Below are recommended readings for each topic. Diana Fosha’s 2000 book and the
AEDP 2.0 2021 are both excellent texts for AEDP. Here are suggested specific articles
and book chapters, many of which are available on the website. Some
are in the archives of the Transformance Journal. These readings are offered to help you
prepare for the course and are valuable resources between modules.
Fosha, D. (2000). The transforming power of affect: A model of accelerated change. New York:
Basic Books
D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing aloneness and the transformation of suffering into
flourishing: AEDP 2.0., APA Press.
Module 1: Healing from the Get-Go, Undoing Aloneness & the Clinical Roadmap for AEDP’s Transformation Journey
Fosha, D. (2008). Transformance, recognition of self by self, and effective action. In K. J.
Schneider, (Ed.) Existential-integrative psychotherapy: Guideposts to the core of practice,
pp. 290-320. New York: Routledge. [for transformance]
Fosha, D. (2017a). How to be a transformational therapist: AEDP harnesses innate healing affects
to re-wire experience and accelerate transformation. In J. Loizzo, M. Neale & E. Wolf,
(Eds). Advances in contemplative psychotherapy: Accelerating transformation. Chapter 14
(pp. 204-219). New York: Norton. [for the 4 states]
Hanakawa, Yuko (2021). What Just Happened? and What Is Happening Now?
The Art and Science of Moment-to-Moment Tracking in AEDP In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing
Aloneness & The Transformation of Suffering into Flourishing. APA [for moment-to-
moment tracking]
Kranz, Karen (2021). The First Session in AEDP: Harnessing Transformance and Co-Creating a
Secure Attachment. In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing Aloneness & The Transformation of
Suffering into Flourishing. APA [for healing from the get-go, undoing aloneness;
moving through the 4 states]
Prenn, N. (2010). How to set transformance into action: The AEDP protocol. Transformance: The
AEDP Journal, 1 (1). [for transformance, experiential
Module 2 :”Attachment & Relational Work: Undoing Aloneness in Clinical Action”
Fosha, D. (2001). The dyadic regulation of affect. Journal of Clinical Psychology/In Session, 57
(2), 227-242.
Fosha, D. (2003). Dyadic regulation and experiential work with emotion and relatedness in trauma
and disordered attachment. In M. F. Solomon & D. J. Siegel (Eds.). Healing trauma:
Attachment, trauma, the brain and the mind, pp. 221-281. New York: Norton.
Fosha, D. (2017b). Something more than “something more than interpretation:” AEDP works the
experiential edge of transformational experience to transform the internal working model.
In S. Lord (Ed). Moments of meeting in psychoanalysis: Interaction and change in the
therapeutic encounter. (Chapter 15 pp. 267-292). New York: Routledge.
Frederick, R. (2021). Neuroplasticity in Action: Rewiring Internal Working Models of
Attachment. In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing Aloneness & The Transformation of Suffering into
Flourishing. APA
Lipton, B. & Fosha, D. (2011). Attachment as a transformative process in AEDP: Operationalizing
the intersection of attachment theory and affective neuroscience. Journal of Psychotherapy
Integration, 21 (3), 253-279.
Pando-Mars, K. (2016) Tailoring AEDP interventions to attachment style. Transformance: The
AEDP Journal, 4 (2), 1-91.
Prenn, N. (2011). Mind the Gap: AEDP Interventions Translating Attachment Theory into Clinical
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 21 (3), 308–329.
Snyder, M. (2013). Leaning into love: The radical shift. Transformance: The AEDP Journal,
volume 3.
Module 3: “State 1: The Top of the Triangle of Experience Working with Defense and Anxiety”
Fosha, D. (2000). The transforming power of affect: A model of accelerated change. New York:
Basic Books: chapter 4: “The development of psychopathology,” chapter 6: “Structuring
tools: three representational schemas,” chapter 11: “Restructuring strategies.”
Frederick, R. (2009). Living like you mean it: Use the wisdom and power of your emotions to get
the life you really want. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: chapter 4: “Becoming aware of
your defenses,” chapter 5: “Taming your fear.”
Pando-Mars (2021). Using AEDP’s Representational Schemas to Orient
Therapist’s Attunement and Engagement. In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing Aloneness & The
Transformation of Suffering into Flourishing. APA Press
Module 4: “State 2 Work: the Processing of Core Affective Experience
Fosha, D. (2000). The transforming power of affect: A model for accelerated change. New York:
Basic Books. Chapter 1: Affect and Transformation, Chapter 7: Varieties of Core
Affective Experience & Chapter 12: Experiential-Affective Strategies (pp. 271-296). Basic
Fosha, D. (2004). “Nothing that feels bad is ever the last step:” The role of positive emotions in
experiential work with difficult emotional experiences. Special issue on Emotion, L.
Greenberg (Ed.). Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 30-43.
Medley, B. (2021). Chapter 7: Portrayals in work with emotion in AEDP: Processing core
affective experience and bringing it to completion. In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing aloneness
and the transformation of suffering into flourishing. AEDP 2.0. Washington DC.: APA.
Module 5: “The Processing of Transformational Experience & The Integration of Transformation into Self State 3 & State 4 Work”
Fosha, D. (2000). Meta-therapeutic processes and the affects of transformation: Affirmation and
the healing affects. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 10, 71-97.
Fosha, D. (2021). “We are organized to be better than fine:” Building the transformational theory
of AEDP. In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing aloneness and the transformation of suffering into
flourishing: AEDP 2.0. (Chapter 14, pp. 377-400). APA Press.
Fosha, D. & Thoma, N. (2020). Metatherapeutic processing supports the emergence of flourishing in
psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, special issue on flourishing.
Fosha, D., Thoma, N. & Yeung, D. (2019) Transforming emotional suffering into
flourishing: Metatherapeutic processing of positive affect as a trans-theoretical vehicle for
change. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 32 (3-4), 563-572.
Hanakawa, Y. (2011). Receiving loving gratitude: How a therapist’s mindful embrace
of a patient’s gratitude facilitates transformance. Transformance: The AEDP Journal, 2
Russell, E. & Fosha, D. (2008). Transformational affects and core state in AEDP: The emergence
and consolidation of joy, hope, gratitude and confidence in the (solid goodness of the) self.
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 18 (2), 167-190.
Yeung, D. (2021). What went right? What happens in the brain during metatherapeutic processing.
In D. Fosha (Ed.) Undoing aloneness and the transformation of suffering into flourishing:
AEDP 2.0. (Chapter 13, pp. 349-376) APA Press.