One Year Free Member Registration (For EAs and Immersion grads)
Here’s What You’ll Receive As An AEDP Institute Member
- Access to the AEDP Listserv: The AEDP Listserv is an ideal forum for asking questions, exploring clinical issues, getting concrete answers to practical challenges and making and receiving referrals within the AEDP community. Listserv participation is a great way to connect to the supportive and innovative AEDP community nationally and internationally.
- Transformance Journal and Transformance Talks Webinars – free for members : The official publication of the AEDP Institute, Journal Transformance features the latest advances in AEDP theory and research. Each issue includes original articles, transcripts of clinical sessions, reviews of recent literature, and research and clinical innovations related to AEDP. Recent topics have included neuroscience, transformational studies, trauma treatment, phenomenology, attachment theory, development and mother-infant studies treating people with addiction and more.
- The Journal Transformance is available to a wide audience for free. Transformace Talks Webinars are, however, free for members only. They are produced by and for the AEDP community by Journal Transformance authors and are a member favorite!
- Savings on AEDP training: AEDP members receive a a $50 discount on registration for both the AEDP Immersion and Essential Skills courses, as well as discounts on most AEDP Institute sponsored live and online seminars and workshops.
- Premier listing in the AEDP Therapist Directory. An invaluable resource for anyone seeking an AEDP therapist in the United States, Canada and around the world. The Therapist Directory is a way to highlight your work and experience with AEDP. As a member of the Institute, you can customize your listing to include your level, a photograph, links to your website, your email address and more so that and it will be easily searchable by anyone looking for an AEDP therapist in your area.