Heather Sanford

Heather Sanford is a licensed social worker in upstate New York. She lives outside of Ithaca, NY with her partners and five children. Heather has been studying AEDP since 2017 and is working on certification!  Heather’s full-time job is the Program Director for an outpatient recovery oriented, mental health and substance use treatment program for adults.  This program focuses on the use of groups as the primary modality of treatment.  She also has a small private practice where she usually works with LBGTQ+ teens and teaches Emotions Education classes. Heather co-authored the Emotions Education 101 8-module curriculum and accompanying Train the Trainer Workshop.

In her spare time (when she can find some) she enjoys crafting, reading, being in nature, laughing with friends and snuggling with her adorable little dog Moxie. Heather loves teaching and sharing what she has learned about the transforming power of actually experiencing emotions in her own life with others.