I am a Professional Counselor Associate based in Portland and I offer telehealth services to adults throughout Oregon. I specialize in helping those who struggle with body shame and disordered eating, those who deal with trauma/complex PTSD/shame, and those who have chronic illness and/or pain.
I am passionate about experiential therapy, and AEDP in particular. I love collaborating with my clients to help them face feelings that have been too hard to face alone. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of relationship, warmth, compassion, and carefully facilitated therapeutic experiences.
I especially love supporting those in fat bodies (I use "fat" in a reclaimed sense of the word) and those who struggle with binge eating. I use concepts from Health At Every Size®, Body Trust®, and fat liberation to help my clients forge peaceful relationships with their bodies and food.
I am fat positive, anti-racist, LGBTQIA2S+ affirming, neurodiversity affirming, sex positive, and kink/poly affirming. I welcome all clients to my practice, whatever their race, ethnicity, religion, size, gender, sexuality, dis/abilities, citizenship, or social class.
I am supervised by Kelly Prothero, LCSW, who is a Certified AEDP Supervisor.
To learn more about me and my approach, visit my website!