Essential Skills Course 2012-2013 Vancouver: Weekend 1 of 5
This is a Past Event
This is Weekend One of Five three-day weekends
Vancouver, BC
LEARN AEDP In-Depth, Systematically & Experientially
We will be offering our AEDP Essential Skills, Level 1 course in Vancouver starting October 2012. The course will be held over 5 three-day weekends (Fridays from 1pm – 7pm, Saturdays from 9am – 5pm; Sundays from 9am – 2pm).
The basic skill sets necessary to practice AEDP will be introduced each weekend, with theoretical foundations and with videotapes, followed by live demonstrations and group experiential exercises in the afternoons.
The Vancouver course will be helmed by KAREN PANDO-MARS, MFT, who will co-teach it with AEDP Institute Faculty members (TBA). Experienced, local AEDP practitioners will assist with the experiential practices.
AEDP Institute and Continuing Education Co-sponsor Lifespan Learning Institute
AEDP Essential Skills, aimed at practitioners, will be practical. Our aim is to teach, in both left-brained and right-brained ways, skill sets, concrete and specific. Different skill sets will be introduced, explained, illustrated and practiced each weekend, so that participants will emerge with both an understanding and a felt sense of how to practice AEDP.
Theory, Videotapes, Experiential Learning:
Participants will learn the AEDP clinical roadmap, decision tree, protocol, and the right-brain language of experiential treatment. The training will include didactic material, clinical videotapes of actual sessions from AEDP faculty members and Dr. Diana Fosha, daily experiential exercises, and small and large group processing.
AEDP Institute and Continuing Education Co-sponsor Lifespan Learning Institute
Essential skills will be experientially explored and didactically demonstrated so that participants will develop both a (right brain mediated) felt sense as well as a (left brain mediated) understanding of them:
— the entrainment of transformance and healing forces within the self
— how to translate social engagement neuroscience to clinical work
— how to engender secure attachment from the get-go, and thereafter
— how to work with patients who do not take to AEDP
— promoting right brain experience: gaze, contact, tone, lexicon
— how to work with resistance to right-brain experience
— self-at-best/self-at-worst
— moment-to-moment tracking
— the four state and three-state transformations of the transformational process
— working with defenses: bypassing defenses, defense restructuring
— undoing unbearable aloneness
— pressuring with empathy
— dyadic affect regulation: attunement, disruption, repair
— phenomenology of affective experiences, transformational markers
— metaprocessing: how AEDP interventions register inside the patient
— metatherapeutic processing of transformational experience
— the healing-oriented phenomenology of AEDP: categorical emotions, healing affects, receptive affective experiences
— the integration of right-brain and left-brain experience to unleash cascading transformations, and solidify therapeutic gains
The Vancouver course will be helmed by KAREN PANDO-MARS, MFT, who will co-teach it with AEDP Institute Faculty members (TBA). Experienced, local AEDP practitioners will assist with the experiential practices.
Topics/Skill Sets:
Each module will be co-taught by (i) Karen Pando-Mars together with (ii) the AEDP Faculty member listed below (TBA) for each module.
Module 1: How to Entrain Healing and Transformance from the Get-Go: “What to Say and How to Say it”
Module 2: How to Work with Defenses, Anxiety and Shame, i.e., Top-of-the-Triangle-of-Experience Work in AEDP
Module 3: How to Explicitly and Experientially Work with Attachment in AEDP
Module 4: How to Work with Emotion in AEDP: Emotion, Channels of Experience and Processing to Completion
Module 5: How to Metaprocess Transformational Experience and Engender Resilience
Dates and Times:
Module 1: October 5-7, 2012
Module 2: December 7-9, 2012
Module 3: January 26-28, 2013
Module 4: March 8-10, 2013
Module 5: May 18-20, 2013 The course will be held over five, three-day weekends meeting on Fridays, 1 pm-7pm, Saturdays from 9am -5pm; Sundays from 9am-2pm)
Event Details:
10/05/2012 - 10/07/2012All Day
Vancouver School of Theology6000 Iona Drive
Vancouver, British Columbia
6000 Iona Drive
Vancouver, British Columbia
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