Toronto Workshop • Danny Yeung, M.D & Matt Fried, Ph.D.

You With Me: Attachment, Undoing Aloneness & Transformation of Trauma

An AEDP Workshop at 3080 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario with Danny Yeung, M.D., Senior Faculty, AEDP Institute and Matt Fried, Ph.D.

This workshop will demonstrate AEDP approaches and practices in working with survivors of sexual trauma. Using interactive and didactic modalities, experiential exercises and a video case presentation, the workshop will teach you how AEDP treatment is conducted procedurally to undo aloneness and transform psychological trauma.

A primary goal in healing using AEDP is to catalyze three state transformations across four distinctive neuropsychological states. Affectively engaged, present and attuned, the therapist establishes a secure base for the patient, who is initially in an emotionally defended state.

The patient can then re-experience previously unbearable shame in the here-and-now. Resistance and unconscious defenses are quickly bypassed through moment-to-moment affective attunement, followed by the first neuropsychological state transformation heralding waves of viscerally felt emotional experience, expression, communication with dyadic coordination. Regulated by the emotional presence of a caring and empathic therapist, the patient emerges from the intense experience of core affective state with a sense of relief, lightness and hope. The third state, focusing on the experience of transformation includes in this case, emotional pain of mourning-the-self.

Core state, the grand finale of an AEDP session, follows on the heels of the third state transformation. Phenomenologically akin to an aesthetic experience, core state is marked by emotional serenity, wisdom, the sense of things being ‘right’ and the truth sense. Enriched with mental clarity and coherence, core state experiencing is in turn another golden opportunity for the patient to create a new, adaptive and transcending autobiographical narrative.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • A review of efficacy and effectiveness studies for psychodynamic psychotherapy.
  • A genealogy of experiential dynamic therapies dating back to Freud.
  • The procedural formula for AEDP treatment.
  • Schema of self-at-best, self-at-worst and the triangle of experience through the lens of attachment.
  • The phenomenology four states and three state transformations of AEDP treatment.
  • Moment-to-moment processing of trauma as illustrated by an actual clinical treatment with a survivor of childhood chronic sexual trauma.


To register, email indicating your intention to attend and send a check for $300 CAD to:

Dr. Danny Yeung
2830 Keele Street, Suite 402
Downsview, Ontario M3M-3E5

For more information, contact:

Matt Fried, Ph.D.

Event Details:


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


First Capital Building
3080 Yonge St
Toronto, Ontario
M4N 3N1

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