Bob Yip Mang Sau

Bob Yip Mang Sau is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor based in Hong Kong. Bob has been a dedicated psychotherapist for over 45 years in the Chinese community with a wealth of experience in helping individuals, couples, and families as well as providing training and supervision to social workers, pastors and other helping professionals. Bob is also a Certified Counselor, an Approved Counseling Supervisor and fellow member recognized by The Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association.

Aside from his private practice, Bob was an Adjunct Professor at various Theological Seminaries in Hong Kong, where he taught courses on Attachment and Spirituality Formation. He also taught counseling courses at various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, and conducted training programs for different organizations over the years. Bob is passionate about sharing AEDP’s essences via his training workshops. (more…)

Kelly Prothero, LCSW

Kelly Prothero, LCSW, is a psychotherapist with a private practice in Portland, Oregon. After earning her graduate degree from Smith College School for Social Work, Kelly worked in community mental health settings in New York City.

After moving to the West Coast in 2011, Kelly was introduced to AEDP and became quickly drawn to the healing potential of the AEDP model. Kelly went on to become a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor under the mentorship and supervision of SueAnne Piliero, Jenna Osiason, Karen Pando-Mars and Jerry Lamagna.

Kelly has assisted in numerous Essential Skills and Core Training courses throughout the country. She has been instrumental in forming and developing Portland AEDP, a group committed to the development and growth of AEDP in Portland and surrounding areas. In addition to her clinical practice, Kelly brings over 20 years of yoga experience to her work. She is a certified yoga teacher and studied Yoga Nidra meditation extensively with psychologist, Dr. Richard Miller. It was her background in yoga that opened Kelly to the experiential and transformational healing aspects of AEDP.

Kelly brings warmth, humor and authenticity to her work as both an AEDP Therapist and Supervisor. Her clinical interests include treating trauma and dissociation and using “intra-relational” and bold relational clinical methods to facilitate transformational

Monica Bradley, LMFT

Monica  is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor practicing in Berkeley, California. She offers individual AEDP supervision online to licensed psychotherapists in the form of Therapist-Focused Experiential Consultation.

Therapist-Focused Experiential Consultation brings the power of AEDP to psychotherapist training, utilizing present moment experience in the consultation to accelerate and deepen learning. Monica guides her consultees to lean into what’s already powerful in their work and build from there, following transformance to stay with the emergent edge of their learning.  Monica and her consultees unpack clinical moments, slow down to explore choice points, and make use of the affective and somatic experience of client, therapist, and consultant to integrate both top-down and bottom-up experience of the AEDP model. (more…)

Judy Silvan, LICSW, LCSW

Judy Silvan LICSW, LCSW, she/her is an early AEDP enthusiast and a licensed U.S. psychotherapist in Massachusetts and California. Judy is Certified as an AEDP Supervisor & Therapist, as well as in Bioenergetic Analysis and Mindfulness in Psychotherapy.  She’s been an Experiential Assistant in AEDP courses since 2010, and has treated over ten patients​ as part of the AEDP Research Project. Most of her research patients have presented with symptoms from serious complexities in their histories, many including sexual traumas​.  Her passion for practicing, supervising and teaching AEDP runs deep: She recently taught a five week AEDP seminar series to Harvard Medical School Psychiatry Interns, and another workshop to m​embers of AEDP Africa Regional Community​ in South Africa.

She has presented ​on the topic of AEDP and the treatment of sexual trauma in complex PTSD in several of Diana Fosha’s Immersion courses and seminars.  Judy continues her own clinical training in the area of Psychedelics to enhance emotional healing with AEDP, and in a Certification Program for Executive Coaching.

Emerging ways of un-doing oppression in racism, gender, family composition, neurodiversity and other under-celebrated human contingencies build Judy’s activist value base. Reach out to connect with Judy through her website:

Magdalena Bluhme, LCSW

Magdalena Bluhme, LCSW is a Licensed Psychotherapist and supervisor working in private practice in the center of Stockholm, Sweden. She is a Certified AEDP therapist and an AEDP supervisor. She also has a certification in APT (Affect Phobia Therapy) and In DBR (Deep Brain Reporienting). She works mainly with individuals suffering from dissociative disorders,
complex PTSD, early attachment trauma, developmental trauma and supervises groups of psychotherapists working in the same field.

Magdalena took her first training with Diana in Paris 2013 and continue with skill training in New York, arranged core training in Stockholm. She has assisted in numerous trainings both internationally and in Sweden.

Yuval Moses, LCSW-R

Yuval Moses, LCSW-R, is a Registered Clinical Social Worker in NY and a certified AEDP therapist and Supervisor. Yuval’s psychotherapy practice is based in NYC and he provides remote supervision and trainings nationally and internationally. Before founding his private practice and training program Yuval worked predominantly in the non-for-profit world.

After years of working in the foster care field, Yuval became a clinical supervisor at the Crime Victims Treatment Center where he specialized in the treatment of adults experiencing Dissociative Disorders and Complex PTSD, especially as these presentations relate to childhood sexual abuse and other traumatic childhood experiences. It was during his work at the Crime Victims Treatment Center that he encountered AEDP and it very quickly became his therapeutic home. (more…)

Ben Medley, LCSW

Ben Medley, LCSW is an AEDP senior faculty member and has taught AEDP internationally with the AEDP Institute, the National Institute of Psychotherapy, the Cape Cod Institute, NASW and in mental health organizations and clinical practices. In addition to teaching, he enjoys supervising AEDP clinicians individually and in groups. Ben has a private practice in New York City and specializes in working with the LGBTQ+ community. He earned his degree in Clinical Social Work with the NYU Silver School of Social Work. Before private practice, Ben worked in Greenwich House’s HIV mental health program and the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services’ LGBTQ+ mental health treatment unit. His paper “Recovering the True Self: Affirmative Therapy, Attachment and AEDP in Psychotherapy with Gay Men” is published with the SEPI Journal: the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration and he has written a chapter on using portrayals to process core affective experience for the most recent AEDP book Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0, Washington D.C.: APA.


Kwok Wing Wu

Kwok Wing is a registered clinical psychologist working in the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. Wing is an Adjunct Faculty of AEDP Institute and has been certified as AEDP Therapist and Supervisor in 2010 and 2012 respectively.

Wing completed the Immersion Course conducted by Dr. Danny Yeung in 2006. Inspired by Dr. Yeung’s teaching, Wing received continuous supervision from Dr. Yeung for four years afterwards. With our great honor, Dr. Diana Fosha came to Hong Kong and taught us Immersion Course and advanced workshop in 2010 and 2015. Received Dr. Fosha’s support and recognition, the AEDP development in Hong Kong becomes flourishing over the recent eight years. Most importantly, with tremendous support from our local AEDP graduates, we have been developing a comprehensive and localized training and service package to our Chinese community, which not only include the Level II and III training, but also involve what we call “case sharing session,” “AEDP Salon,” “AEDP Book Club,” and the AEDP alumni community, as well as the establishment of a centre-based AEDP service for people in Hong Kong. (more…)

Cammy Cheung, RSW

Cammy is an Adjunct Faculty of AEDP Institute and has been certified as AEDP therapist and supervisor. She is a registered social worker (RSW), certified counsellor and had worked in the Hong Kong social work field of  different services over 36 years. Currently, Cammy is in private practice as psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. She completed Immension Course by Dr. Danny Yeung in 2006 and received Advanced training by Dr. Diana Fosha 2015 in Hong Kong. Since 2014, She  began to teach AEDP core skills training and continuously provides group and individual supervision on level III. She has successfully guided several candidates to be certified  AEDP therapists .


Steve Carroll, LCSW

Steve Carroll, LCSW is a psychotherapist in private  practice since 1988 working with individuals, couples and  families as well as supervision/consultation for  colleagues. Prior to private practice he co-developed a  treatment unit for families experiencing child sexual  abuse, supervised a group home for adolescent girls and  supervised an outpatient therapy program for a family  service agency. He is a certified Imago therapist/ supervisor and other background training includes  psychodynamic psychotherapy, object relations, family  systems, Internal Family Systems and Focusing-Oriented  Psychotherapy. 

Steve completed AEDP’s Immersion Course with Diana  Fosha in 2008 and three years of Core Training with Eileen Russell. He has assisted in numerous Immersion Courses, ESI and II and Wired For Healing Workshop with Diana. 
