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Announcing our 2025 conference
celebrating 25 years of AEDP™
In It Together: The Science & Practice of Healing in Connection
In-Person in New York City OR Live Online
3 days: Friday – Sunday, April 4 – 6, 2025
In April, the AEDP community from around the world will gather in New York City for three days of learning, laughing, and becoming inspired, TOGETHER at last!
The 2025 Conference, In It Together, will be held both online and in-person at the legendary Webster Hall in downtown Manhattan where invited speakers from within and beyond the AEDP community will grace the same stage that world famous musicians and speakers have performed on for more than 140 years.
We don’t have all the details yet. In fact we’ll be asking for your help designing it to make it a meaningful, memorable and fun long weekend in New York City with AEDP colleagues and friends. But we do know that in-person seats are limited to 600, and early registration pricing for members is limited even more.
And the best hotel rooms are already selling out: as of August 1st, 60% of discounted rooms reserved for early registrants were already sold!
Already want to register? Even before the roster of speakers is announced? Your payment or deposit + payment plan will guarantee that 1 of the 600 seats at Webster Hall is reserved for YOU.
I hope you are as excited as we are!!
Molly Eldridge
Chair of the AEDP Conference Committee
New: Updated Guidelines for Becoming a Certified Supervisor
The Institute has a new set of requirements and a new process for becoming a Certified Supervisor. If you are a Certified Therapist and are interested in pursuing becoming a Supervisor, check out the new guidelines here.
We are undoing aloneness on Instagram and facebook!
The image above is one of the more popular recent posts on our recently launched Instagram page where we ask our followers, “What does undoing aloneness look and sound like for you?”
AEDP Institute has officially dipped its toe in the social media maelstrom! We’d love to have you follow us at #aedpinstitute where you can expect to find interesting and inspirational AEDP-syntonic quotes, bits of AEDP wisdom, occasional Institute announcements, community news and more – we’re just getting started, so we appreciate every follower and LIKE. Thanks for the support and we’ll see you out there!
Newly Certified Supervisors
Newly Certified Therapists
Dear Colleagues of the AEDP Institute and the Worldwide AEDP Community,
With immense joy and honour, Dr. H. Jacquie Ye-Perman and I would like to announce that
Professor Wang Juan is now official a Certified AEDP Therapist.
Wang Juan has been dedicated about practicing, learning and being supervised in AEDP ever
since completion of the first China AEDP Immersion Course, taught by Dr. Diana Fosha, in
summer 2015. Since then, for the past nine years, on average a monthly basis, Wang Juan has
been in group supervision with me. She had also worked in individual supervision with Jacquie.
In addition to supervision, Wang Juan has been engaged as an Experiential Assistant in two 5
days intensive (total of 80 hours) Essential Skills Courses in mainland China, and an additional
Immersion Course in 2022.
As Wang Juan’s supervisor, Jacquie comments: In 2014, providing supervision for Chinese
psychotherapists who studied group therapy, I met Wang Juan, and was struck by her genuine
and kind presence, as well as her humbleness and dedication in her study. I invited her to our
first Immersion course in Shanghai the following year, and was both pleased and impressed that
she had been consistent in her pursuit in AEDP. At every possible opportunity, including courses,
supervision, experiential assistance, I could always count on her being there. She also shared
with me how she incorporate AEDP into her teaching of undergraduate courses at the university
she taught, and eventually created a course that focused on the foundations of AEDP. She also
shared with me her interests in doing research on AEDP. In sum, she seemed to immerse in
AEDP every aspect of her professional life. About four years ago I started working with Wang
Juan closely on her certification preparation. The process was challenging as she persisted
through various life circumstances including COVID. I was delighted to witness her work, which
strongly illustrated her readiness in certification. I was particularly moved by how she was able
to communicate her deeply caring presence, with consistent focus and precise effectiveness. The
core of her as a human being, which I always know and feel touched, through the learning of
AEDP had come through clearly in the sessions and brought the deep transformation in her
clients, two young women, from the places of small-ness and darkness. The joy and light in those
clients’ faces were tremendously inspiring to me, both on a clinical level and societal level — in
respect to the historical and present suppression of women. I trust that Wang Juan, as the first
AEDP certified therapist in China, would continue to bring ground-breaking knowledge, healing,
and compassion, to her therapy office and classroom, and beyond.
Together with Jacquie as her supervisor, I have the honour to work with Wang Juan in
completing her supervision requirements. While Wang Juan’s work is solid and superb in both
horizontal-relational skills and vertical-affective skills, she goes beyond the doing of therapy and
embodied the being of an AEDP therapist, inside and outside of the therapy room. I want to
highlight her work with one of her two certification clients, a lovely Chinese young woman
diagnosed with schizophrenia, stabilized with medications. Wang Juan exemplifies the spirit of
AEDP in regarding her client as a whole human being as opposed to a de-humanizing
“schizophrenic”. It is deeply moving to follow the healing journey of this client, from a newly
married woman, to now having given birth to a young child. This client and her family’s destiny
was transformed for the better because of Wang Juan’s AEDP work.
An abbreviated professional background revealed that Wang Juan is Professor, Chief Physician
and Master's Supervisor in Hubei University of Medicine. She once served as the director of the
University Student Mental Health Center. She continues to conducts research, teaching and
publication in mental health, including AEDP studies.
Joining Jacquie and I, the reviewers of Wang Juan’s certification material have the following
observations and comments (abbreviated):
Reviewer 1: I am very much moved by the therapist’s gentle yet sharp and precise detection of
client’s affective experiences or any glimmers of transformance, and then processed them slowly
but in a clear and focused path. Her therapeutic presence exhibited not only in her verbal
interventions, but also in her whole person manifested in non-verbal ways, such as her tones,
pacing, empathetic gazing, head nodding etc. Not a moment she displayed any cognitive talking,
but through her loving kindness, gentleness and empathetic guidance, and AEDP therapeutic
maneuver, I could witness how amazingly transformed in clients. I also appreciate therapist’s
focus on the expansion of clients‘ spiral transformations through rounds of meta-processing.
This really helps clients to expand and deepen their transformative experiences. The therapist
did it so naturally and calmly. I am so glad to see this and may even say that I see the spirit of
AEDP in the therapist. I am also impressed by her clear and deep grasp of AEDP therory and
concepts in her essay, and analyzed precisely the phenomena of clients and processed them in
AEDP way.
Reviewer 2: Wang Juan manifested her high quality of presence, warmth, caring, calm,
compassion, empathetic, kindness both verbally and nonverbally. She was effectively co-creating
safety therapeutic relationship with both patients from the get go via eye gaze, explicit
acknowledgment, affirmation, acceptance, resonance and intersubjectivity delight. She danced
and guided her intervention seamlessly with proficient and effective usage of AEDP skills as
moment by moment tracking, by passed / melting the defences, explicit affirmation and
validation for slow and stay with the glimmers of core affect emerged. She was impressively
sensitive to the emergence of different states with fruitful state specific intervention. Both patients
were facilitated to process their multi-layer of core affects although sometimes attached with
shameful emotional experiences but finally the patients could solidify their reflective abilities
with a deep sense of new understanding and acceptance of their past disowned part of self and
finally become well integrated into a new true and authentic self with vitality in their
core state. She actively asked for permission from the patients to process their work with
collaborative manner. Her gorgeous attachment work accelerated patients’ integration of their
right brain into left brain on their reflective functioning and understanding their internal
dynamics. In addition , her brilliant mastery the knowlege of neuroscience put her somatic-
oriented intervention efficiently fostering patients to enlarge and deepen their body awareness
particularly in their state 3 and state 4 transformation.
The following is Wang Juan’s heartfelt sharing of her AEDP journey (translated from Chinese):
Looking back on my journey of learning AEDP, I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful! In 2015,
at the Shanghai Mental Health Center, I first learned about this school of psychotherapy and met
Teachers Diana Fosha, Danny Yeung, and Ye Huan. Since then, my heart has been inspired!
As I entered a mature age, I encountered AEDP. It has been nine years since I completed the
systematic study and received professional supervision from the teachers. These nine years,
AEDP has been integrated into my life! I am immersed in various experiences related to AEDP,
and I am always like a child, wanting to try this and play with that, full of novelty, yet not afraid
of failure! I myself, in this rich nourishment, have also become a little more brave and open,
more calm and gentle, more clear and compassionate!
Reflecting on these changes, I think there are two fundamental points. One is the "love" from the
AEDP therapeutic theory, and the other is the "love" from the teachers! The core theory of
AEDP theory is "attachment theory" and "affect theory", and the core skills are to establish a
secure attachment relationship and promote emotional expression. These are the foundations of
our life as human beings, and also the foundations of our life as ourselves. When we start from
understanding the theory and practicing skills, we will eventually and must go to "the sword and
the person are one". And the state of "the sword and the person are one" will inevitably be the
manifestation of our "true self". Recalling the love of the teachers is also vivid. They are not only
teaching the skills of "love", but also incarnating the angels of "love" to protect us! I am grateful
to the respected Teacher Danny Yeung, who is profound, tolerant, witty and humorous. In
practice and supervision, no matter how unreliable we do, he will respond gently, "It doesn't
matter, it doesn't matter!"; as long as we make a little progress, he will affirm, "This move is
really powerful!". I am grateful to the dear Teacher Ye Huan, who is beautiful, wise, gentle and
accepting, and has exquisite skills. She led me into the mysterious palace of AEDP, and when I
encounter confusion in personal growth and professional learning, she always gives me the most
profound support! When we need learning resources, the teachers will give their best; and the
greatest reward the teachers expect is our growth!
Because of love, I have tried some explorations, and these attempts have made me more able to
feel the magic of AEDP. In 2019, I set up an undergraduate course in AEDP, and now I have
completed the fifth round of teaching. The students' learning feedback is as magical and
beautiful as when my heart was called that year; in 2023, I set up an advanced course in AEDP
among graduate students, and I carried out AEDP scientific research with my students; I use the
AEDP treatment method in clinical psychotherapy, and the changes of the visitors also surprise
me; I often talk about content related to learning with my family in life, so that when talking to
the children about several teachers, it is as familiar and cordial as talking about old friends of
my family!
Now, AEDP has become a part of my life, and she will accompany me in the future! I hope I can
also nourish all things in the world with "love" like my mentors teachers!
In conclusion, there is no doubt in my mind that Wang Juan has achieved (beyond) competency
in practicing AEDP. She is the first mainlander Chinese to achieve Certified AEDP Therapist
qualification. She will be a profound blessing to the emerging AEDP community in mainland
Danny Yeung MD.
Senior Faculty & Chair of International Development Committee, AEDP Institute
H. Jacquie Ye-Perman PhD.
Adjunct Faculty, Ambassador to China, AEDP DEBI Committee, International Development
Committee, AEDP Institute
minted AEDP certified clinician. Our work together has been a source of
delight to me; John’s immediate grasp of AEDP skills, and especially his
openness to suggestions and his heartfelt desire to grow his AEDP tone
and stance has touched me from the start of our collaboration.
John is an MFT working in private practice in the beautiful Sierra foothills
in Nevada City, California. In addition to his therapy practice, John has
been working as a Japanese-English translator since the late 90s, driven
by his love for languages and connecting with people from varied cultural
backgrounds. John’s personal path of healing and growth has involved
work with psychedelic and plant medicines, a world he has been steeped
in since 2008, which led him to becoming a licensed therapist as it
became clearer that these two worlds would eventually begin to
converge. John works primarily with adult individuals seeking healing
from various forms of relational trauma.
John’s devotion to the model means that John‘s certification review
resulted in resounding approval from both reviewers:
“Witnessing John's work, I felt a strong sense of reassurance,
knowing that these clients were in the hands of a wise,
experienced, and loving therapist.….John demonstrates
exceptional skill, particularly in his ability to micro-track and
swiftly apply his observations in interventions. His keen eye
for fleeting affective moments allows him to help clients
deepen their core affective experiences effectively.
John's strengths lie in his ability to co-regulate, create safety,
and undo aloneness. He privileges the positive and
transformance, demonstrating excellent micro-tracking and
micro-attunement skills. His….interventions showcase John's
thorough understanding and competent application of AEDP
theory and techniques”
And from his other reviewer:
“…..An aspect (of John’s work) that struck me from the get-go
was John’s voice and his paraverbals…..I had a visceral
sense of his exquisite attunement to his client. This dyadic
attunement was deepened by John’s ability to be concise in
his words and allow ample space for his client to explore their
experience. I also marvelled at how John tracked his client
from the tiniest movement or expression, (and his) ability to
self-disclose his affective experience in the service of his
client. In this, it appeared to me that John and his clients were
in a dance together; that with every step his clients took, John
was right there beside them….The client in me felt trustful,
supported, accompanied, not alone. John caringly creates
space for clients to feel into their self at best, fostering a
platform for intrapsychic and interpersonal corrective
emotional experiences and healing.”
And from John himself:
“I discovered AEDP during graduate school through my clinical
supervisor, Karen Batka, who introduced it as the primary theoretical
lens in our work together, creating the spark that ignited my passion for
AEDP. From the start, AEDP has felt like home in my heart, and it now
informs all of my relationships and how I strive to live my life as a caring
human being. I began my AEDP training just a few months after the
pandemic began in 2020, which feels bittersweet. The shift to online
training made it possible for me to learn AEDP as a prelicensed
therapist, as I could not have afforded the travel required for in-person
training. However, living in a rural area has limited my opportunities to
meet other AEDP therapists in person, and I long for the richness and
deep connection that I imagine came hand-in-hand with the in-person
training and supervision of the old days. I have been trying my best to
share my passion for AEDP with other therapists here in the foothills in
hopes of creating a local community of us here at some point.
I would like to share my gratitude to Karen Batka for introducing me to
AEDP, to Goretti Faria for beautifully supporting me in all of my
insecurities and doubts in my first year of individual AEDP supervision,
and most of all to Kate Halliday whom from the day of our first magical
encounter held me in a loving and nurturing cocoon during our nearly
two years of supervision together as I learned how to spread my wings
and grow my confidence in doing this work. I also extend my gratitude to
Richard Harrison for his guidance in group supervision and to all the
amazing and inspiring faculty members I encountered throughout my
Please join me in congratulating John on his achievement. He can be
emailed directly at john@johnwunderleymft.com
Dear AEDP Community,
It is my very great pleasure to share with you that Mimi Steele, LPC of Charlottesville, VA is now an AEDP Certified Therapist!
It has been a delight to work with her and support her certification process. Mimi is an attuned, empathic, AEDP therapist who knows and embodies the model. She has a lovely presence, is deeply authentic, brings a warm slow pace and skillful moment to moment tracking to her sessions. I also appreciate her true AEDP self showing up in her vulnerable sharing of her own dilemmas and or mis-steps. She shares her warmth and sense of humor in comfortable attuned ways that promote connection and safety in her sessions. She is a dedicated AEDP community member and learner.
Mimi has had extensive AEDP training with various faculty over the years. Kate Halliday says of her – “Mimi and her team in Charlottesville VA have built a thriving and connected AEDP community . She has shown bravery and growth in her journey. I know she has a solid meditation practice that is the bedrock of her work and I believe facilitates her success in helping her clients access state 4 expansiveness.”
Her reviewers said of her work:
Mimi’s unique embodiment of AEDP leads to me, feeling into a client’s experience, feeling safe, held, attuned to, understood (and wanting to be understood) and loved. There is an ease to each session that lets me as client (and me a reviewer) settle in and trust in the unfolding process – which I think may be reflective of Mimi’s own skill and trust in the process. This is the work of a skilled AEDP therapist. Mimi’s capacity for attunement, tracking micro-ruptures and repairing – and by doing so creating safety that the client feels and remarks on is clear. She is able to skillfully stay with the body, lead clients into their experience and accompany them there in a way that feels seamless. Brava!
Mimi Steele’s sessions demonstrated a deep understanding and application of AEDP. From the first moments of the sessions, I felt as if the client (and I) were in kind, loving hands. The work is elegantly paced, with Mimi’s tone, presence, and stance serving as an excellent example of a therapist embodying the core principles of AEDP, specifically that of True Other. She has a remarkable capacity for tracking and “being with” the patient’s experience, and shows her empathy and accompaniment. She displays maturity, and poise in both action and reflection. Throughout the process, I found myself feeling relaxed, settled, and confidently held by her presence and expertise.
Mimi adds:
I’d like to send gratitude:
-to Dave Waters and Wendy Summer for their enthusiastic invitations to join them in learning AEDP
– to the intelligent, curious, kind Charlottesville AEDP community for inspiration, love and support
-to David Mars and Karen-Pando Mars, my first AEDP teachers and supervisors, for their wisdom, creativity and kindness
-to Kate Halliday who guided me toward my ‘self at best’ and taught me to share her as an integral part of my work
– to Molly Eldridge whose steady presence and guidance in fine tuning my skills helped me reach the certification finish line
– to my clients for their great courage and tender vulnerability
It has been my true pleasure and privilege to supervise Mimi and now to warmly welcome her as an AEDP Certified Therapist!
Please join me in congratulating Mimi on this well-deserved milestone at mcscville@gmail.com
Molly Eldridge, MSW LICSW
Upcoming Institute-Sponsored Seminars and Courses
For all 2024 AEDP Institute-sponsored events please click here
ADVANCED SKILLS COURSE (4 days including experiential work): Memory Reconsolidation at Work Across States in AEDP: Portrayals and Metaprocessing |
For Essential Skills Grads Presented by Senior Faculty Member Ronald Frederick, PhD Starting September 13, 2024 Learn more and Register |
ADVANCED SKILLS SEMINAR (2 days, no experiential work): Memory Reconsolidation at Work Across States in AEDP: Portrayals and Metaprocessing |
For Essential Skills Grads Presented by Senior Faculty Member Ronald Frederick, PhD Starting September 13, 2024 Learn more and Register |
For Immersion Grads Presented by AEDP Institute Faculty 5 Modules Starting October 4, 2024 Learn more and Register |
For all 2024 AEDP Institute-sponsored events please click here
In-Person Events Taught by AEDP Faculty and Supervisors

Explore AEDP-Informed Psilocybin Assisted Therapy – Experientially! presented by Emily Bilbao, LCSW, Deb Lee-Thornby, LMFT, & Liz Perkins, LMFT
September 13 – 15, 2024
Presented at Immersive Therapies in Portland, Oregon
Live In-Person
Learn More and Register
Now It’s Easier than Ever to Find a Supervisor!
Simply send an email to findasupervisor@aedpinstitute.org, sharing details about the supervisor or type of supervision you seek. Your request will reach all actively supervising Faculty members, Certified Supervisors, and Supervisors in Training. Those meeting your outlined criteria and with availability will directly respond to you. Feel free to correspond with multiple prospective supervisors until you find the right match! Additionally, here’s a list of groups to assist you in your search. This list is updated monthly and is not exhaustive, so for an effective search, please follow the instructions and email the address provided above.
Below is a list of Supervision offerings with an AEDP Certified Supervisor, Supervisor in Training
Friday group meets monthly from 2-4 PM for eastern time, usually on the first Friday of every month
Monday group is for level two and above and meets monthly from noon to 2 PM eastern time
both groups are composed of kind, sensitive, skilled and supportive colleagues.
cost is $115 Canadian per two hour meeting, and I request that people commit to an initial block of four sessions, in order to promote group cohesion and continuity in the membership.
anyone interested in joining could contact me by email.
thanks so much
Supervision with Marc Cecil, Ph.D. – Supervision for Everyone
I do this work because I think that ongoing supervision is important for all therapists, not just those wanting to get certified in AEDP. Supervision not only helps us learn what to do with our clients, but enhances our capacity to be present, making what we do more on target and effective.
Even more important, I think that supervision can enable us to know our unique healing gifts, becoming the therapists and people we were always meant to be, never forgetting that we are all different, and that each of us makes a real difference.
Come join me on this journey, and I’ll help you with all my heart to achieve this goal. Let’s start with individual work so we get to know each other and discover how we work best together.
Then, if it makes sense, you can participate in a small supervision group with other dedicated therapists, where you can help each other feel less alone and see each other’s wonderful healing skills. Your presence will be a gift to yourself and others.
I hope you can see that supervision is for everyone. It will help you deal with the effects of vicarious/secondary trauma and therapist burnout. Mostly, it will help you find your power as a therapist, and, in the process, others you hold will find theirs within themselves and learn that it has always been there, just waiting to be found!
With warmth and great care,
Marc A. Cecil, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Certified AEDP Supervisor and Therapist
Certified EMDR Consultant and Therapist
Senior CSRT Clinician and Supervisor in Training
Rutland, Vermont
**Group 1: Transforming Trauma Consultation Group: Transforming Complex Trauma with AEDP & Intra-Relational Parts Work**
Schedule: Bi-weekly, Mondays, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST, beginning Sept. 16th
Format: 30-minute didactic presentation + 1-hour consultation
Focus: Enhance your classic AEDP skill set in treating relational trauma, PTSD, and complex trauma and dissociation. Learn and apply classic AEDP as well as intra-relational parts work in your practice, where helpful, and to your wider practice of parts work across trauma therapy methods. Each session includes teaching and demonstration or tape review, plus a chance for all participants to present their taped work for insightful group feedback and support. By building your AEDP toolbox, you’ll deepen your confidence in utilizing AEDP with complex, relational trauma and dissociation.
Created for: AEDP Essential Skills course grads and others with AEDP experience ready for a deep dive into applying AEDP to relational trauma, PTSD, and complex trauma.
**Group 2: Essential AEDP Consultation Group**
Schedule: Bi-weekly, Tuesdays, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST, beginning September 10th
Format: 1-hour consultation with integrated didactic aspects.
Focus: A supportive space to explore and deepen your understanding of AEDP, enhance your therapeutic interventions, and build a robust professional network. Our work together will help you learn both didactically and experientially, refocus on and refine essential clinical skills, add to and deepen your knowledge, and highlight and gently move through blocks to being the best therapist you can be.
Created for: For anyone who wants to learn or deepen their AEDP relational and experiential essential skills. Immersion grads encouraged to apply.
All sessions are virtual (Zoom fatigue is real, but we’ll make it worth it!).
Your clinical training journey is uniquely yours. Some of you are solidly on your training paths. And for those of you uncertain about your professional next steps, don’t hesitate to contact me to talk it through. I’ll offer some initial guidance to get you started. Having been on both sides of AEDP consultation, I can attest to its transformative impact, both professionally and personally.
With heartfelt appreciation and respect,
michael mondoro, lcsw
nyc + westport, ct // website link // session link // aedp institute profile
integrated experiential therapy, consultation + clinical training
certified aedp therapist + aedp institute supervisor
emdr-trained // ifs-trained // sensorimotor-trained
A group for AEDP practitioners who would like support coming back to the model/refreshing AEDP skills and for anyone would like to deepen their work in a supportive community. We will use recorded sessions to lean into questions you have about bringing AEDP into work with clients and to link theory with practice in an experience near way.
Meets every other Wednesday beginning 9/18, 1-3pm PT
Please email me with interest and any questions!
I also offer individual and small group (2 to 3 people) supervision- email me and we’ll find a time that works for us all to learn in a supportive environment where we focus both on strengths you already have (that you may not see as well as others do) and the next-step growth edges to help expand your AEDP mastery.
With warmth,
Jennifer Edlin
Senior Faculty, AEDP Institute
I’m excited to be offering two new AEDP supervision groups starting this fall. Small group supervision is a wonderful way to deepen and grow one’s AEDP skills and practice, especially when there is safety and connection present. My first priority is to do this – create a positive environment where group members feel encouraged, supported, stretched and affirmed.
Both groups will meet for 6 sessions, once a month for 2 hours (days and times TBD depending on the needs of the group). Each participant will have the opportunity to present video of their client work at least two times. Groups will be limited to 6 participants. Fee is $100 per group. Completion of the Immersion course is a prerequisite.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if interested.
Kelly Prothero, LCSW
AEDP Therapist and Supervisor
Portland, Oregon
Kelly Prothero, LCSW * Pronouns: she/her/her(s)
Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor
Psychotherapy & Consultation
I have openings in two different online groups that will be running in the 2024-25 academic year -I hope you will join me if these feel right for you – for descriptions see below.
I also offer individual and small group (2 to 3 people) supervision- find a colleague or two and we’ll find a time that works for us all to learn in a supportive environment where we focus both on strengths you have (that you may not see as well as others do) and the next step growth edges to help expand your AEDP mastery.
Here are upcoming groups with availability as of 7/12:
If you are (or are near) level 3 and would like support and community around the certification process, please consider joining this group which will focus, through watching sessions, 1) on linking theory with practice, 2) on what to look for when choosing a certification tape, and 3) on undoing aloneness and bringing fun and play into learning!
$125/ group
Meets every other Tuesday beginning 9/24, 11am-1pm PT
A group for AEDP practitioners who would like support coming back to the model/refreshing AEDP skills and for anyone would like to deepen their work in a supportive community. We will use recorded sessions to lean into questions you have about bringing AEDP into work with clients and to link theory with practice in an experience near way.
Meets every other Wednesday beginning 9/18, 1-3pm PT
Please email me with interest and any questions!
With warmth,
1) AEDP Supervision group, open to AEDP levels 1+, 10 AM-12 PM, biweekly on Friday, online, resuming September 13, 2024, 4 person group
2) AEDP LGBTQ+ supervision group for LGBTQ+ clinicians working with LGBTQ+ clients, level 1+, 11 AM-1 PM, Fridays biweekly, beginning this September. 4-6 people group
If interested, please contact Ben Medley ben@therapywithben.com
H. Jacquie Ye-Perman, Ph.D., certified AEDP Therapist, and Supervisor, and adjunct faculty of the AEDP Institute
Provides online individual and group supervision. Contact for those who are interested in participating or simply curious: H. Jacquie Ye-Perman, Ph.D., at drhjperman@gmail.com
AEDP Supervision Group/Co-Learning Space for BIPOC Therapists
For whom: practitioners who are
1. self-identified as BIPOC, including non-US folks who identify with the social location of being marginalized from the dominant cultural group(s)
2. not BIPOC but have a focus on working with BIPOC clients
The Goals: 1. To co-create a space of safety for BIPOC therapists, to undo aloneness due to cultural alienation and racism that might hinder therapists’ growth. 2. To facilitate growth in AEDP work, with special consideration of tailoring AEDP interventions towards cultural-specific dynamic.
Questions particularly encouraged:
1. In what way do my background/social location and my identity development impact the power dynamic and connection I have with different clients?
2. What are the unique strengths I drew from my cultural background that I bring into the therapy room?
3. Is there unique adaptation of AEDP I can make in respect to my own cultural experiences and knowledge?
Time and structure: the group will consist of 4-6 members. It will occur monthly, 1 hour 50 minutes each time. Specific time is to be determined partly by the participants. Group members are expected to take turns presenting their clinical work in video format. For those who are not yet ready to present clinical video, we can start with clinical audio or transcript, with the goal of obtaining clinical videos as your work advances.
The organizer and supervisor: My cultural backgrounds include that I am Chinese-born, Canada and US-educated, currently living in the heartland of the US., bilingual, CIS gendered female, heterosexual and able-bodied. Through the years of my professional life, I have been trained, then practiced, wrote, and taught psychotherapy from the lens of cultural humility. I have been providing AEDP-focused individual and group supervision since 2015, and led a BIPOC AEDP Core-training course in 2022. I see myself as a life-long student of cultures and hope to continue build safe space for others and myself in learning, exploring, and thriving.
Cost of the supervision: $80 for each 1 hr 50 mins session. I expect a full round of commitment (each person get to present one time) to maintain a sense of consistency for the group. Sliding scale is available, please ask.
Participation in this group will count towards your AEDP certification.
Contact for those who are interested in participating or simply curious: H. Jacquie Ye-Perman, Ph.D., at drhjperman@gmail.com
Attention Supervisors: List Your Offerings Here by sending your post to aedp.bulletin.board@gmail.com
Looking for Supervision
Hello everyone,
My name is Christine, and I am a licensed psychologist in California. I am reaching out to find a supervision group for therapists with advanced AEDP experience. I have videotapes available if that is a requirement for joining the group.
In my current professional settings, I often find myself in a caregiving and holding role due to my training and experience. I am now seeking a supervision space that can fulfill my desire to deepen my knowledge of AEDP and provide mentorship and guidance.
I am a Level-III AEDP therapist. I have completed training in Immersion, ES1, ES2, Core Training with Miriam Marsolais and Jennifer Edlin, and 59 hours of individual supervision with Penelope Andrade. Additionally, my personal therapist is also AEDP-trained. If you need more information about my background, please visit my website: https://www.christinechangphd.com.
If you have any openings in your supervision group or can provide recommendations, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your consideration.
Warm regards,
Christine Chang, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist | PSY 28786
Teletherapy in California
(510) 757-1320 | cchangphd@gmail.com
AEDP and AEDP-related trainings, forums, discussion groups, etc.
These trainings are not Institute-sponsored and do not count towards AEDP certification.
Hey folks,
If you live in North or South Carolina and want to study Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and network with other AEDP enthusiasts, please join our monthly virtual study & fellowship group. The meetings take place on Fridays once a month by Zoom. Please see the attached document for the schedule, timing and reading list. If you’re interested in joining any or all of these groups, please complete this form and we’ll put you on the invite list: https://forms.gle/HrFLMn3pd8A7W5z46 . We only require that you are interested in learning about AEDP… it does not matter how little or much training you have in AEDP.
Hope to have some of you join us this year to learn and be together!
(Schedule and reading list linked here): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ywlr-4WPebbsVE_Z-TOStE7rHkwbtM0j7j7dpEDQp5A/edit?usp=sharing
James McCracken, MSW, LCSW, DCSW
(He/Him/His pronouns)
Certified AEDP Practitioner (https://www.aedpinstitute.org/)
Certified Emotionally Focused Therapy Supervisor and Practitioner – Couples, Families and Individuals (https://www.iceeft.com/)
Certified Discernment Counselor (https://www.discernmentcounseling.com/)
|Posted by Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW | July 12
Healing and Easing Depression with live client video demonstrating AEDP
Please enjoy this on-demand webinar on easing and healing depression with live session video.
Healing and Easing Depression: Using the Change Triangle® Tool and the Transformational Power of Core Emotions:
Participants will:
• Learn the Change Triangle tool, a practical map for understanding how emotions work in the mind and body to help build a deeper connection with our authentic self and to connect more deeply with others.
• Learn an effective holistic science-based tool to decrease anxiety and depression.
• Learn a basic education in emotions and a new way to understand trauma and transformation.
• Learn a new way to conceptualize clients in couples and individual sessions.
Learning Objectives:
• Describe and explain the Change Triangle psychoeducational tool so clients/patients understand why they have symptoms and understand the path to healing and recovery.
• Identify core and inhibitory emotions and the defenses that block them to set the stage for change and transformation and specifically to ameliorate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
• Apply techniques to create relational safety for moment-to-moment work to identify and process suppressed/repressed core emotions/affect.
• Apply techniques to process buried anger and rage.
• Apply techniques to build confidence from the body up.
• 1st hour: Introduction to working with emotions using the Change Triangle, a map to regulate the mind and body and integrate the brain for enhanced emotional health
• 2nd hour: The therapeutic stance and clinical techniques to work with emotions in the mind and body
• 3rd hour: Case discussions and clinical videos treating depression
By the end of this training, attendees will be better able to:
• Describe and explain the Change Triangle psychoeducational tool so clients/patients understand why they have symptoms and understand the path to healing and recovery.
• Identify core and inhibitory emotions and the defenses that block them to set the stage for change and transformation and specifically to ameliorate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
• Apply techniques to create relational safety for moment-to-moment work to identify and process suppressed/repressed core emotions/affect.
• Apply techniques to process buried anger and rage.
• Apply techniques to build confidence from the body up.
This On-Demand Webinar is 3 hours long. Registrants will be given unlimited access to the recording for a full year.
Register here: https://www.hilaryjacobshendel.com/webinar-healing-depression
For therapists, clients or families of clients who want to understand and deepen their experience of their own emotions. Join us on September 4 through October 23rd for this gentle and transformational eight week psycho educational and experiential course on emotions using the triangle as a guide. This class is LIVE and interactive on Zoom. A great experience! Learn more here:
For a weekend version of this same class, visit here:
Questions? Email me at hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com or Heather Sanford, LCSW at Sanford.he@gmail.com. CEs available.
Miscellaneous Posts
Dear All,
A lovely social worker David Avruch is looking for someone to interview for a research study. Can you help? Here’s his email to me:
Currently, I am conducting research through the University of Maryland, whose IRB has just approved my protocol entitled Four Approaches to Ketamine-Assisted Couples Therapy. In this project, I am seeking to juxtapose how four different styles of couples therapy – AEDP, EFT, IFS and Imago – each approach the use of ketamine in the work of couples therapy. As you probably know, there is very little published scholarly data on psychedelic-assisted couples therapy, so I am hoping to make a small contribution to the field by gathering and disseminating some of the wisdom that’s been accumulated by practitioners across these four styles of psychotherapy.
Right now I am in the beginning phase of the research, just starting to recruit respondents. Because I’m not well-connected in the world of AEDP, I wanted to ask if you know anyone who might make a good interviewee for this study. My inclusion criteria are:
– Advanced level of training/certification in AEDP
– Additional training in ketamine-assisted therapy
– Currently using ketamine with couples
– Has offered training to other therapists in the use of ketamine + AEDP for couples
It may be the case that I will need to relax these criteria if I can’t find enough folks who fit. But this is where I’m starting. Do you have any leads, or individuals you could refer me to, who may know others?
I have a professional Zoom account. I may have one or two open slots for a clinicians looking to have a professional account at a must lower fee ( have 10 slots but some open now which I have been paying for) if you need a professional account. Easy set up and would be free till we need to make another year commitment I think in November.
Many thanks,
Patricia Geller
Hi Benevolent and Abundantly Skillful AEDP Community,
As an opening to my first post… yay… I first would like to say how grateful I am to be a part of this rich, dynamic, and vibrant community this past year.
I want to take a moment to spread the word regarding a job opportunity related to experiences close to my heart, a graduate student/therapist-in-training’s first practicum experience. As program chair and core faculty of the somatic psychology department at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, California, we are currently searching for a Clinic Director for our student clinic site, the Center for Somatic Psychotherapy.
Supporting foundational and fundamental somatic and relational skills for our next generation of somatic students as they emerge into the larger field is so important, especially in the context of social justice and liberatory work core to CIIS, all that I believe the AEDP community so clearly embodies a sensitivity towards.
If you feel any interest, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Below is the link to the position:
Sending only good wishes to this wonderful community… 🙏
Check out the Emotions Education 101 Turnkey Curriculum:
Early-bird pricing until August 31st! Join us for the next Train the Trainer Workshop which includes the Emotions Education 101 Turnkey Curriculum with the tuition. CEs available. Visit the workshop webpage here:
Questions? Reach out to Hilary Jacobs Hendel at hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com or Heather Sanford, LCSW at sanford.he@gmail.com.
Downtown Somatic Therapy is a private group psychotherapy practice with locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Rooted in deep awe and appreciation for human resilience in the face of pain and suffering, we offer a range of therapeutic modalities that emphasize embodiment, emotional awareness and attunement. Heavily informed by AEDP, we also offer and encourage learning in modalities such as EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing and Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples, among others.
We welcome and strongly encourage candidates of diverse backgrounds to apply.
We are a supportive and collegial group that enjoys spending time together both professionally and outside of the office. We are currently searching for an LMSW (or equivalent degree) for a full time psychotherapist position (a caseload of ~25 clients) to work with individuals and couples online and in person. An interest in group work is welcome but not required.
Responsibilities include:
Conducting intake sessions
Weekly psychotherapy sessions
Completing notes and assessments
Attending weekly individual & group supervision
A small amount of marketing work to help increase client inquiries.
This position will be supervised by one of our senior clinicians.
The ideal candidate already has a demonstrated interest in trauma-focused and somatically oriented psychotherapy, ideally through their own training, field placement, reading and personal work. Most importantly, they should take an active role in their learning and growth as a therapist and be able to strike a balance between asking for help when needed and demonstrate a willingness to try new or unfamiliar things in order to stretch and grow as a clinician. They also possess the ability to recognize and support their colleagues in their growth and learning.
A basic comfort with technology is essential, since we rely heavily on videotaping for clinical supervision and web-based tools for documentation, billing and scheduling.
This is a fee for service position with compensation rising to 60-70k annually for new clinicians, with annual raises in compensation. We also offer a 401K with employer matching, paid time off and reimbursement toward health insurance.
All interested applicants should kindly send a note with your resume email to avi@aviklein.com with the subject line “Job posting”
Transcriptions North
I am pleased to offer audio/video transcription services to therapists working on certification materials, or preparing for presentations, supervision, or other training. I bring attentive eyes and ears to your work in order to accurately capture the content of your sessions. Completed transcripts include time stamps, verbatim dialogue, and tracking of non-verbals.
Files can be sent via a secure platform that offers USA, and EU / UK GDPR data privacy compliance, and in particular meets Canadian federal and provincial data privacy compliance – PIPEDA, PIPA, FIPPA, ATIPPA, PHIPA. Files may also be mailed as DVDs or USB drives.
Located in British Columbia, Canada, I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Canadian Certified Counsellor with AEDP training. For information on fees, file formats, and procedures, please email me at eleanor@creativecurrents.ca. References available on request.
ANNO: True Other Transcription Services
Dear All,
It is my pleasure to offer you a unique and specialized audio/video transcription service – True Other Transcription – used by many therapists
in preparing micro-analysis for certification/training/skill enhancement and manuscript purposes. Your work comes alive as I efficiently and accurately witness, capture and track moment-to-moment verbal AND non-verbal transformational processes within sessions enabling left-brain access of material you (and your clients) might otherwise miss.
Videos of your work with individuals, couples or group trainings can be conveniently and confidentially uploaded into a secure, HIPAA compliant Inbox or mailed to me as a DVD or thumb drive. Soon after, you receive the completed transcript (including time codes and true verbatim) as an email attachment – either in grid format (with space to add your process and intervention notes) or script format (preferred for manuscript work).
Since 2012, I have transcribed over 1,000 hours of AEDP clinical videos and welcome the opportunity to save you precious time and increase value by bringing your work to life. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California and North Carolina and AEDP Institute member with AEDP training. Please contact me (Karen Batka) by phone (415.488.5565 EST) or email (Karen@karenbatka.com) for additional information regarding fees, supported file formats or references.
Karen Batka, MBA, MA, LMFT
415.488.5565 EST
True Other Transcription
undoing aloneness through accompaniment…word-for-word
“AEDP 2.0” is a Bestseller!
Did you know that the book, “Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering Into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0″ made the APA (American Psychology Association) bestsellers list for 2023?
Congratulations to Diana – who wrote several chapters in the book and is the book’s editor, and congratulations to all 13 AEDP Institute Sr. Faculty and Faculty Emerita who collaborated to make this the incredible book it is. Here’s the list of authors, chapter by chapter:
Diana Fosha, Karen Kranz, Gil Tunnell & Jenna Osiason, Yuko Hanakawa, Benjamin Lipton, Karen Pando-Mars, Ron Frederick, Ben Medley, Eileen Russell, SueAnne Piliero, Jerry Lamagna, Kari Gleiser, and Danny Yeung
Poetry, Art, Music, Culture, History and Story Telling by AEDP Members
The Gift of Synchronicity By Marc Cecil
Who am I to sit with someone who is hurting after a lifetime of trauma and help them find a way to heal? Will I be able to join them in putting together the pieces of a puzzle where I might represent a piece that has been missing, or that makes it hard for the puzzle to come together?
So many difficult questions. But somehow, I find the courage to keep moving forward. Many clients tell me that they feel seen in a way they have not felt before, while others have a harder time. Either way, I am grateful that they are giving me the gift of knowing them, but I am even more delighted when they give this gift to themselves.
For example, with my client, Rosie, we discuss how she is treating her adult daughter like a child. I gently ask her, “What is the hardest part about letting your daughter grow up?” She looks perplexed, perhaps a little angry, even sad. And, after holding her gaze for what seems like a lifetime, she wipes her tears, and says, “I guess that means I’m an adult now and need to have my own life.” I respond, “I’m so glad you can see that. That’s a hard one for many of us to learn.”
It’s great when the water is flowing steadily in the right direction, but sometimes it feels like nothing is happening, or the water is so rough that we are even moving backwards. I try to remember that that’s just the way life is, and that healing works in a similar manner. And then, one day, a new door begins to open, often unexpectedly, making it possible to see the light inside more clearly.
Contemplating the meaning of this work, I take a long run along the lake near my home in Vermont on a chilly Sunday afternoon in late November. Out of nowhere, I see a man standing alone dressed up as Santa Claus, playing a beautiful classical melody on his violin in a way I have never heard before, but seems very natural for him.
Staying on course to get my best time, I don’t slow down to enjoy the music, only realizing now that like this special Santa, I also need to be myself as a therapist, not trying so hard to do what is always expected, but rather, making space for the unexpected in my work and life.
Now, if feeling discouraged and stuck when working with Rosie or other clients, we slow down and just turn the picture a little, looking at it from a different angle. After a pause, sometimes, sprinkling in a few heartfelt words, while encouraging them to find their own, they begin to notice the light inside, revealing their specialness in a way we have only seen glimpses of before.
This work shows me that being a psychotherapist is not just about learning a specific set of skills and techniques. Instead, I like to think about what we do as an art, where we are on this journey together and are creating a picture of our humanness as both a client and therapist. I often tell my clients, “They are rewriting a story which helped them survive but is keeping them stuck in the past, making it difficult to see who they are now and the person they are becoming.”
At the same time, I am keenly aware of how a parallel process is happening inside of me. In a dream, a wise person tells me, “Many have not always appreciated themselves or been valued for the blessing of being able to see things beyond their years.” I reply, “Boy, that hits the nail on the head. But it has taken me a while to grow up, and, I don’t have that many more years left.” I feel their kind voice saying, “Don’t worry, we are not a unitary self. It’s what’s happening in synchronicity that tells us whether we are heading in the right direction.”
In the spirit of the holiday season, and the special therapy approaches woven into our hearts, I encourage you to slow down and make some space for your own questions and reflections. When we take the time to experience what that’s like, we can imagine the whole world lighting up and changing for many of us at the same time.
I still don’t know the answers to my original questions, and many more are arising, but I rest easier knowing that I can trust myself and the process of healing, and it will take me wherever I need to go.
I look forward to crossing paths with you along the way, even if we never actually meet. But if we do, I have no doubt it will be special, and new doors will open in our lives, as well as with so many others we touch with our hearts.
I call this the gift of synchronicity, which I believe can, and is, becoming a reality. You may not see it coming, but, when it arrives, soak in the love and joy, knowing that it is just a part of your client or you that has come back home.
Much joy and hope this holiday season, and into the new year and beyond.
Marc A. Cecil, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and Certified AEDP Supervisor and Therapist, in addition to being a certified EMDR consultant and CSRT supervisor in training. Marc lives nearby the sacred shores of Lake Bomoseen, and his office is in Rutland, Vermont. He invites you to join him in noticing your own moments of synchronicity, as you become the therapist and person you were always meant to be. Marc welcomes your comments and feedback at mcecilvt@aol.com.
©️Copyright 2023 Marc A. Cecil, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
The Rainbow Connection By Marc Cecil
I tear up when I think about my patient, Joy. She came to see me after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep herself above water, let alone finding the drive to keep moving forward.
I quickly discovered that Joy was a bright light to many in her life, a devoted mother, wife, and friend, who wanted nothing more than to live long enough to be with her children one more day. That was the glimmer of her core self that helped her remember why she was alive and why we were doing this work together.
I grabbed onto this light and never let it go, letting her know that I saw who she was at her core, and that it was far more powerful than the illness that was trying to hijack her. Although she tried every possible treatment, Joy decided that she wasn’t going to “fight cancer,” as she knew that this would put her at war with her body rather than working with it. She would often share her frustrations about the corporate fund raisers only wanting to focus on the more curable cancers, as they believed no one wanted to give money to a lost cause.
Nevertheless, I could see in her eyes and hear in her voice that the transformation was happening. We would then metaprocess what it was like to know that she didn’t need to fit into that mold and had her own voice that was much stronger. Joy realized that she was all about “living with cancer,” and, I mean living!
Continuing the spiral of transformation, Joy knew her truth even more and celebrated that she was no longer alone in the world, like she felt as a child, and so many other times over the years. In the process, she discovered that she could take back her power to be herself and speak out for others, even though she never knew when the medicine would stop working.
Joy was expected to only live for 2 years but she made it five. None of her doctors could explain it, but we both knew that having cancer was not a death sentence. In fact, it actually helped her find a reason for living and to face some of the immense loss and trauma she tried to bury inside.
With all of our courage, each enhancing the other’s, we focused our work on some of the many things that contributed to her cancer, not just the medical, but the psychological, which consumed her body and sense of self. And, in time, Joy began to give herself permission to feel, truly knowing her humanness and value. She found her beautiful core self, and with it, more of a reason to live.
The last time we met, only a few days before she passed, I sensed that we both knew that we were saying goodbye and would not see each other again. Usually not at a loss for words, I didn’t quite know how to express what she meant to me. But, knowing what it would mean to her to disclose my feelings, I played her a song I thought would touch her heart with what was also in mine.
It’s been 5 years now since Joy left us, and I just heard that song again when scrolling through social media. The lovely young woman in front of me was wearing a cap covering her head, and the glow on her face reminded me of Joy, who loved to sing and had a beautiful voice.
In that moment, I remembered that before Joy passed away, she told me that she would find a way to let me know that she was okay. I’m sure you’ll recognize this tune first made popular by a famous frog, starting with the double-barreled question, “Why are there so many songs about rainbows – what’s on the other side?”
When I listen to this song now, I feel Joy’s beautiful spirit telling us all to believe in ourselves and to have hope during the darkest times. These words have given me much solace during recent days, and, in thinking about other times during my life, the darkness encompassing so many people around the world, including many in this community.
If you knew Joy, you would also know that she embodied the spirit of AEDP, and that her great soul lives on in my heart, as well as in many others. I’m sure she would appreciate you sharing this message, like I am doing now. It is my way of telling her and others how grateful I am that she was in my life and how much her truth means to all of us.
Most of all, I encourage you to welcome the joy, sitting hand-in-hand with the loss and grief, not covering it up, but making space for it, enabling the meaning that got implanted to help you survive, to realign. Be patient and drink in the light, letting it join with the glorious core self of who you have always been and deserve to be.
In the end, we may not know the answers to all of life’s mysteries, but, perhaps, we don’t need to, as long as we have touched the core of ourselves and others in our heart. That’s the power of transformation and healing we all have inside of us.
I would love to hear about what that’s like for you. Then, we could bask in the joy on the other side of the rainbow. That’s “the rainbow connection – the lovers, the dreamers, and me.”
Marc A. Cecil, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and Certified AEDP Supervisor and Therapist, in addition to being a certified EMDR consultant and CSRT supervisor in training. Marc lives nearby the sacred shores of Lake Bomoseen, and his office is in Rutland, Vermont. You can email Marc at mcecilvt@aol.com to let him know how his words settle inside, and where they take you. He would love it if you join him in sharing your own heartfelt creativity that arises inside of you and your patients, spreading the “spirit of AEDP” throughout this community and into the world around us.
©️Copyright 2023 Marc A. Cecil, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
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Bulletin Board listings and associated offerings are the sole responsibility of the member who posted them. Events / messages are not sponsored by the AEDP Institute unless explicitly specified as such.
Books, Articles & Publications Recommended by AEDP Institute and AEDP Therapists