Draft: Lead Assistant Application for your review. Your input is greatly appreciated and valued.

  • Please tell us your preferred pronouns.
  • Please tell us the country where you work and are licensed.
  • The role of LA is for mental health care professionals in the field of psychotherapy or similar professions. Tell us what type of license you have - choose from below, or complete the "other" option
  • If you do not have all of the following requirements covered, ask for an exception by emailing events@aedpinstitute.org with a request and explanation. Thank you!
  • Please comment on your strengths as far as the following attributes; and also comment on where you would benefit from mentoring and growth: Natural leader, well organized, good communicator (oral and written), calm under pressure and unexpected circumstances, skilled at handling ruptures and repairs, strong AEDP skills, good problem solver, well-boundaried, generally well-respected in AEDP community among faculty, supervisors, therapists and admin team, and a highly regarded (per course evaluations) experiential assistant. Feel free to share examples of how these attributes have served you when assisting in a course.
  • Certain courses will include some participants who prefer to do experiential work in other languages other than English. Please tell us about your proficiency in English and in other languages.
  • This information will be used ONLY to enhance diversity among Lead Assistants in our courses.