AEDP®Advanced Skills March 2025

“Regulating and building self-structure in dysregulated clients through an AEDP lens”

Presented by Jennifer Edlin, MFT

Choose from two live online options:
Full Course: Friday – Monday | March 14 – 17, 2025  
Seminar Only: Friday + Sunday | March 14 + 16, 2025 

Helping our clients move from dysregulation to deeper connection  with self and other and a renewed sense of self-compassion and their own efficacy in the world.

Unwilled and unwanted aloneness in the face of overwhelming experience often leaves people feeling unbearably disconnected from self and other.  For some, their response to this disconnection takes the form of sympathetic hyperarousal.  We see this in our clients who are reeling rather than feeling and dealing.  These clients are easily flooded, impulsive, hypervigilent and overwhelmed by emotion, connection and experience.  AEDP fosters the healing of relational trauma through the use of the therapist’s self and the accompaniment of the client, processing together what was too much for the client to face alone.  Through tracking and helping to regulate the moment-by-moment somatic experience of the client, providing a secure base (and helping the client to make use of this base), and harnessing the innate drive within all of us to heal and transform, we as therapists can help our clients to move from dysregulation to deeper connection with self and other and a renewed sense of self-compassion and their own efficacy in the world.

This course begins with an introduction to AEDP, focusing on the questions AEDP therapists ask themselves to help orient their work with dysregulated clients.  The course focuses on both theory and clinical technique, and makes extensive use of videotaped clinical work to demonstrate the application of AEDP interventions and theory in work with dysregulated clients.  We look at work over the course of treatment, session by session with one client and across years with another, and explore creating a sense of safety, accessing and processing core affective experiences to completion, and finally metaprocessing the new experiences of self and other to allow a profound shift from older internal working models that led to dysregulation and a sense of overwhelm, to new ways of relating to self and other. Significant time will be devoted to experiential exercises for participants to directly apply the learning each day.


2 Half-days:
—2 half-days
—didactic seminar

Open to AEDP Level 1+ (Immersion graduates)
Does not count towards certification

Full Course

4 Half-days:
—2 half-days didactic seminar
—2 half-days small group experiential work

Open to AEDP Level 2+ (Essential Skills graduates)
Counts towards certification

About Advanced Skills Training

Full Course: Offers a rich blend of specialized learning through expert-led instruction and extensive experiential practice with peers to master interventions. Completing five courses advances you toward Level 3 certification.
Seminar: Offers a rich blend of specialized learning through expert-led instruction strengthening your therapeutic skills while connecting with our vibrant community. This format is ideal for clinicians who are interested in the didactic only — without the experiential practice.

Content Level

Two Day Program: Intermediate and Advanced
Four Day Program: Advanced

Target Audience

This program was developed for members of a licensed profession: Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Social Work, Marriage and Family Counselors, Counselors, Art Therapists, Psychiatrists, Nursing, Medicine, Addiction Counselors.

March 14, 2025
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Course Overview

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Didactic and Video illustration: The change mechanisms in
AEDP, with a particular focus on work with clients who dysregulate easily

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Clinical Decision making: Use of moment-by-moment tracking to help regulate anxiety and thus allow for a new, good experience together (within the client’s window of tolerance)

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Large group Q&A

March 15, 2025
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Review of the previous day, Q&A, course overview

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Small group – Introduction to participant roles and the experiential exercise, experiential exercises. Role-play Recognizing and regulating dysregulation

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Small group experiential exercises continued

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Large group Q&A

March 16, 2025
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Review of the previous day, Q&A, course overview

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Didactic and Video illustration: Helping a client to slow down and come into contact to build receptive affective capacity

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Didactic and Video illustration: Pulling it all together: metaprocessing to build the client’s sense of self and to hold onto moments of regulation and make meaning together.

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Large group Q&A

March 17, 2025
11:00 AM – 11:30 Review of the previous day, Q&A, course overview

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Small group – landing together, Role-play: Practicing staying with feeling regulated and metaprocessing the experience.

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Small group experiential exercises continued

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Large group Q&A and closure

Participants will be able to assess and intervene with dysregulated clients from states of emotional overwhelm to regulated connection with self and others.

Lecture, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Presentation of case examples, Group Discussion,
Bibliography, Handouts


  • Identify at least three change mechanisms in AEDP that are particularly effective when working with easily dysregulated clients.
  • Describe four specific techniques for moment-by-moment tracking that help regulate client anxiety within their window of tolerance.
  • Explain the concept of “window of tolerance” and identify three indicators that a client is operating within versus outside of this range.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of at least three clinical decision-making points when working with dysregulated clients in AEDP.
  • Identify four observable signs of client dysregulation and describe appropriate therapeutic responses to each.
  • Describe three specific techniques for helping clients slow down and build receptive affective capacity.
  • Differentiate between at least three types of client responses that indicate successful versus unsuccessful regulatory interventions.
  • Describe three strategies for helping clients “land together” and integrate new experiences of regulation.
  • Identify at least three ways to help clients make meaning of moments of successful regulation within the therapeutic relationship.
  • Explain how the therapist’s attunement contributes to client regulation, providing at least three specific examples of attuned responses.

March 14, 2025
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Course Overview

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Didactic and Video illustration: The change mechanisms in
AEDP, with a particular focus on work with clients who dysregulate easily

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Clinical Decision making: Use of moment-by-moment tracking to help regulate anxiety and thus allow for a new, good experience together (within the client’s window of tolerance)

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Large group Q&A

March 16, 2025
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Review of the previous day, Q&A, course overview

11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Didactic and Video illustration: Helping a client to slow down and come into contact to build receptive affective capacity

1:15 PM – 1:30 PM Break

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Didactic and Video illustration: Pulling it all together: metaprocessing to build the client’s sense of self and to hold onto moments of regulation and make meaning together.

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Large group Q&A

Participants will be able to assess and intervene with dysregulated clients from states of emotional overwhelm to regulated connection with self and others.

Lecture, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Presentation of case examples, Group Discussion,
Bibliography, Handouts


  • Identify at least three primary change mechanisms in AEDP that are specifically effective when working with easily dysregulated clients.
  • Describe how sympathetic hyperarousal manifests in therapy sessions, identifying at least three observable indicators.
  • Explain the concept of “window of tolerance” and identify three clinical signs that indicate a client is operating within versus outside this range.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of at least four clinical decision-making points when tracking moment-by-moment client experiences to regulate anxiety.
  • Identify three specific tracking techniques that help clients regulate anxiety during sessions.
  • Describe three specific interventions that help clients slow down and build receptive affective capacity.
  • Identify four clinical indicators that a client is developing increased receptive affective capacity.
  • Analyze the relationship between building receptive affective capacity and successful meta-processing, (i.e., the deliberate exploration of successful therapeutic moments) identifying at least three ways these processes reinforce each other in AEDP treatment.

AEDP Works, LLC offers continuing education (CE) credits upon completion of the following requirements: (a) completion of administrative processing (processing fee applies except where prohibited by state regulations), (b) perfect attendance, and (c) submission of the online program evaluation.

Participants must pass the post test with 80% in 3 attempts to be eligible for CE credit. Certificates of completion will be emailed within 10 business days of course completion.

This program is eligible for:
17 Continuing Education Hours for the 4-day program
8.5 Continuing Education Hours for the 2-Day program

Please note that it is the responsibility of the licensee to check with their individual state  board to verify CE requirements for their state and reciprocal approvals.

Continuing education applications may be underway for various national and state-level boards and agencies. Please email with questions.


New York

AEDP Works, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0256.


New York LMSWs and LCSWs

AEDP Works, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0805.


Counselors and MFTs in all states except NY and  MA 

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
AEDP Works, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7622. AEDP Works, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
The four day program is being offered for 17 NBCC credit hours.
The two day program is being offered for 8.5 NBCC credit hours.

Meet the Presenter: Jennifer Edlin, MFT 

Jennifer Edlin, MFT  is a psychotherapist in private practice in Oakland, California, and is a Senior faculty member of AEDP™ Institute.  Jenn received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University, a JD/MBA degree from New York University and an MA in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. From the moment she attended her first AEDP Immersion Course, Jenn was taken by AEDP and the permission to be authentic and to use the therapist’s whole self in service of clients’ healing and transformation.

Jenn is developing AEDP theory and clinical interventions to use with dysregulated and underregulated clients, and has presented her work in 2019 in Boston, Portland and the Denver Immersion course.  In the years since she joined the AEDP Institute Faculty Jenn has been a Co-Director of the AEDP research project, working closely with Diana Fosha and Shigeru Iwakabe.

Jenn is gifted with left brain rigor and right brain intuition. We who know her are struck with the breadth and depth of her intellect, the bigness of her heart, her attunement and sensitivity, her remarkable capabilities in a multitude of areas, her huge capacity to integrate it all and translate it into effective action AND her passion for, commitment and devotion to AEDP.

Full Course





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To be Eligible to Attend

Full Course : Must be Level 2: a graduate of Essential Skills with the licensing credentials listed below.

Seminar: Must be Level 1: a graduate of Immersion with the licensing credentials listed below. Note that those who have also completed Essential Skills may find it easier to grasp the more advanced AEDP content.

Licensing Credentials

North America: Licensed mental health practitioners as well as therapists practicing under the license of a supervising professional.

Beyond North America: Mental health professionals who hold licensure equivalent to North American standards including ongoing affiliation with an organization responsible for issuing and overseeing mental health credentials in their country or region.

Important Notes:
Coaching and other non-psychotherapy specific licenses are not eligible.

If you’re unsure about the relevance of this course for you, or your eligibility, please contact with your credentials before registering.

Attendance and Make up Policy

Institute Sponsored Courses Including Immersion, Essential Skills, Advanced Skill Modules, Seminars/Webinars and Institute Sponsored Core Trainings

The AEDP Institute does not offer make-ups for missed course days. In the rare case where someone joins a course late, or misses a session in the middle of a course, the hour(s) or day(s) that person misses cannot be made up. Why? Group dynamics developed during a course are essential to the course’s success; so someone coming into a course for a short period of time is – regardless of their best intentions – disruptive to other participants and the course’s overall success. The Institute will, however, provide handouts from missed hours or days but will not allow a person to make up the hours or days they miss in another course.

AEDP Level credit: if a participant attends 80% or more of a course, the Institute will apply the course towards AEDP Level advancement

Program Cancellation/Changes

The AEDP Institute reserves the right to cancel a training/ program prior to its start, in which case full refunds will be issued to participants for any tuition fees paid for the program. The AEDP Institute is not responsible for participant expenses including travel, childcare, missed practice sessions, etc.

In the rare situation that the AEDP Institute makes changes to advertised presenter(s), tuition fees will not be refunded.

By adhering to these policies, we aim to ensure a fair and consistent approach to cancellations, refunds, and transfer requests.

Canceling 16 or More Days Before a Course or Seminar:

  • Refund: 85% of your course fee.

Canceling 1-15 Days Before a Course or Seminar:

  • No Refund
  • An Institute credit of 85% of your course fee will be provided for use towards a future course.

Canceling / Withdrawing / No Show on the 1st Day or During a Course or Seminar:

  • No refund
  • No credit

Transfer Requests Made 45+ Days Before Course Start:

  • Requests will be accommodated wherever possible without financial penalty.

Transfer Requests Made 44-1 Days Before Course Start:

  • $200 Transfer fee Applied to new course

Participants in Multi-Module Essential Skills (ES1) Courses:

  • Requests to transfer from one ES1 course series to another are highly disruptive and rarely possible.
  • Exception: In rare and extreme circumstances where an exception is made, a $200 transfer fee will be charged

Refund Policy for Institute Sponsored On Demand (recorded) Seminars

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with an Institute sponsored (recorded) On Demand Seminar, please email with an explanation of why you are dissatisfied. We will offer, one time per person, a credit for your payment, less a 15% banking and administrative fee that you may apply to a different (recorded) On Demand seminar. 

AEDP Level Defined- here 
becoming an AEDP Certified Therapist- Here
becoming an AEDP Supervisor- Here
frequency asked questions- Here

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We will collect information that identifies you (“personal information”) only when you voluntarily provide it to us. For example, when you decide to register online for free information or in order to purchase and pay for a course, to sign up for paid annual membership with access to the AEDP Listserve and Transformance Journal, we will ask you to provide some personal information, such as your first and last name, and email address. When we collect such information, we will make every effort to link to this privacy policy.

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We will use this personal information to fulfill your online requests. For example, if you sign up for our paid annual membership, we will use your personal information to process your request and to give you access online to the Transformance Journal. We also may use this information to notify you of special offers, new courses, and other training that might interest you. If at any time you decide that you do not wish to receive these types of communications, simply follow the unsubscribe features contained in any email from us.

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We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access through the use of encryption and network firewalls. We also safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access by limiting the number of employees permitted to access such information and by having in place processes for disciplinary action where appropriate. However, as effective as these measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. We do not store credit card information in any form.

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What about kids?
 We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the event that we learn that we have collected any personal information from a child under the age of 13 without parental consent, we will delete that information from our database as quickly as possible.

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Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you. 

Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez
Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern (USA)