Becoming an AEDP Certified Therapist is an amazing journey that can lead to a wealth of personal and professional rewards.
After completing AEDP Levels 1, 2, and 3, along with initial supervision, the certification process involves self-reflection, microanalysis of clinical sessions, and one-on-one supervision. This intense, affirming process deepens clinical skills and brings candidates to a level of AEDP competency they might not have thought possible. Supervisors and clients alike witness the powerful healing that emerges from this work. The sense of accomplishment in mastering such a meaningful practice is profound.
Certified therapists join a supportive community of passionate AEDP professionals, with opportunities for consultation, collaboration, and ongoing learning. Some choose to advance further, becoming Certified Supervisors to mentor others on their AEDP journeys.
Certification not only enhances professional recognition but also demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards within both AEDP and the broader psychotherapy community.
Becoming an AEDP Certified Therapist is a is challenging but rewarding journey with significant personal and professional benefits.
Application for Certification
When ready to submit your application, email
Certification Guidelines for Therapists
Part l. Certification Process and Package Requirements
Part ll. Guidelines for Selection of Clinical Video Recordings
Part lll Guidelines and Format for Microanalysis
Part IV. Review Process by AEDP Faculty and Certified Supervisor
Part I. Certification Process and Package Requirements
Certification Process Requirements: You must be Level 3 before you can continue
- You must have worked with 2 different supervisors. If you have only worked with one supervisor to reach level three, then you will need to choose a different supervisor to be your Certification Supervisor (see step 3). If you have already worked with two different supervisors then you may choose one of them to be your Certification Supervisor, or you may choose someone different
- You will work with your selected Certification Supervisor for a minimum of 10 additional hours of individual supervision helping you prepare your Certification Package.
- Your Certification Supervisor must affirm the completeness and readiness of your package for review and submit a letter of recommendation providing detailed information about your readiness to pursue the next steps in the certification process, the review!
- Please have your Certification Supervisor email your letter of recommendation to Upon receipt of your letter, you will be provided with instructions on uploading your certification package to the AEDP dropbox account.
- Submit your Certification Package!
Certification Package Requirements
- Proof of State License or Equivalent: Submit a copy of your state license, or the equivalent certification from your region or country.
- Two Clinical Video Recordings: These clinical examples should demonstrate you guiding your client through all four states of the AEDP transformational process. Reviewers will use the 9+1 scale to assess both videos (see the rubric here). Each recording offers you the chance to showcase your expertise in applying AEDP interventions and clinical skills.
- videotapes are between 25-40 minutes long with no more than 2 edits.
- The first clinical sample should depict work with a new patient (session 1 – 4) and include a patient moving from state 1 to state 2
- The second clinical sample should demonstrate work from either the middle or concluding phase of an AEDP treatment with a different patient and include a patient moving from state 3 to state 4.
- videotapes are between 25-40 minutes long with no more than 2 edits.
- English transcripts: with words and timestamps that align exactly with the videos should be provided for each of the two video recordings. Videos not in English must be subtitled in English and their transcripts and timestamps must align with the subtitles; explanations of language to language translations that may not appear to an English speaking reviewer to be AEDP-aligned should be explained in the microanalysis.
- Microanalysis of Video Recordings: a microanalysis must be included with each video, highlighting the AEDP principles and interventions used during the session (and the state changes).
- Client Descriptions: Provide descriptive paragraphs detailing the treatment processes and background of each of the two clients featured in the video recordings. This helps your reviewers understand your client.
- A Self Reflection: Write a paragraph or more that looks back on your personal journey of “learning and doing AEDP” that will complement the other components of your package which are focused on theoretical knowledge and clinical skills. Keep in mind these goals:
- Self-reflection enhances self-awareness, helping you understand your strengths, growth areas, and biases – all crucial for effective therapy. Reflecting on your AEDP training journey also deepens your understanding and application of the model.
The AEDP Institute has a deep commitment to supporting members of our community who can demonstrate their readiness to be AEDP Certified but may have challenges meeting particular certification process or package requirements. To learn about possible exceptions, please reach out to Carolyn Fitzgerald, AEDP Certification Coordinator, at
Part ll. Guidelines for Selection of Clinical Video Recordings
Submitting two examples of clinical work from two different patients demonstrating the integration of AEDP theory with your clinical practice is a pivotal requirement in the AEDP certification process. For therapists who operate in agency settings or other environments where video recording is prohibited, please reach out to Carolyn at for further guidance.
Your Video Recordings:
When clinical session videos are conducted in a language other than English, ensure that transcripts are provided not only in English but also include timestamps. This facilitates reviewers in following the transcript while watching the tapes.
Two clinical session recordings from two different clients -Each submission should consist of:
- Two clinical session recordings from two distinct clients.
- Each session video should range from 25 to 40 minutes in length with no more than 2 edits.
- Each video serves as an opportunity for you to showcase your proficiency in applying clinical skills using AEDP interventions.
The first clinical sample should depict work with a new patient and should be drawn from an early session (sessions 1 to 4).
The second clinical sample should demonstrate work from either the middle or concluding phase of an AEDP treatment with a different patient.
These two clinical examples should illustrate the therapist guiding the client through all four states of the AEDP transformational process. For instance, in the first tape, there should be movement from state 1 to state 2, and in the second tape, movement from state 3 to state 4.
Please remember: To safeguard yourself and your clients, be sure that you have written consent for sharing all videos with supervisors.
Part III. Guidelines and Format for Microanalysis
Within your Certification Package, you will incorporate microanalyses of the two clinical session video recordings you’ve submitted. The objectives of microanalysis are twofold: to furnish reviewers with theoretical underpinnings for the specific intervention strategies showcased in your clinical practice and to provide you a rewarding learning experience that validates and enriches your self-reflection.
At the outset of each case, include a paragraph or two delineating the pertinent psychosocial history, along with any other relevant information such as early clinical observations and assessments, to orient reviewers to the client and the treatment progression thus far.
Accompany your videotapes with microanalysis annotations that describe how you apply AEDP theory to your corresponding interventions. Some narrative may be incorporated into the microanalysis as you delineate the process of intervening and integrating theory into your practice.
In your annotations, demonstrate a capacity for self-supervision; this may include detailing self-awareness, self-regulation and interventions you would have liked to have made / not made (i.e. please comment on interventions you, in retrospect, wish you had made that might have been a better track to follow.)
Format of the microanalysis can be done in one of two ways:
Format 1): Therapist and patient verbal communications are in regular print. Non-verbal communication/body language is in italics and in parenthesis. Therapist comments on the process, the theory, the interventions are [in bold in brackets.] Below is an example:
04:10 Th: If instead of doing the “so what” with a joke, or “that’s life,” [urging patient to relinquish defense]
Pt: Uh huh
04:21 Th: If you let yourself stay with this feeling (slowing down, sobering ), the sense of emptiness, this inner sense of (deep sigh, grave tone of voice )… having to work so hard to keep something away. [affective resonance]
Pt: Yeah… (also slowing down and sobering ) it’s tiring. [deepening experience]
04:33 Th: It’s very exhausting (amplified exhausted intonation )… Mmmmmm…. [amplifying affective experience] I mean right now it seems to me like we’re sort of approaching this from the outside because it’s a scary place to be [empathic identification of fear]. Pt: Yeah, it is…mmm… I don’t know… Sometimes I wonder, is this it? Is this what life is about? It feels empty… (pained tone ) [deepening of despair]
Format 2): Use a grid in which you put the content on the left side and the commentary about the interventions, theory and process on the right side.
See example below (you may want to look at the transcripts in the AEDP 2.0 Book for other examples):
Part IV. Review Process by AEDP Faculty and Certified Supervisor
The review process commences once your Certification Supervisor sends their letter of recommendation to Carolyn Fitzgerald at
This letter is confirming that your Certification Supervisor believes your certification package is complete and ready for submission and that you are deserving of becoming Certified based on the package. This may include a bit about your clinical journey, as well as the developmental journeys of both the candidate and the clients; for instance, detailing how “the client had experienced significant emotional growth, even in the absence of overt emotional expressions.”
Upon receipt of the recommendation letter, Carolyn will provide you with a link to a HIPAA-compliant AEDP Dropbox folder for the upload of all contents within your certification package.
Two reviewers will be designated, ideally comprising one faculty member and one certified supervisor. Subsequently, the review process will initiate, with an expected duration of up to 10 weeks.
Please note there is a $300 certification fee, and an invoice will be dispatched once your reviewers are confirmed. For inquiries regarding scholarship availability, kindly contact Carolyn.
download the certification guidelines pdf here
download the reviewer worksheet here