Human beings have a remarkable capacity to face and overcome life's challenges. When we successfully steer ourselves through these passages, we can emerge with new insights, skills and resilience to make future hardships less hard. Some challenges instead leave us hopeless, confused, or fearful: depression saps our strength, anxiety overpowers our nerves, unexpected life changes or transitions don't go the way they should, or a sense of unfulfilled potential makes us feel we are letting ourselves down.
I offer individual psychotherapy that addresses both immediate symptoms and the deeper issues that often lurk behind them. Through our collaboration, we will establish goals, work to understand the nature of the problem, identify strengths you already possess, and develop new strategies to help you live the life you want.
My approach is grounded in our relationship: therapy is hard work, and I will work hard to know you so the pace and intensity is individually suited to you, and so that you feel seen, heard, and understood.