AEDP™ Supervisor Experiential Assistant Recommendation Form

If you have a supervisee, of any level, who is not an EA and feel they are ready to assist, please fill out this Experiential Assistant recommendation form.

AEDP™ Supervisor Experiential Assistant Recommendation Form

Supervisor Name(Required)
Supervisee Name(Required)
How many hours of supervision has this person completed with you?(Required)
Were these hours individual or group supervision?(Required)
Did the Supervisee show their clinical tape during some or all of these hours?(Required)
Are you planning (at this time) to continue in supervision together?(Required)
Is the Supervisee regularly engaged in clinical work where they have the opportunity to use AEDP (required for EA applicants)?(Required)
Do you recommend this person to be an Experiential Assistant in AEDP Immersion and/or Essential Skills and/or Advanced Skills? Please check which applies.(Required)