Agenda: I-and-Thou / Dao in the Here-and-Now: Heartfelt Listening, Dialogical Pre / Absencing and the Spirit of AEDP™

Date and Time: Eastern Standard Time USA + Canada

March 15

12:00 – 12:1010”Grounding ExercisePractice first 4 steps of Heartfelt Listening, plays Inner Universe and group reflection 
12:10 – 12:2010”Group IntroductionIntroduce Play of Questioning and ask: “What do you want to take away the most after this webinar?”
12:20 – 12:4525”Didactic LectureHighlight the Primacy of AEDP Spirit
12:45 – 12:50 5”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
12:50- 13:1525”Didactic LectureAEDP Spirit: Why Matter Introduction to HeartFelt Listening 
13:15 – 13:205”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
13:20 – 13:5535”Didactic LectureHeartfelt Listening 7 Steps Practice
13:55 – 14:005”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
14:00 – 14:1515”Break
14:15 – 15:0045”Video AnalysisVideo: The Man Who Has Beauty Within (Part 1)
15:00 – 15:1515”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
15:15 – 16:0045”Video AnalysisVideo: The Man Who Has Beauty Within (Part 2)
16:00 – 16:1515”MetaprocessWhat’s new? What’s different?

March 16

12:00 – 12:1010”Grounding ExercisePlays Milky Way Time Lapse and group reflection
12:10 – 12:2010”Group MetaprocessAsk: “What was your experience yesterday?”
12:20 – 12:4525”Experiential PracticeBreakout into small groups
12:45 – 12:505”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
12:50- 13:1525”Didactic LectureExplicate Dialogical Pre / Absencing
13:15 – 13:205”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
13:20 – 13:5525”Didactic LectureExplicate I-and-Thou / Dao in the Here-and-Now One Final Thing
14:00 – 14:1515”Break
14:15 – 15:0045”Video AnalysisVideo: The Kind Queen Who Feels At Ease (Part 1)
15:00 – 15:1515”Interactive CommentsDialogical Pedagogy
15:15 – 16:0045”Video AnalysisVideo:The Kind Queen Who Feels At Ease (Part 2)
16:00 – 16:1515” MetaprocessWhat’s new? What’s different?