-affect work.’ Using the power of the imagination, they can help the client access, heighten and deepen the visceral experience of core affect and then process it to a satisfying completion. Portrayals are real or imagined scenes and/or conversations from the past, present or future in which the patient is invited to have a reparative, feared or longed-for experience. Simply put, they help clients get unstuck.

In this course, participants will deepen their understanding of how to use portrayals to promote healing and transformation.  Ben will emphasize practical application, techniques, and tools for introducing portrayals into participants’ clinical work, including an exploration of the different kinds of portrayals, when to use them, and how to use them to maximum effect.

Extensive video of clinical work with portrayals will be reviewed and discussed. Experiential exercises for skill-building with portrayal work are available for Level 2 AEDP practitioners.

Seminar Only

2 Half-days:
—2 half-days
—didactic seminar

Open to AEDP Level 1+ (Immersion graduates)
does not count towards certification

Full Course

4 Half-days:
—2 half-days didactic seminar
—2 half-days small group experiential work

Open to AEDP Level 2+ (Essential Skills graduates)
Counts towards certification

About Advanced Skills Training

Full Course: Offers a rich blend of specialized learning through expert-led instruction and extensive experiential practice with peers to master interventions. Completing five courses advances you toward Level 3 certification.

Seminar: Offers a rich blend of specialized learning through expert-led instruction strengthening your therapeutic skills while connecting with our vibrant community. This format is ideal for clinicians who are interested in the didactic only — without the experiential practice.

Target Audience

This program was developed for:
Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Social Work Professionals, Marriage and Family Counselors, Professional Counselors, Art Therapists, Psychiatrists / MD’s, Registered Nurses, Addiction Counselors

In this course participants can their deepen understanding on how to use portrayals to help clients process their emotions to completion and deepen healing and transformation with AEDP.  Ben will emphasize practical application, techniques, and tools for introducing portrayal methods within the AEDP framework to help clients process their emotions to completion and deepen healing and transformation.

  • Define what portrayals are and how they are utilized in AEDP
  • Identify and describe 4 different types of portrayals used in AEDP
  • Identify techniques and skills for using portrayals to process emotion to completion
  • Utilize portrayals to increase self compassion and shift internal working models
  • Use portrayals to access and process thwarted and blocked adaptive action tendencies and see them through to their natural conclusion
  • Identify and track clients’ affective experiences to help guide interventions
  • Demonstrate ability to process clients’ experiences of change and expand positive affect following a portrayal
Click here for full course agenda

All Times are Eastern Standard US

Day 1

Small Group processing and Large Group Discussion

11:00 – 11:30 AM

Course Overview 

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Portrayals and Emotion

Introduction to portrayals and how they are used in AEDP

The neuroscience of portrayals and the lived imagination

Review of emotion theory

Review of the AEDP 4-State model of transformation

Processing State 2 Affective Experiences

State 2 transformation and the emergence of resilience

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

1:00 -1:15 PM


1:15-3:00 PM

The different types of portrayals: Emotion to Completion, Rescue, Reunion and Reparative portrayals

Defining the different types of portrayals

Distinctive characteristics of each type and when to use in sessions

Shifting Internal Working Models and Memory Reconsolidation with different types of portrayals

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

3:00-3:30 PM

Large Group Discussion

Day 2

11:00-11:30 AM

Day Overview, Introduction to Experiential Exercises and Participant Roles

11:30-11:45 AM

Instructions for Experiential Exercises

11:45 A. – 1:15 PM

Experiential Exercises: Finding Entry Points for Portrayals and using them to access and process emotion

1:15-1:30 PM  


1:30-3:00 PM  

Experiential Exercises Continued

3:00-3:30 PM  

Group Discussion

Day 3

11:00 – 11:30 AM  

Review of Days 1 & 2, Group Discussion, Day Overview

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Tools, Techniques and Skills for Portrayals

Finding an entry point for a portrayal

Setting up a portrayal

The necessity of moment to moment tracking to guide interventions

AEDP Representational Schemas: Triangle of Experience, Self-Other Triangle and the Triangle of Social Experience

The role of relational experience inter-relationally and intra-relationally

Bringing portrayals to a close

The role of metaprocessing throughout a portrayal and at the end of a portrayal

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

1:00 – 1:15 PM 


1:15 – 3:00 PM 

Integrating Portrayals into Clinical Practice

When to reconsider and when to proceed

The importance of flexibility in practice: when one portrayal leads to another

Portrayals over time: creating new possibilities with each portrayal

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

3:00 – 3:30 PM 

Large Group Discussion, Q & A

Day 4

11:00 – 11:30 AM 

Day Overview, Introduction to Experiential Exercises and Participant Roles

11:30 – 11:45 AM 

Instructions for Experiential Exercises

11:45 AM – 1:15 PM

Experiential Exercises: Finding Entry Points for Portrayals and using them to access and process emotion

1:15 – 1:30 PM  


1:30 – 3:00 PM   

Experiential Exercises Continued

3:00 – 3:30 PM  

Click here for Seminar Agenda

Day 1

Small Group processing and Large Group Discussion

11:00 – 11:30 AM

Course Overview 

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Portrayals and Emotion

Introduction to portrayals and how they are used in AEDP

The neuroscience of portrayals and the lived imagination

Review of emotion theory

Review of the AEDP 4-State model of transformation

Processing State 2 Affective Experiences

State 2 transformation and the emergence of resilience

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

1:00 -1:15 PM


1:15-3:00 PM

The different types of portrayals: Emotion to Completion, Rescue, Reunion and Reparative portrayals

Defining the different types of portrayals

Distinctive characteristics of each type and when to use in sessions

Shifting Internal Working Models and Memory Reconsolidation with different types of portrayals

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

3:00-3:30 PM

Large Group Discussion

Day 2

11:00 – 11:30 AM  

Review of Days 1 & 2, Group Discussion, Day Overview

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Tools, Techniques and Skills for Portrayals

Finding an entry point for a portrayal

Setting up a portrayal

The necessity of moment to moment tracking to guide interventions

AEDP Representational Schemas: Triangle of Experience, Self-Other Triangle and the Triangle of Social Experience

The role of relational experience inter-relationally and intra-relationally

Bringing portrayals to a close

The role of metaprocessing throughout a portrayal and at the end of a portrayal

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

1:00 – 1:15 PM 


1:15 – 3:00 PM 

Integrating Portrayals into Clinical Practice

When to reconsider and when to proceed

The importance of flexibility in practice: when one portrayal leads to another

Portrayals over time: creating new possibilities with each portrayal

Examples of clinical case studies: video recorded illustrations

3:00 – 3:30 PM 

Large Group Discussion, Q & A

The Full Course is eligible for 17 Continuing Education Hours
The Seminar Only is eligible for 8.5 CE hours

AEDP Works, LLC offers continuing education (CE) credits upon completion of the following requirements: (a) completion of administrative processing (processing fee applies except where prohibited by state regulations), (b) perfect attendance, and (c) submission of the online program evaluation.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the licensee to check with their individual state  board to verify CE requirements for their state and reciprocal approvals.

Continuing education applications may be underway for various national and state-level boards and agencies. Please email with questions.


New York

AEDP Works, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0256.


New York LMSWs and LCSWs

AEDP Works, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0805.


Counselors except NY and MFTs in all states except NY and  MA 

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
AEDP Works, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7622. AEDP Works, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. In this program; Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5 are each being offered for 17 NBCC Credit Hours.

Meet the Presenter: Ben Medley, LCSW

Ben Medley, LCSW is an AEDP senior faculty member and has taught AEDP internationally with the AEDP Institute, the National Institute of Psychotherapy, the Cape Cod Institute, NASW and in mental health organizations and clinical practices. In addition to teaching, he enjoys supervising AEDP clinicians individually and in groups. Ben has a private practice in New York City and specializes in working with the LGBTQ+ community. He earned his degree in Clinical Social Work with the NYU Silver School of Social Work. Before private practice, Ben worked in Greenwich House’s HIV mental health program and the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services’ LGBTQ+ mental health treatment unit. His paper “Recovering the True Self: Affirmative Therapy, Attachment and AEDP in Psychotherapy with Gay Men” is published with the SEPI Journal: the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration and he has written a chapter on using portrayals to process core affective experience for the most recent AEDP book Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0, Washington D.C.: APA.

Full Course

$679 USD


$399 USD

Limited Scholarships are available

Members log into your account here to get your member discount.

Not a member yet? Become a member here

To be Eligible to Attend

Full Course : Must be Level 2: a graduate of Essential Skills with the licensing credentials listed below.

Seminar: Must be Level 1: a graduate of Immersion with the licensing credentials listed below. Note that those who have also completed Essential Skills may find it easier to grasp the more advanced AEDP content.

Licensing Credentials

North America: Licensed mental health practitioners as well as therapists practicing under the license of a supervising professional.

Beyond North America: Mental health professionals who hold licensure equivalent to North American standards including ongoing affiliation with an organization responsible for issuing and overseeing mental health credentials in their country or region.

Important Notes:
Coaching and other non-psychotherapy specific licenses are not eligible.

If you’re unsure about the relevance of this course for you, or your eligibility, please contact with your credentials before registering.

Attendance and Make up Policy

Institute Sponsored Courses Including Immersion, Essential Skills, Advanced Skill Modules, Seminars/Webinars and Institute Sponsored Core Trainings

The AEDP Institute does not offer make-ups for missed course days. In the rare case where someone joins a course late, or misses a session in the middle of a course, the hour(s) or day(s) that person misses cannot be made up. Why? Group dynamics developed during a course are essential to the course’s success; so someone coming into a course for a short period of time is – regardless of their best intentions – disruptive to other participants and the course’s overall success. The Institute will, however, provide handouts from missed hours or days but will not allow a person to make up the hours or days they miss in another course.

AEDP Level credit: if a participant attends 80% or more of a course, the Institute will apply the course towards AEDP Level advancement

Program Cancellation/Changes

The AEDP Institute reserves the right to cancel a training/ program prior to its start, in which case full refunds will be issued to participants for any tuition fees paid for the program. The AEDP Institute is not responsible for participant expenses including travel, childcare, missed practice sessions, etc.

In the rare situation that the AEDP Institute makes changes to advertised presenter(s), tuition fees will not be refunded.

By adhering to these policies, we aim to ensure a fair and consistent approach to cancellations, refunds, and transfer requests.

Canceling 16 or More Days Before a Course or Seminar:

  • Refund: 85% of your course fee.

Canceling 1-15 Days Before a Course or Seminar:

  • No Refund
  • An Institute credit of 85% of your course fee will be provided for use towards a future course.

Canceling / Withdrawing / No Show on the 1st Day or During a Course or Seminar:

  • No refund
  • No credit

Transfer Requests Made 45+ Days Before Course Start:

  • Requests will be accommodated wherever possible without financial penalty.

Transfer Requests Made 44-1 Days Before Course Start:

  • $200 Transfer fee Applied to new course

Participants in Multi-Module Essential Skills (ES1) Courses:

  • Requests to transfer from one ES1 course series to another are highly disruptive and rarely possible.
  • Exception: In rare and extreme circumstances where an exception is made, a $200 transfer fee will be charged

Refund Policy for Institute Sponsored On Demand (recorded) Seminars

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with an Institute sponsored (recorded) On Demand Seminar, please email with an explanation of why you are dissatisfied. We will offer, one time per person, a credit for your payment, less a 15% banking and administrative fee that you may apply to a different (recorded) On Demand seminar. 

AEDP Level Defined- here 
becoming an AEDP Certified Therapist- Here
becoming an AEDP Supervisor- Here
frequency asked questions- Here

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Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you. 

Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez
Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern (USA)