Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses are for AEDP trained (Level 2* or above) licensed clinicians who are looking to develop or refresh their AEDP skills while earning CE’s and/or credit towards AEDP Certification.
Level 2 AEDPers who complete any 5 Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses will be promoted to Level 3; i.e. they are comparable to other ES2 Courses
Level 3+ AEDPers are encouraged to participate in Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses to earn CE’s while refreshing AEDP skills and reconnecting with faculty and community.
Most but not all Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses are held on Saturday & Sunday. All include two full days of training including didactic presentations featuring video of actual clinical sessions each morning + small group experiential work each afternoon.
* AEDP Level 2 clinicians have completed Immersion plus either Essential Skills (ES1), or Core Training, or the equivalent in AEDP supervision (30 hours Small Group or 20 hours Individual).
About AEDP: Healing-oriented and attachment-based, AEDP’s practice translates current neuroscience and developmental research into moment-to-moment clinical practice. Simultaneously experiential and relational in its in-depth emotional explorations, AEDP’s interventions are deeply rooted in the dynamics of the transformational process that emerges in environments where the individual feels safe and known.
Prerequisites: AEDP Advanced Skills Courses are for licensed practitioners who are Level 2 or above; i.e. they have completed both AEDP Immersion and either AEDP Essential Skills (ES1), Core Training, or its equivalent in AEDP Supervision hours. If you are unsure of your Level and would like to participate in an Advanced Skills Course, please contact
About Advanced Skills Weekends: Practical in orientation, every Advanced Skills Course focuses on helping you both learn new, Advanced AEDP skills, and cultivate and fine-tune the AEDP skills you already have. Each course will include didactic presentations of theory along with video of actual clinical sessions conducted by AEDP Faculty followed by an afternoon of small group experiential exercises.
In both left-brained and right-brained ways, our Advanced Skills faculty will teach concrete, specific interventions and techniques that will help you with the in-depth practice of AEDP and help you with your more challenging clients.
Daily routine: AEDP skills are introduced each morning first with their theoretical foundations and then with illustrations by way of clinical videotapes; skills are then practiced in group experiential exercises each afternoon.
Faculty, Experiential Assistants and Clinical Video: These are the hallmarks of all AEDP trainings. In AEDP, we pride ourselves in how thoroughly and deeply we seek to both undo professional aloneness and engage in rigorous clinical teaching. Our faculty are excellent as academics, clinicians and teachers. Participants deeply appreciate how effectively faculty presenters’ clinical video demonstrates “AEDP in action.” And faculty have skilled accompaniment from a large number of Experiential Assistants – up to and often including one Experiential Assistant for every three participants. Participants rave about the excellent attention and support they receive in this unique learning environment.
To see a listing of AEDP therapists who act as Experiential Assistants, click here.
Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses: anyone who is AEDP Level 2 or above is invited to register.
More Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses are being added all the time. The Institute will email individuals who are Level 2 and above with updates.
Remember, Level 2 therapists who complete any five Advanced Skills 2-Day Courses will be promoted to Level 3.
Using AEDP’s Representational Schemas to Scaffold the Therapist’s Presence, Persistence and Precision
Presented by: Karen Pando-Mars, MFT
Lexington (Boston Area), MA, USA | March 7 & 8, 2020
Learn more & Register
Transforming Toxic Shame, Trauma, Self-Attack and Trauma States
Presented by: SueAnne Piliero, PhD
New York, NY, USA | May 2 & 3 (Saturday & Sunday), 2020
Stay tuned for link to learn more & register
Transforming Toxic Shame, Trauma, Self-Attack and Trauma States
Presented by: SueAnne Piliero, PhD
Boston Area, MA, USA | June 20 & 21 (Saturday & Sunday), 2020
Stay tuned for link to learn more & register
Topic TBA
Presented by: Kari Gleiser, PhD
New York, NY, USA | December 5 & 6, 2020
Stay tuned for link to learn more & register
Topic TBA
Presented by: Kari Gleiser, PhD
Boston Area, MA, USA | March 20 & 21, 2021
Stay tuned for link to learn more & register