About this Talk
Early lessons about emotion and connection form instructional blueprints that get stored in memory systems outside of our awareness. Left unchallenged, they persist into adulthood and directly affect the ways we respond to our emotions and how we interact in our intimate relationships. With its focus on the here-and-now relational experience, Accelerated Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is ideally suited to unlocking and reworking internal working models of attachment.
This discussion, based on Dr. Frederick’s chapter Neuroplasticity in Action: Rewiring Internal Working Models of Attachment in the book Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0 will focus on both the theory and practice of AEDP and how our work as therapists can be deepened by an understanding and making use of the mechanisms involved in Memory Reconsolidation.
Transformance: The AEDP Journal is the official journal of the AEDP Institute. Transformance has been published yearly since it’s inaugral September 2010 and has published yearly since. It represented a quantum leap into a new era for a groundbreaking model of therapy that was introduced only 10 years earlier by Diana Fosha’s influential book, The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change. The publication also provided a much needed platform for disseminating the ever evolving advances, applications, and inspirations for the rapidly growing and highly productive AEDP community. A quick scan of the titles will reveal the vast array of topics and the tremendous fount of clinical material, in the form of session transcripts, demonstrating the application of AEDP to clinical issues such as, eating disorders, sexual abuse, work with couples, addiction, racial trauma; methodological refinements such as, adjustments to attachment style, cultivating therapeutic presence; and innovation benefitting the general field of psychotherapy such as, harnessing termination as component of the healing process and the creation of an empirically validated model of short-term AEDP. Additionally, Transformance has featured articles on cutting edge applications of neuroscience research as well as commentary on books and movies.
Meet your Presenter: Ron Frederick, PhD,

Ron Frederick, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist, senior faculty member of the AEDP Institute, co-founder of the Center for Courageous Living in Los Angeles, California and author of the award winning books Living Like You Mean It (Jossey-Bass, 2009) and Loving Like You Mean It (Central Recovery Press, 2019). Since 1994, Dr. Frederick has been training in, practicing, and teaching the AEDP model of psychotherapy, and has received extensive training and supervision from Dr. Fosha. Past experience includes fourteen years as a Clinical Supervisor at Abbott Northwestern Hospital’s Park House Day Treatment Program, a post-doctoral fellowship in Medical Psychology and HIV in the AIDS Center Program at Roosevelt Hospital, NYC, where he later worked as a staff psychologist, and a year-long training rotation in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy at Beth Israel Medical Center, NYC. Dr. Frederick supervises trainees in the AEDP model, and has co-facilitated, with Dr. Fosha, AEDP numerous Immersion Courses and workshops.