I-and-Thou/Dao in the Here-and-Now

Transformance Talk 20

Presented by Danny Yeung, MD, CCFP, CGPP, FCFP

Recorded July 24, 2024

The spirit of AEDP, as going beyond “doing” to “being” of the therapist, was emphasized as more fundamental than the applications of interventions in the clinical situation. With the felt sensible unconcealing of I-and-Thou / Dao in the here-and-now proposed as the working formulation of the Spirit of AEDP, this Spirit extends audaciously its transformative healing potential from the level of the clinical, to the cultural and ultimately to the cosmological. This Transformance Talk, based on Danny’s (Dr. Yeung) Special Issue Monograph, The Spirit of AEDP: I-and-Thou / Dao in the Here-and-Now, in the June 2024 issue of the journal Transformance, will highlight Danny’s 3 favourite pearls in the monograph: The Triangle of AEDP Spirit (Figure 1), the self-other seesawing of attention (Figure 3) and the Model of the I-and-Thou / Dao in there here and now (Figure 4) is involved in Memory Reconsolidation

Transformance: The AEDP Journal is the official journal of the AEDP Institute. Transformance has been published yearly since it’s inaugral  September 2010 and has published yearly since. It represented a quantum leap into a new era for a groundbreaking model of therapy that was introduced only 10 years earlier by Diana Fosha’s influential book, The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change. The publication also provided a much needed platform for disseminating the ever evolving advances, applications, and inspirations for the rapidly growing and highly productive AEDP community.   A quick scan of the titles will reveal the vast array of topics and the tremendous fount of clinical material, in the form of session transcripts, demonstrating the application of AEDP to clinical issues such as, eating disorders, sexual abuse, work with couples, addiction, racial trauma; methodological refinements such as, adjustments to attachment style, cultivating therapeutic presence; and innovation benefitting the general field of psychotherapy such as, harnessing termination as component of the healing process and the creation of an empirically validated model of short-term AEDP.  Additionally, Transformance has featured articles on cutting edge applications of neuroscience research as well as commentary on books and movies. 

Meet your Presenter: Danny Yeung, MD, CCFP, MDPAC(C), FCFP

on as a family doctor and a psychotherapist in the ACT Team, unparalleled globally, was instrumental in helping his team to win the American Psychiatric Foundation Advancing Minority Mental Health Award in 2007 and the Leading Practices Award presented by Ontario Hospital Association in 2007. For his local and global AEDP teaching projects. he was personally honored with the Joel Sadavoy Community Mental Health Award for 2011, Peter R. Newman Humanitarian Award for 2013, and a two time recipient of Award of Excellence from the College of Family Physicians of Canada for 2012 and 2022.

Danny has trained and supervised, since 2005, over a thousand mental health clinicians, including social workers, counselors, psychologists, family physicians and psychiatrists in Canada, United States, Hong Kong, Mainland China and South Korea in AEDP. He founded the AEDP Training Program in Hong Kong and Mainland China, and fostered the birth and growth of the AEDP Supervisors and Adjunct Faculties in Hong Kong.

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