Sigal Bahat, MA
Sigal Bahat, MA is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute and the Institute’s ambassador to the AEDP in Israel region. She teaches and supervises AEDP, in Israel, US and internationally, and leads an Israeli AEDP Core Training group. She has a private practice in Israel and also works remotely. Sigal started her career as a Dance Movement Therapist, and then completed training both as an Expressive & Creative psychotherapist, and as a Bio-energetic Analyst. She is certified and has many years of experience as a teacher of somatic-mindfulness approaches.
The Alexander Technique, The Feldenkrais Method and Authentic Movement. Meeting AEDP and Dr. Diana Fosha met a decades-long quest to actively engage the intra-intimate-connections between psyche & soma.
Sigal on AEDP: “At last I met a model that made sense to me in the deepest manner, both theoretically and clinically – I experienced a precise ‘click’ with the AEDP model & spirit, which felt organically right. I felt ‘I’ve arrived home’ and gained a precious professional and communicative experiential language.”