Course Schedule
Friday, December 8, 2023, 12pm -5pm EST
12:00 – 12:30 I. Welcome. Course Overview and Orientation.
12:30 – 2:15 II. Using the Triangle of Experience – AEDP’s central representational schema and its categories
- Defense
- Anxiety
- Core affective experience
- Self-at-Best version of the triangle
- Self-at-Worst versions of the triangle
i. Avoidant Triangle of Experience
ii. Ambivalent/Resistant Triangle of Experience
iii. Disorganized Triangle of Experience
2:15 – 2:45 III. Break
2:45 – 4:15 IV. Working with Ambivalent/Resistant Pattern of attachment
- Defining hyperactivating strategy
- Defining anxiety
- Identifying emotionality
- Processing anger
- New experience that emerges after expression of anger
4:15 – 5:00 V. Small group experiential practice
- Experiential Interventions
- Moment-to-moment tracking using Triangle of Experience
Saturday, December 9, 2023, 12pm – 5pm EST
12:00 – 12:30 I. Review Prior Day Learning
12:30 – 1:00 II. Using AEDP’s Self-Other Emotion Triangle
- Defining internal working model
- Self-at-Best version of the Self-Other-Emotion triangle
- Self-at-Worst versions of the Self-at-Worst Self-Other-Emotion triangle
i. Avoidant Self-Other-Emotion triangle
ii. Ambivalent Self-Other-Emotion triangle
iii. Disorganized Self-Other-Emotion triangle
1:00 – 1:30 III. Working with Avoidant relational defenses
- Defining deactivating strategy
- Defining avoidant relational defenses
- Identifying markers of avoidant relational defenses
- Interventions to treat avoidant relational defenses
1:30 – 2:00 IV. Working with Ambivalent/Resistant relational defenses
- Defining ambivalent/resistant relational defenses
- Identifying markers of ambivalent/resistant relational defenses
- Interventions to treat ambivalent relational defenses
2:00 – 2:30 V. BREAK
2:30 – 2:35 VI. Directions for Experiential Exercises
2:35 – 5:00 VII. Therapist/Client Role Play to practice the following skills
- Interventions to reduce relational defenses
- Interventions to treat avoidant relational defenses
- Interventions to treat ambivalent/resistant relational defenses
Sunday, December 10, 2023, 12pm – 5pm EST
12:00 – 12:30 I. Review Prior Day Learning
12:30 – 12:50 II. AEDP’s Triangle of Relational Comparisons
- Defining its categories:
i. Therapeutic relationship
ii. Current Relationship
iii. Past Relationship
- Defining Repetition
- Defining Corrective Experiences
- Defining Neuroplasticity
12:50 – 1:50 III. Working with Unresolved Trauma
- Identifying origin of disorganization (trigger)
- Interventions to reduce anxiety
- Interventions to process unresolved emotion
- Interventions to build reflective capacity
- Interventions to harness neuroplasticity
1:50 – 2:20 IV. BREAK
2:20 – 2:25 VI. Directions for Experiential Exercises
2:25 – 4:40 VII. Therapist/Client Role Play to practice the following skills
- Interventions to practice reducing anxiety
- Interventions to process unresolved emotion
- Interventions to build understanding/reflective capacity
- Interventions to harness neuroplasticity
4:40 – 5:00 Large group CLOSURE